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Hey everyone! This month's winner is: Harry/Pansy!

Here's the full prompt:

Harry Potter the Brat Tamer

Pansy Parkinson has been a thorn in Harry's side since first year. Always making snide comments, always mocking him and his friends. And the worst part is that she not even doing this for Draco's approval; she's just goes out of her way to get under Harry's skin.

So one day, when the subject of the bitchy Slytherin comes up in Harry and Sirius' conversation, the dogfather explains what's going on. Sirius doesn't remember the technical name for it but he calls it Magical Brats.

Magical brats tend to aggravate and provoke powerful wizards until they are "put back in their place," as Sirius would describe it with waggling eyebrows. Harry doesn't buy it at first but Sirius goes on to explain its magic's way of getting docile wizards with enormous magicial potential and make them into the leaders of tomorrow.

Hell, Bellatrix Black was a MB. It was also a major reason why she joined the Dark Lord. Brats search for powerful wizards to tame them and if Pansy is left unchecked, she could follow that same path.

After that conversation (and hours of embarrassing and arousing research in the Black family library to back up Sirius' claim), Harry returns to Hogwarts fully prepared to tame his brat.

Including: spanking, rough sex, degradation

You can expect to see this prompt at the end of the month! Thank you to everyone who voted and submitted prompts!

Here are the full results after accounting for higher-tier Patrons receiving multiple votes:

Harry/Pansy: 119 votes

Jon Snow/Visenya Targaryen: 64 votes

Percy/Thalia/Artemis: 58 votes

Harry/Hermione/Ginny: 51 votes

Harry/Fleur #1: 39 votes

Harry/Fleur #2 (Modern AU): 26 votes


