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The early patreon video I released unlisted to you all has now been blocked in all territories, why? Because I used less than a minute of footage, it's ridiculous and goes to show exactly what I was talking about, China is very good at using the western systems against us, copyright is ignored within China and I have had my videos and documentaries copied and used countless times, even on state media, but use just a little Chinese footage and they crack down hard! Haha, oh well I'll have to modify/edit the footage and try to upload again before Friday! I'll keep you posted!

Stay Awesome!



Foo Bar

I didn't get a chance to see the video before it was pulled so it's hard to say. But make sure you're familiar with the "fair use four factors" and consider re-cutting it. If it wasn't reported directly then it was probably found through video thumbprinting. Once the video adheres to the four factors as much as practical then it could be worth considering fair use counter-claim. (IANAL: consult a lawyer if needed etc)


Please consider also posting on Rumble anything that gets banished on YouTube.