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Strap on your best kicks! Sarah Griffith and Bridgett Greenberg join forces once again for their THIRD Small Beans show, Shooting Threes! The idea behind this podcast is to cover trilogies, one installment at a time. Listen in to these auditory dunks, swishes, and dimes? It’s a basketball theme. We made logos and everything.

They of course decided to call their first shot with the steamy, unrated cut of 50 Shades of Grey. The hosts discuss the nuance of their discomfort and we learn fairly early on that Bridgett has taken Sarah’s last name. Congrats!


Sarah Griffith: https://twitter.com/sk_griffith

Bridgett Greenberg: https://twitter.com/BridgettTweets



Rebel Girl

Is a satellite campus of WSU considered a good school now?

Rebel Girl

I’ve been in the Seattle BDSM community for almost 20 years if you want some context to how off the entire movie is. In short, a real version of Christian would be banned from every club and event in the city. He locks her into a contract right away. That’s not how you negotiate. That’s actually a serious step in a kink relationship. Too soon. Like a guy asking mid first date if you’re his girlfriend now soon. He goes about introducing her to kink in the wrong way. He does no warm up before heavy play. A Dom, especially a cis male one, touching a woman without permission would get kicked out of events and banned. That’s no the rope you should use and anyone who uses zip ties for bondage is going to cause permanent nerve damage. NDA or no everyone in the Seattle kink community would know he’s an abuser. Tracking down a potential sub at work would also get you a super creepy rep. He actually hits her as hard as he can when she’s clearly in a terrible head space and does it in the least sexy way possible. I wouldn’t say he plays with her or they have a scene because by any decent standard they didn’t. He 1000% preys on women without experience in the kink world because no one with any experience would put up with his serial killer stuff. He wants an ignorant virgin who can be manipulated and molded. Do guys like this exist? Yes. Should they be presented as anything but an unstable abusive villain? No.