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A Massachusetts native, David Bell, infiltrates the podcast to tell us about the nature of the mean streets of Boston. And he is relentless. Find out who gets murdered: Michael or Abe! Enjoy this conversation about Martin Scorsese’s The Departed.


David Bell: https://twitter.com/MovieHooligan

Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

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E l i j a h

on brand for scorsese: the use of x for someone dying is something that came from a really old b/w thriller (possibly dial m for murder, but don’t quote me on that), but it’s a technique that he expanded on. In the original use it signified a death for a character immediately, whereas for Scorsese it’s almost like being doomed is a character trait

E l i j a h

the trivia my filmschool teacher told us was that the director was handing out cash to anyone on the crew who could come up with more good ways to hide x’s

E l i j a h

late title cards are almost always in banger movies, like the one that’s 40 minutes in in Drive My Car. I think one thing it can do is serve to say “all that stuff you just saw that was mindblowingly good? That shit was just the fuckin setup. Now this shit that’s coming up? THIS is the fucking movie”


Regarding the PLETHORA of gay slurs, there’s a theory that Sullivan (Damon) is in the closet, which is why he’s always throwing them around SO much. The theory says that Costigan (DiCaprio) is on to him, which is why he called Sullivan a “two-faced ------“, why Queenan (Baldwin) says that getting married proves you’re not gay, why there’s a line ago how he couldn’t get it up with Madden (Farmiga), and the realator’s line that’s been vexing me for YEARS “Oh, I get it, you tend to have a houseguest”, which I’ve been told is code for recognizing his queerness.