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The back garden of the Lovegood House was more of a sprawling estate than a tightly fenced-in garden. The rolling hills surrounding the rook-shaped house were home to countless varieties of magical and non-magical plants, animals, and insects, many of which were scarcely recognisable by Harry or Hermione. 

Despite the expansiveness of the garden, Harry and Hermione knew exactly where they were going to find Luna. It was where they always inevitably ended up at after a day at her home.

Over the first hill behind the Lovegood House sat a large grove, stretching very wide across the landscape. It housed a number of eclectic trees, many of which grew interesting fruits and nuts, and was covered in neatly-trimmed grass with little pockets of multicoloured flowers blooming throughout. There was a well-worn dirt path that led directly from the Lovegood House into this grove, but then the path diverged countless different ways.

“I’ll check the left side if you check the right?” Harry suggested to Hermione as they came upon the branching pathways.

Hermione scowled. “I wish Luna would meet us here just once. I mean really, she knew we were coming to visit.”

“Then she wouldn’t be Luna,” Harry replied cheerfully. “It won’t take long to find her.”

“No, I suppose not,” Hermione sighed. “I just wish we could actually use magic to locate her in here.”

Harry shivered unconsciously at the memory of Xenophilius’s scorched face and missing clothes two summers ago. “It’ll be fine,” he assured her, trying to wipe that memory out of his head. “I really don’t want to risk setting off one of Pandora’s creations again.”

Hermione shivered too. “Definitely. Should we meet back here in half an hour?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Harry nodded.

The two of them parted as Harry went down the left trail while Hermione went down the right. Harry’s trail led downhill through a thicket of gnarled trees with golden leaves. Just past them was a massive crater in the earth, undoubtedly caused by one of Pandora’s homemade, experimental spells. There were flowers growing in the crater but not any grass. Oddities like this littered the back garden.

The grove thinned out a little before it grew thicker again. It was easy to scan through the tree line when they were spread apart, but dense patches required him to veer off the beaten path to double check around. There were so many excellent hiding places in the grove, and he knew that he needed to check each and every one to make sure he didn’t miss Luna or her mum despite how tedious it was.

He was glad that he did. Just when the trees grew thicker again, he veered off the path once again to check a small ring of trees that formed a peaceful clearing. It was almost impossible to see into the clearing from the outside, so you had to actually walk right up to it to get a good look. And, of course, Luna and Pandora were there.

It always surprised Harry to see how much Luna and Pandora looked alike. With each passing year, they looked more and more like twins. Both Luna and Pandora were the same height and had the same skinny frames. Their waist-length blonde hair and silvery eyes were identical matches too. The easiest way to tell them apart was that Pandora liked to keep her hair in a loose, high ponytail, and she was a bit curvier than her daughter.

Pandora stood in the middle of the clearing, wielding her wand as she stared down a silly-looking training dummy. It reminded Harry of a French mime, albeit painted with a myriad of colours rather than the typical black-and-white design that most had. Luna was sitting on the grass a few feet away from her mum, doodling away on a sketchpad while occasionally glancing up at the standoff.

Just before Harry could squeeze between a couple of trees to enter the clearing, Pandora broke her silent stare at the training dummy and unleashed a spell. It was like a spray of lime-green foam shot out of the tip of her wand and engulfed the training dummy. 

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then, the wind whipped up around the training dummy, creating a gentle swirl of air. The foam on the dummy started to pulse and expand, covering every inch of the dummy, before it began to rapidly harden. In a flash, the foam had transformed into something resembling the bark of a tree.

“Did it work?” Luna asked curiously as she peered at the dummy.

“I don’t know,” Pandora’s musical voice replied. She walked over cautiously to the dummy and poked it with the tip of her wand. “It seems strong enough.”

Pandora grabbed the dummy’s arm and tried to bend it at the joint, only for a loud crack to be heard. The bark-like coating crumbled into dust under Pandora’s touch and fell off of the training dummy.

“I suppose not,” Pandora sighed before she put a bright smile on her face. “Maybe next time.”

Luna grinned back at her mother and nodded.

Harry took that opportunity to step into the clearing. “Hello,” he called out to them.

“Harry!” Luna exclaimed, tossing her sketchbook aside and scrambling to her feet. She rushed over and enveloped him in a great, big hug while Pandora looked on in amusement. “I’m so glad that you’re here! I think the Ministry’s army of Heliopaths have realised that dad and I are onto them. I keep finding scorch marks all throughout the garden.”

Pandora’s cheeks tinged a slight shade of pink and she desperately tried to look anywhere except at her daughter.

“The Heliopaths, huh?” Harry suppressed a chuckle. He’d long since gotten used to Luna’s odd beliefs. From the sparkle in her eyes, it was clear to Harry that Luna knew that her mother’s spell-creation practices were responsible for the damage, but it would be boring to explain it away like that. It was more fun to imagine that a magical creature did it, even if it was one that Harry wasn’t sure was even real, not that he planned on arguing with Luna about it. “Let me guess,” he continued. “You want me to work my magic on the garden?”

“Yes, please!” Luna beamed.

“Hold on,” Pandora laughed as she hurried over. “Before we get to that, where’s Hermione?”

“She went off in the other direction to go look for you two,” Harry explained. “We’re supposed to meet back up near the entrance to the grove in about twenty minutes now.”

“Twenty minutes,” Pandora murmured to herself thoughtfully.

“Oh, are you going to Harry about it then?” Luna asked as she turned to face Pandora.

Pandora thought about it for a moment longer before her eyes locked onto Harry’s. “You’ve been with a woman before,” she stated certainly. “Recently too.”

Harry felt his cheeks flush a bit. Why the hell was she bringing this up? “Err,” he hesitated slightly.

“He has,” Luna nodded. “I can feel the Wrackspurts coming towards him now that he’s thinking about it.”

“Perfect,” Pandora smiled. “Because I have a favour to ask of you, Harry.”

The two women were both smiling at him in a way that put Harry on edge. “Which is?” He prompted her cautiously.

Pandora walked up and put an arm around Luna. “After her eighteenth birthday, Luna is finally a proper adult, but she’s not yet a woman. We’ve been looking around for someone to help with that.”

Was this actually happening? Emma had thrown herself at him just a few weeks ago, and now he was being asked to fuck one of his friends? His mind raced to see if he was somehow misunderstanding the situation—Luna and her mum were often prone to their unusual lines of thinking and oddities that made them who they were after all—but nothing came to mind.

As if to confirm it, Luna spoke up.

“I suggested you,” Luna chimed in. “I always thought that you’d give me a nice first time. You are quite handsome, you know.”

“And I’ll be there to help guide you both through it,” Pandora added before glancing up and down Harry’s body. “Though, I doubt that you’d need much help figuring out what to do,” she said before winking at him.

Pandora was going to be there too? Emma wasn’t the only woman he’d fantasised about, and he’d be lying if he said that Pandora hadn’t appeared in a few of those late-night dreams of his. Merlin, his cock was already stirring in excitement. 

But there was just one slight issue.

“What about Hermione?” Harry asked, knowing that she’d be heading back to meet up with him soon.

“Twenty minutes is plenty of time,” Pandora assured him. “Besides, it won’t matter if we’re a few minutes late.”

Not to them, Harry supposed, but Hermione would undoubtedly be annoyed. He knew his best friend well, and, between searching for Luna and then him being late, she’d definitely be upset when they eventually met back up. He probably shouldn’t go through with this right now.

But his body was screaming at him to tear his clothes off already. Why was he wasting his time?

“So?” Pandora prompted Harry. “How about it?”

He knew his answer.

“Okay,” Harry replied with a weak smile.

Luna practically leapt for joy. “Oh, thank you Harry!”

“Yes, thank you,” Pandora smiled. “Now, why don’t you pick a cosy spot to lie down while I help get Luna ready.”

So, Luna was going to be on top. Harry glanced around the clearing, feeling his heart beat heavily in his chest in anticipation for what was to come. There were plenty of places he could lie down, but he wanted something a little more comfortable. He spotted a large tree at the edge of the clearing. Thick roots came out of the earth, almost forming a ‘U’ shape coming out of the tree. Harry quickly walked over to get a closer look and deemed it a perfect spot.

“Is it okay if I use a cushioning charm?” Harry called back to Pandora. 

“Go right ahead!” She replied absentmindedly as she went back to whispering something to Luna.

Harry cast the charm and settled down against the newly-softened bark. There was plenty of space between him and the roots on either side of his body, and the entire gentle bed of grass below him had been softened as well. Harry spread out his limbs, enjoying the sensation of the cushioned earth and tree beneath him, and watched as Luna and Pandora hurriedly came over to him.

Luna had a nervous expression on her face as she came to a stop by Harry’s feet. “I hope I’ll be alright for you.”

“Of course you will,” Harry quickly assured her. “I mean, you're my friend, so that’ll make this fun, and you’re beautiful.”

“You really think so?” Luna asked as a smile broke out on her lips. “I’ve never had anyone besides my parents call me beautiful before.”

It was hard to think of Luna as anything but beautiful. She had an ethereal look about her, like she was somehow both mystical and temporal at the same time. Her face was quite pretty with her blonde hair framing it and her big, pale, silvery doe eyes staring back at him.

“I do,” Harry confirmed.

“I think you’re very beautiful too,” Luna told him. She turned and glanced up at her mother. “Should I get on top of him now?”

Harry had to hold back a snort as the tender moment returned to something more carnal. Pandora seemed just as amused as he was as she nodded her head. “But remember to undress both of you first,” she reminded Luna.

“Right,” Luna nodded confidently. She pulled out her wand and gave it a wave.

Suddenly, Harry felt all of his clothes vanish off of his body. But before he could really think about that, his mind fixated on the sight of Luna’s naked body.

Luna had a very lithe, pale body. Compared to most women at Hogwarts, her curves were less pronounced, but she was no less stunning than any of them. Her small, perky breasts were topped with tiny, rosy-pink nipples that just begged to be tasted, and she had a small strip of silvery-blonde hair above her pussy. 

Suddenly, Luna pounced on Harry, landing right on his lap with her knees on the ground on either side of his hips. It only took her a moment to get settled so that her core was resting right above his hard cock. 

Luna’s damp folds ran up and down the length of his cock as she rocked back and forth on top of him as she got a feel for her movements on top of him. Meanwhile, Pandora knelt down beside Luna and examined her closely.

“Good,” Pandora cooed. “You want to make sure that he’s lubricated for you to make it easier.”

“It feels so warm,” Luna moaned. Her face was screwed up in pleasure as she ground herself along Harry’s cock.

“It’ll feel even better once it’s inside of you,” Pandora assured her. “Take your time, and when you feel like you’re ready, just lift your hips and Harry will help guide himself into you. Won’t you, Harry?”

Harry’s cock jumped as Pandora squeezed his thigh. “Of course,” he promised, swallowing the accumulated saliva in his mouth.

Pandora smiled at Harry and shifted on the grass beside him. She slid herself over so that her hip was touching Harry’s and she could watch the entire spectacle from his perspective. “You’re a good man for doing this,” she murmured in his ear. “I know Luna appreciates it just as much that her first time will be with a good friend who’ll treat her right.”

Between Luna’s rocking back and forth on his cock and Pandora’s warm breath misting across his ear, it was so hard for Harry to think. “I’d do anything for my friends,” he replied as he stifled a groan.

“That’s good to hear,” Pandora said as she snuggled a bit closer against his side. “But what about for your friend’s mothers?”

Harry and Pandora’s eyes met, and Harry felt a spark pass between them.

“I think I’m ready,” Luna finally said, making Harry and Pandora break their eye contact as they refocused on her.

Luna slowly lifted her hips, showing off just how wet she was. Her pink pussy had several strands of her juices that connected down to Harry’s cock, which was thoroughly lubricated by now.

“Go on,” Pandora prodded Harry gently. “Line yourself up for her.”

Harry grabbed the base of his shaft and pointed it right up at Luna’s entrance. “Okay,” he said to Luna. “I’m ready when you are.”

Lune nodded confidently to herself and slowly lowered her hips back down. Harry kept the tip of his cock lined up perfectly so that it spread apart Luna’s damp limps when she made contact with him. She froze up almost instantly as just the head of his cock stretched her tiny lips apart.

“You’re big,” Luna murmured, a little nervousness tinging her tone.

“Your body will help accommodate his size,” Pandora explained to her. “But it’ll only happen when you’re aroused.”

“I don’t think we need to worry about that,” Harry joked as he gestured with his head to just how wet Luna was.

“Exactly,” Pandora nodded encouragingly. “Take your time, but trust in your body to help you.”

“Okay,” Luna replied quietly as she leaned forward to stare down right at where her and Harry’s bodies met. She lowered herself a little further down, and Harry’s cock stretched her lips open a little bit wider. She didn’t take too much of him into her before Harry felt himself hit a barrier. Luna cringed in mild pain and looked up to her mum.

“It’ll hurt when your hymen breaks, but only for a minute,” Pandora told her. “It can be worse if you don’t have a good partner who’ll take their time with you or let you set things at your own pace. It’s best to get it over with so that you can move on to the fun part sooner.”

Harry knew that Luna was no stranger to pain. She was always showing up with random scratches and bruises, often from her outdoor adventures in search of rumoured magical creatures, and she never complained about them, but even she was showing some hesitation now.

“It’ll be okay,” Harry assured Luna as he offered her his hands. She didn’t hesitate to grab onto his hands with hers, and he gave her a comforting squeeze in return. “I’ll be with you all the way.”

Luna smiled at him and let out a deep breath. “Okay, here I go.”

There was no hesitation as Luna plunged her hips downward. Harry felt her hymen tear instantly, and then her pussy clenched up hard around his cock as she hissed in pain. “It’s okay,” he said comfortingly as he held her hands. She was squeezing his hands quite hard, but he could deal with the mild pain.

“You’re doing so good,” Pandora cooed. “Just breathe through the pain and it’ll be over before you know it.”

Luna did exactly that, taking long, deep breaths over and over again. A minute passed, and then another as Harry continued to hold Luna’s holds. Over that time, Luna slowly started to relax again. Her grip on his hands and cock both loosened eventually, and then she sank down the rest of the way on him. 

“Very good,” Pandora cheered on Luna. “You did brilliantly!”

Luna beamed back at her mother. “Thank you for helping,” she said before looking back at Harry. “And thank you for being there too.”

“What else are friends for?” Harry grinned.

“How does he feel inside of you?” Pandora asked curiously.

“Big,” Luna answered dreamily. Her walls squeezed down on his cock. “I can feel him throbbing inside of me.”

“That’s because he’s feeling good too, aren’t you Harry?” Pandora asked.

“Better than good, I’d say,” Harry chuckled.

“Exquisite,” Luna suggested. “That’s the word I’d use.”

“Exquisite it is,” Harry smiled at her.

Luna’s walls fluttered around his cock. “I don’t think I can stop myself from moving anymore,” she admitted a little sheepishly.

“Listen to your body,” Pandora reminded her. “If it tells you to move, then do it.”

Slowly, Luna raised her hips, and Harry’s cock was slowly revealed again as it emerged out of her tight pussy. All three of them couldn’t help but watch the beautiful sight, but when Luna was almost all the way back up, she suddenly dropped down hard on him and let out a long, airy moan.

“It feels much better with you inside of me,” she said as she closed her eyes gently and rocked her hips against his.

“Yes, but you need to contrast to really enjoy yourself,” Pandora explained to her. “Remember how your body told you to move?”

Luna pouted. “Why can’t it just feel this good all the time? I love having Harry’s cock inside of me.”

Harry nearly choked on the saliva in his mouth. How did Luna manage to say the most erotic things without even realising it?

“I’m sure it’s very, very wonderful,” Pandora laughed. “But men prefer it when you ride up and down them.”

Luna looked at Harry. “Is that true?” She asked.

Harry nodded in reply.

“Hmm,” Luna hummed. “Well, I suppose I do owe you for helping me. But I’d like to just sit on your lap with your cock inside of my pussy another time.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Harry laughed.

Luna beamed at him. “It’s a date then.”

Luna was less slow when she slid up his cock this time. She was starting to get used to the position on Harry’s lap, and it showed. Her velvety walls clung to his cock all the way up, but then they relaxed just a little bit as Luna impaled herself back on his cock. 

After a few more practice movements, Luna was starting to properly bounce up and down on his cock. Her hips were gyrating in a perfect circle, and her pussy was easily gliding up and down his cock thanks to how wet she was. Pandora made a little sound of approval as she watched Luna ride Harry’s cock. She was pressed up so tight against Harry’s side that every time Luna slammed down on his cock, he felt Pandora’s breasts jiggle against his arm.

Luna’s moans grew louder the longer she rode him. She was never a particularly shy woman, so Harry wasn’t surprised when she let her voice free to announce her pleasure. He wasn’t too far behind her as he moaned and groaned too every time Luna’s pussy fully engulfed his cock or whenever she squeezed him tightly at just the right spot.

Harry placed his hands on Luna’s hips and helped to guide her motions. She was so light that he barely needed to use his muscles to help her bounce on his cock faster and faster. The sound of her arse smacking against his thighs filled the clearing, interwoven with their moans.

“Oh, Harry,” Luna cried as her knees suddenly jerked towards each other. “I feel . . .” Her words were cut off as her mouth opened in a silent scream.

“You’re close to having an orgasm,” Pandora told Luna knowingly. “Just keep going and you’ll feel more pleasure than you could have ever dreamed of.”

“It’s really hard to,” Luna whined. She tried to rise up on Harry’s cock again, her thighs were trembling too much.

Harry tightened his grip on her hips and took control of the situation. “I’ll help you,” he told her. It was an easy thing to lift her entire weight up and then push her pussy back down onto his cock.

“Yes!” Luna cried as she threw her head back in bliss. “I’m . . . I’m . . .”

Harry was getting close too. He could feel his orgasm starting to bubble up inside him, but before he could reach his peak, Luna screamed on top of him.

Luna’s orgasm made her entire body clench up. Her limbs pulled themselves close to her chest, but that didn’t stop Harry from continuing to slam her up and down on his cock. Her screams of pleasure rang out loudly, and her pussy clenched down so impossibly tightly around his cock.

Harry was close. His face was screwed up in pleasure, but he had a moment of clarity when he realised the potential effects of cumming inside of Luna. He was stuck at a crossroads where he so desperately wanted to cum inside of her velvety pussy, but he also didn’t want to risk the chance of getting her pregnant.

Apparently, his troubles were noticeable on his visage because Pandora whispered in his ear. “Go ahead and cum in her,” she said. “I’ve got a potion ready for her later.”

Those words sent Harry past the point of no return. As Luna continued to reel from the throes of her orgasm, Harry exploded inside of her pussy. He slammed down hard on his lap so that her pussy fully engulfed his cock, and he coated the inside of her walls white with his hot seed. It was an incredibly powerful feeling of pure pleasure that seemed to last for an eternity.

And then, it faded as quickly as it arrived. Harry gasped for breath as he fought to recover from his powerful orgasm. Luna was just coming down from hers, and she had the most blissful smile on her lips.

“That was better than I ever dreamed it could be,” Luna told Harry and Pandora.

Harry smiled back at her and opened his mouth to speak when a panicked voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Luna!” Hermione shouted, her voice sounding close. “Are you okay? I’m coming to help!”


Pen Jr. Jr.

Oh god, is Hermione going to find out at a social gathering with everyone Harry's been with (Emma, Luna, Pandora, etc.) and freak out while everyone else is unfased by it.