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So it's the polls tell me that you guys are really interested in written commissions(RP) kinda like the AO3 content with Hypnapomp. Though I'm not sure how I'd get to so many people for regular sessions. 

I'd say I'd limit it to 2k words. I'm given a general idea of what happens and keep general up keeps. these can either be entirely done by me or if your willing to take time to sit in with me, we can have a back and forth response.

estimated price is $20 ($1 for 100 words)

Discord Channel and art streams are a close second so I'll be looking into screaming art on discord. 

And lastly, I'm changing up the Platinum tier. 

Every month all platinum members get a simple line-art request. A lot like my Oddjob commissions where you get to pick what Golborne does for the month. 


Reed A. Saur

Does this also mean the reverse? Can you patiently sit there and read 2000 words as we ramble about our characters and your own?