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The Show You's start off with a pretty thorough discussion of coffee but things take a turn when Maggie chooses House of Wax. I mean, that is utterly ridiculous and Maggie's the only person we know who could pull this answer off. Listen to the whole episode to hear Adam's choice along with some news about the future of this show and how you, the beans, can get involved!

For the next week, you, our precious bean bags, can vote on the next episode's prompt! Look at this feed to get a link to the poll!

Adam Ganser: https://twitter.com/therealganz

Maggie Mae Fish: https://twitter.com/MaggieMaeFish

Support Small Beans and access Additional Content: https://www.patreon.com/SmallBeans




Maggie!! It WAS Cousin Skeeter!! I used to love that show back in the day!

Colin Harrington

Who did the intro for you? Sounds great.