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Hi all! Swaim here.

As you may have heard in this week's Extree! Extree!, we've recently decided to take a big swing and start developing a feature film, as well as try to court advertisers and turn this community of generous Small Beans into a legit, ad-supported podcasting network populated by Medium, or indeed maybe even Giant Humongous Beans (a bean can dream). 

As of now, we are still ENTIRELY dependent on your support, so please keep it coming, but if you want there to be a day where all this stuff is free and we have enough money to make it and you don't even have to help out or feel guilty about not helping out or anything, one simple way you can help us is to fill out this short form on your demographics information. 

It takes two minutes and it's a real help. These datums will allow us to determine whether to try and sell you on new SyFy series, Male Enhancement Chewables, or Cookie Bouqets, so GET ON IT!



As if I needed another reason to keep my patronage going, the subtle shot at jacks advertisers on TDZ was exceptional.