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Extree! Extree! - 2/4/18 by Small Beans

Michael and Jonny bring you the news of the week, both Small Beans and otherwise.



I don't know exactly when I first encountered you. I know it was either the 'iInternet time travelers' or 'future house' episodes on Those Aren't Muskets, because it was the Star Trek TNG reference that first caught my eye. It's not impossible that was all the way back when I was finishing high school in 2008. Since that time I have really enjoyed your work, Does Not Compute was fantastic and I cherished watching it in undergrad, after hours was always a welcome thing to see, and I will miss Escort Mission, lot of great content in that series as well. I am shocked at the news of what happened to Cracked.com and all the talent that was there, and I very well may never visit that site again, no reason to now that most of the people whose content I read or watched there are gone. It's strange to say, but I am honored and happy that I'm in a place in my life where I can support your work and depending on what happens in my life over the next several months or years I hope to be able to pledge more. Keep doing what you do, it enriches the lives of many, myself included.

Patrick Sullivan

Your friends at Gamefully Unemployed. Is their streaming live-streaming only, or can game sessions be watched/listened to at a later date?