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As we recently announced, we're making a movie and a true crime podcast, and we're making them in full view of you, our Patrons. Today, we worked on the Furry Movie! In this episode, Michael and Abe continue their “Sarah pass.” This is mostly rewriting her role in the prank/crime scene. As always, M&A only allow a brief moment to catch up and discuss their lives, for they are screenplay robots MUST WRITE BLEEP

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Cody Franks

I used to work in the pool business, and as mentioned above by another commenter, Chlorine is very caustic and explosive. And the resulting chlorine gas caused by its combustion is not only deadly but banned by the Geneva convention for purposes of warfare. So, not just a hate crime, but also a war crime! BUT if you wanted to use the spa as the contrivance for Trey bringing up the chlorine, chlorine is rarely used in spas. Because chlorine is temperature sensitive, most spas and hot tubs actually use Bromine. So likely Papa Bear's Bear Tub would also most likely be using bromine and not chlorine.


Bromine is one hell of a corrosive! A drip of that shit eats thru clothes in minutes. Stocking bulk chemicals, a box spilled on me. I had to run and rinse out my clothes to avoid working naked and burnt. It could be used to ruin fur suits pretty thoroughly.


I had this thought from a few episodes ago, but my understanding of the series of events at the climax is chlorine terrorism, hotel evacuation, then father and son connect in hotel room. I didn’t understand why Hank was unevacuated. I thought maybe in that moment after evacuation when Trey asks where his dad is, Arturo could answer that he got a room in a different hotel nearby. It might even be a comedic beat after Trey has been searching for Hank through the whole con sequence and then Arturo says “he’s across the street, actually.”