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Abe and Michael examine the 95 minutes of the 2017 action/adventure film The Dark Tower. Based on an eight book saga, this sequel was critically panned and financially a sleeper. Why wasn’t it memorable for some? Does it hold up on a second viewing? Your dads, Abe and Michael, would never fight, but they definitely have a difference in opinion.

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Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

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Christopher Metzger

To add to the woes of Dark Tower fans, Amazon also killed the television adaptation they were planning, and *apparently* the pilot was actually really good and atmospheric. Another King podcast I listen to called The Loser's Club got their hands on it and did a reaction episode fairly recently... Not sure if the flat response to this movie was part of Amazon's decisions or not, but it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility for there to a be a good adaptation of the Dark Tower available one parallel universe over.

Rebel Girl

Night Fliers is obscure but another Vampire one that I hear good things about.