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28. Frame Rate: Black Panther by Small Beans

Abe and Michael dive Vibranium-first into Ryan Coogler's Disney's Marvel's Black Panther.


Cyclops giraffe

This is all right. The rule of two was created by Darth bane about 1000 years before the movies. There was a galactic war between Jedi and sith Jedi won and thought they destroyed all the sith. But bane and his head away under the rule of two.

Cyclops giraffe

For you guys if you want to like Star wars you won't really like the movies. The movies are created for box office hits and they'll mostly be for children if you want real in-depth good storytelling from Star wars you mostly have to read the books which basically fill in all the gaps for all the plot holes and bad things from the movies. Currently though Disney plus has the TV shows on them and a lot of them are very great.


Extremely late to the party, but in an effort to help Michael like Star Wars more... I am by no means familiar with Star Wars extended universe stuff, but my understanding of the Rule of Two is that way back in the day, there were a ton of Sith, but since they're all full of rage and feelings, they couldn't get their shit together properly and would fight amongst each other all the time. So Darth Somethingorother made the Rule of Two both to keep the Sith secret and hard to find from the Jedi who were hunting them down, and to eventually lead to the creation of a super powerful Sith who could defeat all the Jedi without all the infighting from before. This is all half-remembered from various reddit posts and stuff, but I'm pretty sure I'm at least 52% right about this.