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That's a "lazy-bones" joke. See, I'm not even well enough to make a good pun. This is Mike. Anyway, this is to let everyone know we've had a series of staggering technical issues this week and my stomach has been bad, so the last two podcast episodes scheduled for release this week are running late. You can expect us to be fully caught up by TOMORROW, Monday evening, and we will NOT be skipping any scheduled content. It'll just be...you know, late. 

Thank you for your patience! Soren's TftP is worth waiting for; trust us. In related stuff, look forward to this week's Extree! Extree! for important news on our NEW slate of upcoming content and the increasing value of your membership. Weeeeeeeeeeeloveyou!


Veteran of the Mushroom Wars

Everyone here is super supportive, and really I am too... but someone needs to use the stick. For every hour you delay release, I shall kill a kitten!

John Krane

I, for one, never mind waiting a few days, but that's just because I'm especially cool. As others have said, take care of yourself first. Incidentally, I just listened to the Katy episode of Tales from the Pit, and that was some powerful, amazing stuff. Thanks for doing what you do.