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Maggie and Adam dig deep and muster a couple of films that they love to hate and explain why they deserve such vitriol. Do you agree or do you love the films they love to hate? Or rather, do you hate that they love to hate them? Wait, do you hate-love, no. That’s not it. Jeepers, you got it the first time. Listen in and find out what the films are! Adam’s is Signs! Dag, I screwed up again.

Calling all Show Me Yours ($10) Producers: Send in your suggestion for next month's episode! Email: magsandganz@gmail.com.

Topic brought to you by the Show Me Yours Producers patreon tier. If you want to vote for ISYMIYSMY topics, move on over to our tiers section and check out the Show Me Yours Producer tier.

Adam Ganser: https://twitter.com/therealganz

Maggie Mae Fish: https://twitter.com/MaggieMaeFish




My cat will shove her face into my armpit, but I haven't seen her doing it to my unattended shirts.

Kristopher Olson

Is "that guy must wear a cape" one of Adam's go to compliments?