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Michael was rummaging around an old chifforobe and chanced upon the final export of the final episode of Final Bosses, the final thing he and Adam collaborated on at Cracked before both of them separated from the company! That pod eventually went on to relaunch as the 1Upsmanshow you know and love, but we figured we may as well let our Patrons listen in to the O.G. unaired pilot if you wanna. It's about Breath of the Wild.

Yes, Cracked could technically sue us for posting this, but we find it unlikely that will transpire. Enjoy it while it lasts, you frabjous coterie of ingenues!




Thank you for sharing this with us


Uh the episode description states it’s the final export of “Final Boses”. However during the episode, Michael states it’s the inaugural episode. Are Ha-are we supposed to be believe this is some sort of magical episode? Boy, sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.