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So, there's a litmus test and we've probably all manufactured it as a test or have been unwittingly tested by someone at some point. There's a handful of films specific to you that you put on that really throws the romantic gauntlet down. Adam and Maggie wax poetic about their "Is This A Date?" movies. How'd they do? Will you date us? Please? I'm just going to spoil right now that Maggie's pick is "Let The Right One In" so chew on that, you teenage vampires. 

In one of your earth weeks (July 8th), we'll be posting a poll that will be exclusive to the "Show Me Yours" Producer tier and you'll be able to vote on the following episode's topics. Also if you jump over to the tier section and tier it up, email us at allthesmallbeans@gmail.com your suggestions for the following month's topic. We'll pool all of them together and as a group, you'll get to choose the show's topics!

Adam Ganser: https://twitter.com/therealganz

Maggie Mae Fish: https://twitter.com/MaggieMaeFish



red sands

1:19:00 must have been horrifying in the moment


Just wanted to say that this was one of the most delightful podcasts I have listened to in a whole. Really enjoyed it!