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In this week's PCPD, Abe and Cristian dive into a variety of science developments and compare them to stupid movies to make life sensible for themselves. 

Cristian on Twitter.

Abe on Twitter. 

Artwork by Michael Vincent Bramley.

Music by Abe Epperson.




I think technology is faster than law, but it’s only faster than ethics if you don’t take into account that the disabled community has been having these discussions based in genetics since selective abortions for Down Syndrome were first floated as an idea (and before, when people would regularly let disabled babies starve to death). Obviously no one agrees on where the lines are, but the conversations have been happening, and it’s imoortant to not act like it’s a new and exciting thing just because able bodied people are talking about it now. (I did, otherwise, enjoy this episode.)


A good fictional book series on the ethics and future of genetic engineering is Margaret Atwood's "Maddaddam" trilogy. It's your usual future dystopia novel, but here humans have engineered a multitude of hybrid animals, plants, and even designer children.