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The dream team of Fish, Swaim, and Epperson decode the dense, symbolist tome that is the "Weird" Al movie. And if they don't by noon tomorrow, the podcasting network will get sold to an evil old billionaire!!!!




He became a vegetarian after a fan gave him a book on commercial meat production after a show, and reading it led to the decision. From <a href="http://weirdal.com/archives/faq/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://weirdal.com/archives/faq/</a> "Is Al a vegetarian? Yes. He changed his diet in 1992 after a fan gave him a book called “Diet For A New America.” He currently eats no meat and also tries to avoid eggs and dairy products."


Hey guys! I rarely log into the patreon site to post anything (and only just got my RSS feed into my podcatcher today) since I only set up the account to support SMALL BEANS! I was a huge fan of the work you all did on Cracked and was crushed when the layoff happened. I wanted to make sure I helped support the content online instead of letting it all die again. Anyway, you mentioned Shakes the Clown. I want to lend my moderate voice to the votes to cover this gem. It was one of the formative movies in my late teens. Keep up the good work! Also, I used to rent UHF every year for my birthday party when I was a kid, Weird Al was the first 2 albums I ever owned.