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Name: Spoon   of Tortured Souls

Rare   (one of a kind) Cursed Object

Worth:   ???? GP

This   spoon was forged by master craftsmen who specialized in enchanted   spoons. This spoon is one of a kind in   a set that has been scattered across the lands by treasure hunters and   collectors. This spoon was considered the most dangerous.

This   spoon is decorated with an armor cladded mask and one life like demonic eye   in in the base. Whoever is within the eye’s sight must never lie. If they do,   they must resist having their vary soul ripped from their body ( Con Save   DC:20) On failure, the mask will open its eyes and grin, the victim’s soul is   absorbed through the eye and replaced with the previous victim. The mask will   then change to look like the new victim as the now free soul takes control of   the empty body. 

Within   the spoon, the victim will be fully aware of everything around them. As an   addition part of their suffering, the eye can fully feel everything that   makes contact with it.



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