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AN: This story has been commissioned by an anonymous user!


Harry sagged with exhaustion as he walked back into his home: the renovated Potter Manor.

It had been quite a surprise to learn that the foundation of the manor and the land, which had been in his family for generations, was his after the war. None of the letters his parents had left him in his vaults had ever made mention of the property, but the goblins had told him of its existence nevertheless. 

After a couple slow years of fixing the land, purging it of dark magic, and rebuilding the manor itself, Potter Manor was back and fully operational.

The grand estate had been destroyed during Voldemort’s first rise to power. An old issue of the Daily Prophet told the tale of Voldemort and his Death Eaters killing Harry’s grandparents and razing their home to the ground just a few months after Harry had been born. His parents had their own place then, and with the new baby, they hadn’t wanted to take over the task of rebuilding quite yet.

Harry’s reconstruction of the manor was more modest than the pictures he had of it. For one, neither of the two wings, forming a V-shape off of the main structure, were built yet. The main structure itself was a square-shaped building, three-stories tall and beautifully made. It had half a dozen bedrooms and plenty of other rooms that Ginny had insisted upon them having. Harry supposed it was better than having empty rooms littering his house. They had drawing rooms, a small ballroom, a library, a duelling room, a potions laboratory, and several other rooms.

However, the best part of the house was the first addition that both he and Ginny insisted upon together: a Quidditch pitch. It was a great place to spend time with family and friends, and Ginny used it during the off-season to keep up her skills. Unfortunately, during the main season, the most use it saw came from Harry’s casual, early-morning flights.

Maybe he’d go out there later tonight once it was dark. Even though he was exhausted from spending the night watching one of Ginny’s matches—which she won beautifully by scoring six goals in ten minutes, ensuring that her team still won even after the opposing seeker caught the snitch—the pure relaxation that came from staring up at the starry sky with wind whipping through his hair was exactly the type of thing he needed to go to sleep.

But first, he had to help Ginny get settled.

Like him, Ginny was exhausted as she lazily kicked off her shoes in the entry hall and dropped her bag full of dirty clothes on the ground. She was soaked through with sweat, and her hair was practically matted to her face. Though she normally stuck around to shower after the game, given how late it was, she had decided to just head home. With Harry apparating them, there was no worry of them accidentally splinching.

“Ready for bed?” Harry smiled at Ginny as she tore off her shirt, exposing her bare chest to the air.

“I need a quick shower first,” Ginny sighed. She looked down just below her breasts to examine a purple bruise that she’d gotten from a bludger early in the match. “And the bruise removal paste too.”

“Does it hurt much?” Harry asked as he knelt down to look at it too.

“Not really,” Ginny mumbled as she poked at it with her finger. 

“I’ll go get the paste,” Harry told her. “You just go on up to shower, and I’ll be right behind you in a minute.”

“Love you,” Ginny said, planting a quick peck on Harry’s lips before she trudged upstairs.

Harry walked through the entryway down towards the kitchen. It was a pretty large one, as he needed whenever he played host to the massive Weasley family. Harry stopped by the magical refrigerator and grabbed a couple bottles of water for Ginny, and then he walked round to the medicine cabinet and found the bruise removal paste amid the sea of potion vials and jars.

With everything well in hand, he retraced his steps back to the entry hall and then took the two flights of stairs up to the top floor. Then, it was a simple matter of walking down the long corridor that ran the span of the building until he reached his and Ginny’s bedroom.

As he opened the door, Harry became stunned at the sight of his fiancée stripped completely naked and laying prostrate down on the floor at the edge of the bed. Then, he caught sight of who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Are you seriously going to make her do that every time you come over?” Harry asked with an amused smile as he stepped into his bedroom.

Hermione glanced up from where her toes were trailing a random pattern on Ginny’s back and beamed when she saw Harry. Like Ginny, she was completely naked, and it was impossible for Harry to tear his eyes off of her body. 

Unlike Ginny’s more athletic frame, Hermione was definitely curvier while still remaining on the slim side. Her breasts were fuller, her hips wider, her skin paler, and her arse bigger. She’d shaved her pubic hair for him again, and Harry could see the telltale signs that she’d been playing with herself before he got home.

“I can’t help it,” Hermione laughed lightly, making her breasts jiggle enticingly. “I like seeing Ginny like this. A good girl should know her place, don’t you think?”

“I suppose so,” Harry grinned.

He stepped around Ginny and leaned forward to give Hermione a deep kiss. She was one of the more recent additions to their relationship after Ginny had revealed to Harry her fantasy of having Hermione involved with them. Apparently, growing up with Hermione around had left Ginny feeling a little insecure about her intelligence and beauty. She was comfortable with herself now, but she still got a massive thrill at the idea of Harry being with a woman who she had been so intimidated by.

“Mmm,” Hermione moaned as their lips parted. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for that. I’m still waiting for the day that you wake up and realise just how pathetic Ginny is and how I could give you everything that she does and more.”

Ginny trembled slightly on the floor, and Harry could only imagine how desperate she was to touch herself right now. Hermione wouldn’t allow it until she said so though, so Ginny was stuck for now.

“I can fuck you better than she can, and I’d be a much better fiancée,” Hermione continued as she started running her hands down Harry’s chest. “I wouldn’t be away all the time with something as silly as Quidditch practice; I’d be at home, waiting for you to come home from work so that I could pamper and take care of you. We could even have kids together and be the perfect family you’ve always dreamed of.”

“That does sound idyllic,” Harry hummed as he took one of Hermione’s breasts into his hands. It was soft and delicate and felt ever so wonderful.

Hermione shuddered. “Merlin, just talking about this has gotten me so randy. Ginny!” She snapped her fingers. “Get up here.”

Ginny hurried to obey. She practically leapt to her feet and climbed up onto the bed next to Hermione. “Yes?” She asked quietly with her head tilted downward.

“You’re going to get me ready for your fiancé to fuck me,” Hermione told her clearly. She laid down on her back and spread her legs wide apart, showing off her perfect pink pussy. “I expect you to lick me until I’m nice and wet, if you can even do that much.”

“Right away,” came Ginny’s meek reply. She dove in without hesitation, landing flat on her belly and putting her lips within inches of Hermione’s pussy. 

“In the meantime,” Hermione said as she placed one hand on Harry’s belt and winked at him. “I’d best get you ready.”

Harry grinned. Hermione loved showing off in front of Ginny like this. Every time she made Ginny eat her out, she’d always suck Harry’s cock, and Ginny’s eyes would be glued to the scene in front of her.

It was impossible to understate just how hot it was to have his fiancée going down on his best friend while said best friend was pressing his cock to her lips. True to her nature, Hermione had a very analytical approach to sex, and that resulted in her doing anything that got a big reaction from him.

Hermione kissed the head of Harry’s cock softly with her big, pouty lips. “I love this cock so much,” she sighed happily before she continued kissing down his shaft. Her slender fingers wrapped most of the way around his cock and pulled him closer to her as she worked her way down with her lips. “I dream of it filling up my tight little pussy every night. What about you, Harry? Do you dream about fucking me?”

“All the time,” Harry answered honestly. It was hard not to think about all of the beautiful women who he fucked. But among all of them, Hermione was the one who he fucked the most. After her failed relationship with Ron after the Battle of Hogwarts, she’d only gone on a few miserable dates before she confided in Harry and Ginny that she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to make the time for a proper relationship in her life, at least not when she was so busy working as a Junior Unspeakable in the Ministry.

It hadn’t taken long after that and a few private chats between Hermione and Ginny before Ginny had suggested inviting Hermione to join them. The relationship worked because Hermione could show up after a long day of work and get the physical intimacy that she so desperately craved without having to worry about everything else that went into a healthy relationship. Ginny loved it too, especially whenever Hermione controlled her like she was tonight. And, of course, Harry loved spending more time with his best friend, especially after he learnt just how kinky she could be.

“Just say the word, Harry,” Hermione moaned his name before she swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, licking up the few drops of precum that were starting to dribble out. “And I’ll be yours forever. You can divorce Ginny and kick her to the curb where trash like her belongs, and I’ll move in with you.”

At that moment, Ginny attacked Hermione’s clit with her tongue, and Hermione’s mouth opened in a silent scream of pleasure. Her back arched off of the bed, pushing her breasts towards the ceiling, and her grip on Harry’s cock tightened.

With such an enticing sight before him, Harry didn’t hesitate when he pushed his cock into Hermione’s open mouth. When his cock hit her molars, Hermione instinctively sealed her lips around his shaft and sucked hard.

Harry groaned and grabbed a fistful of Hermione’s hair as he helped guide her motions. He was lucky that Hermione was so used to handling his length and girth; she didn’t need any warm-up time before he was pushing and pulling her head back and forth, making her suck his cock at the pace he set.

The sounds of Ginny lapping at Hermione’s pussy were quickly overshadowed by the sounds that came when Harry pushed his cock into Hermione’s throat. Hermione grabbed onto his hips to help stabilise herself as Harry forced her lips down to the base of his cock. He let out a satisfied sigh at the wet, hot feeling of her mouth and throat around his cock.

“With skills like these, you drive quite the hard bargain,” Harry told Hermione. He saw Ginny’s ears perk up, and she subtly looked up at him. “Maybe you are worth my time more than Ginny is.”

Ginny let out a little whimper against Hermione’s pussy. One of her hands left the older woman’s thigh and started to snake in between her own, but Harry put a stop to that quickly.

“Did Hermione say that you could touch yourself?” Harry asked Ginny with a raised eyebrow.

“N… no, sir,” Ginny replied quietly.

“Then you’d best wait until she says that you’re allowed,” Harry replied as he casually continued to fuck Hermione’s face. “You wouldn’t want to be punished, now would you?”

Ginny shook her head vehemently and went back to eating out Hermione.

Finally seeing tears starting to stream down Hermione’s cheeks, Harry pulled his cock out of her mouth, leaving her gasping for breath.

“Did I make you happy?” Hermione asked breathlessly as she stared up at Harry.

“Very,” he confirmed with a smile.

“Good,” Hermione smiled back at him. “I’m all ready for you now. I suppose Ginny did a decent job at getting my pussy ready for your cock.”

“Does that mean I can touch my—” Ginny began to speak, only to be cut off by Hermione’s stern glare.

“You can touch yourself when I say you can,” she snapped. “Now, get up.”

Ginny quickly got to her feet, and Harry could plainly see her arousal sticking to the inside of her thighs. Hermione got up after her and took a moment to examine Ginny’s body.

“You look filthy,” Hermione commented plainly. “Why don’t we go take a shower.”

“All of us?” Ginny asked hopefully.

Hermione glanced at Harry before nodding. “Yes. All of us.”

“I’ll go get it started,” Ginny said eagerly as she rushed over to the bathroom.

Once his fiancée was out of sight, Harry turned his attention back to Hermione. “I wasn’t too rough with you, was I?” He asked her concernedly.

“No, it was perfect,” Hermione shook her head with a smile. She leaned up and gave Harry a peck on the lips. “By the way, how was Ginny’s match tonight?”

“Another win,” Harry smiled at the memory of Ginny celebrating with her team on the pitch after the game had ended. “She’s racking them up now.”

“That’s great,” Hermione replied. They both heard the shower turn on in the bathroom, followed by the sounds of Ginny closing the shower door behind her. “Should we go join her?”

“Absolutely,” Harry grinned.

Hermione took Harry’s hand and led him over to the bathroom, making her hips sway from side to side with every step. The large walk-in shower was big enough to hold six people comfortably, though it had never seen more than three people in there at once. There were two waterfall shower heads that hung from the ceiling alongside a detachable one on the wall. 

Ginny was already under the water, washing away the dirt, sweat, and grime from her skin. Seeing her opaque form through the glass made Harry’s heart skip a beat. There was no one as beautiful to him as Ginny. Her lithe body, toned muscles, and beautiful red hair made her stand out from everyone else. 

Before they could get inside the shower, there was still the matter of Harry’s clothes to deal with. Hermione made sure to let her shoulder bump the shower door, giving Ginny the heads-up that they were right outside, before she started disrobing Harry. Ginny watched the entire process, licking her lips subtly when Harry’s naked body came into view.

With that all out of the way, Hermione opened the door and walked straight past Ginny to stand underneath the shower head right beside hers. She let the water wash down over her for a moment before she turned the shower head off and planted her hands firmly on the closest wall.

“Don’t leave me waiting, Harry,” Hermione grinned back at him as she wiggled her pert little arse his way. 

Harry didn’t need any more temptation than that. He hurried into the shower, brushing past his fiancée without sparing her a second glance, and positioned himself right behind Hermione.

“Fuck, your arse is so nice,” Harry groaned.

Hermione squealed as Harry’s palm smacked her arsecheek. She pushed her arse back against him, and his cock slipped underneath her wet pussy. He rocked his hips back until the tip was aligned with her slit, and then he just barely pushed forward.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Ginny watching him as his cock slipped inside of Hermione’s tight, wet pussy. Water was raining down on her, but she kept her eyes open and stared with undisguised longing.

For her part, Hermione let out the most exaggerated moan he had ever heard come out of her lips. She let her head hang loosely as she pushed her arse back against him, letting his cock go deeper inside of her.

“You feel so good,” Hermione whimpered. Her thighs were quivering and her fingers dragging down the shower wall as she fought to stay standing.

Harry grabbed onto her hips tightly and started to fuck her lazily. Her pussy was so wet that he was able to slide back and forth inside of her without much effort on his part, but the tight grip her lips had on his shaft made it more of a struggle than he expected. Her body didn’t want him to ever leave her, and neither did his.

“Look at Ginny,” he told Hermione.

Hermione turned her head to the sight and looked at the redhead who was watching them with undisguised lust on her face.

“She wishes that she was you right now,” Harry murmured sultrily to Hermione. “If there was even a chance that I’d fuck her instead of you right now, you can bet that she’d throw you to the floor and then slam her pussy down on my cock.”

Hermione bit her lip and moaned as Harry slammed deep inside of her again. “She’s so pathetic.”

“She is,” Harry agreed. “She’s so pathetic that she wants to masturbate to the sight of her fiancé fucking another woman right in front of her. Should we let her?”

“I don’t know,” Hermione replied.

“Please,” came Ginny’s quiet reply. Her eyes showed just how desperately she wanted to touch herself right now.

A cocky smirk came across Hermione’s lips. “I suppose, since she’s behaving herself this time.”

Harry nodded at Ginny. “Go on then.”

Ginny dropped to the floor and sat back on her arse to get a better view of Harry’s cock plunging in and out of Hermione’s pussy. Her fingers moved frantically to touch her pussy, and she instantly slipped three of them inside of herself while her other hand worked away at her clit. The long, satisfied moan that came from Ginny told everyone just how badly she had needed this.

“Look at how pathetic she is,” Hermione laughed breathlessly. 

“I know,” Harry grunted in reply. Seeing his fiancée lay down and touch herself like that while he was balls deep inside of another woman was turning him on so much. It helped that Hermione was one of his favourite women to shag, and that her pussy was perfectly snug for his cock. Her walls lavished his cock with the most perfect grip, bringing him so much pleasure that it was hard to stay on his own two feet.

“Oh fuck,” Hermione squealed as her knees came together. Her walls clamped down hard on his cock for a moment before she sucked in a deep breath and relaxed again. “You’re gonna make me cum!”

Harry felt the same; Hermione’s perfect pussy was making every thrust harder than the last. Her walls were practically massaging his shaft as they fluttered around him.

“Just wait, I’m so close,” Ginny whined down below as she pumped her fingers furiously in and out of her pussy.

“We’re not here to cater to you,” Hermione snapped, but the effect was undercut by the moan that came half a second later. “Fuck! Keep going Harry! Pound my pussy like you own it!”

Harry’s thrusts grew harder and faster as he raced to the edge. He fucked Hermione with everything he had, making her body bounce back and forth as she struggled to stay upright.

“Yes! That’s it!” Hermione screamed. “I’m cumming!”

Suddenly, her walls turned into a vice around his cock, and Hermione let out a screech of pure pleasure that had Harry brimming with pride. He rammed his cock as deep as it could go inside of Hermione’s pussy and let loose then, letting her pussy massage the cum out of his cock and into her womb.

Down below, Ginny let out a cry of her own as her legs spasmed outward and her fingers stilled inside of her pussy. Her other hand continued to work on her clit though, and she was soon rocking back and forth from the intense pleasure.

When Harry pulled out of Hermione’s pussy, a thick glob of cum dripped out of her and down her thigh. Hermione dropped down on top of Ginny and forcefully kissed her. Ginny reciprocated, pleasuring herself with her fingers the entire time.

“Alright you two,” Harry chuckled after giving them a minute. He turned on the second shower head and stepped back under it. “Let’s get cleaned up before bed now.”

As the two beautiful women climbed to their feet and pressed their bodies against him so that the water would rain down on all three of them, Harry decided that he was the luckiest wizard in the world.


Kevin Thunder

Damn. Harry should marry em both.

Kevin Thunder

Any chance for some follow-ups?


There will be a follow-up chapter this month. This story is commissioned, and the commissioner asked for a hiatus in November. They are currently planning to commission at least a few more chapters going forward on a monthly basis.