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Thought I’d get your feedback on something. I’ve been thinking it might be cool to have either one character or one element of the black and white pages be in color, just to give people a taste of what the color looks like. What do you think?


Trevor Delgado

I like the idea of something always being in color - like in Schindler's List - there is a little girl in a red dress when the rest of the movie is B&W. Something subtle, but that can give extra meaning.


As a means of inticing people to sub to your patreon, that might work. Get people who never knew there was a color version.

Rudy Blues

Yeah, like make it only so the cum is coloured or something

Alex Talbain

That's a good idea because if you give them a sample of what you can really do it will make them want to support you even more


A rather interesting idea. Frankly I would be very interested to see how it turns out


I think it could work quite well from an aesthetic standpoint too. Use the color to highlight specific parts. I would still post here at least a clean non color version too. I imagine there's some people who prefer the clean one.


personally, there will be almost no interest to pay for the color if you start to put the color as much to do it in full. after these my point of view.


Yeah, I thought about it some more and decided against it. I think it would end up looking really unbalanced


That is true. what pays more will feel a little beast but perso I love your work!