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Michael guested on a lot of great shows last month, and the most humiliating one of them just came out! It's so awful, it had to ferment for a couple weeks to be safe for human consumption. Please, do not blame Teresa Lee for his unforgivable sins. You can support her on Patreon or simply subscribe to the podcast, which costs you nothing but your very soul.


#20 Michael Swaim: "I Have A Scar Jo Role" by Hello, LionFace Podcasts

Michael Swaim confesses something he's never told anyone - that in high school he played a Mexican character in a play in "brown face". We discuss appropriation, progress, and his growth. Teresa also reveals that she was in a children's theater edition of West Side Story where she was also asked to wear brown face.



Hm, the money laun-da-ry scheme was not as wholesome as I remember