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We don't even summarize the film this time. It's just three dudes talking about what it means to be human for about an hour.  Tom Reimann from Gamefully Unemployed stops by to drop some knowledge. What does it mean to be sentient? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be a bean? This episode is all thanks to our Pick the Flick patron Zac Schwartz! Thank you Zac! We'd lock you in an impenetrable bunker any day! We love you!  


Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Tom Reimann: https://twitter.com/startthemachine



Andrew Duck

https://youtu.be/URo66iLNEZw I wanted to add this to the Annihilation podcast episode, but it didn’t work then and now seems like as good a time as any to add this. Hope people get something out of this.

Mat Brady

They did an episode about Annihilation? Shoot, must’ve missed that one...

Jason Olshefsky

It always makes me a little sad to find that there isn't any closer answers to questions like "what is intelligence?" (or consciousness or life) than have been rehashed for millennia by philosophers. As someone who is stuck in the mindset of intelligent-seeming machines still being simply fancy machines, it's irreconcilable to think of switching to a world where, say, *every* thing is presumed to have some form of consciousness and deserves protection and respect. I mean, animals, sure—especially dogs and cats—but certainly not a simple calculator, or a pencil, or a rock. Resetting my internal hierarchy so it's basically flat and smashing a rock is just as horrific as smashing a human just *seems* completely alien.


I don't think we will ever make significant gains on that front. My instinctive reaction is that the pain sensing and meaning assigning functions have to be evolved, or artificially derived from an evolved consciousness - unless anything contradictory to what an A.I. is programmed to do is received as "innoportune" and thus painlike, or something similar to whatever a plant feels if it can't access water or sunlight. But an all encompassing field of consciousness mostly seems nice to me.