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So recently my 2011 video "Are Chinese Girls Easy?" went viral on Chinese social media, this was a good and bad thing, I got lots of great comments and support from I would say the majority of people who watched and commented on it (it has gone viral here before, but years and years ago), this time however although there were good neutral and downright nice articles about it, (for example both the Nanfang and China Wire wrote really nice balanced articles), two particularly bad and scathing articles appeared in "the global times" which is basically a tabloid newspaper backed by the communist party and known for frequently publishing bad journalism as no one seems to edit or proof read and there seems to be no code of conduct or journalistic professionalism there. Putting yourself out there on the internet is always full of risk, and if you don't have a thick skin, you can very easily find yourself feeling attacked, depressed or just plain insulted and upset. However for me it's just another day in China and another day on YouTube. I decided to make a newly updated "Are Chinese Girls Easy?" video and it worked out great! In the bad articles they accused me of being a bitter loser sitting on my own swilling beer after probably being dumped by a Chinese girl and for being a "border-line racist" for stating the fact that Chinese people find lighter skin more attractive...  in the new video I filmed in public and was spontaneously approached by curious Chinese girls who wanted to take photos with me, and also people who very happily replied that "they think white foreigners are more attractive", I know that in some ways it seems a little petty for me to go out and prove my points, but I feel that I needed to make it clear that the intent of my original video was never to offend or upset anyone, and that I was simply stating the facts of how China is. I hope you all enjoyed the new video and I'd love your feedback on the whole issue.

I was also happy to work together with C-milk as he was working on a video covering a very controversial advert in China which adds more weight to the facts about China's preference for lighter skin, if you are interested in a very balanced article about this whole escapade,please check out my Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina ), there's a link right at the top.

Thank you all for the support, knowing that I have people like yourselves backing me really gives me the strength to stand up to the constant downsides to being China's original Vlogger.


Stay Awesome my friends!




And many people outside China don't know this: many Chinese women unequivocally find white males more attractive than other races including their own men. Many dream of having cute birracial babies with light hair and blue eyes. Nothing racist in their view; it is just their preference. There was absolutely nothing wrong with being honest as was shown in the video. Winston was just showing how things really are in modern China.


Awesome video.