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Patreon is moving to a new method of processing, moving payment processing for creators who make adult content to the UK. As a result, there a TON of people’s banks who are confused and are thinking that your pledges are fraudulent and are declining them. I’m at 44 declined patrons at the moment, and It’s not even finished processing completely. Please check your emails and if your card has declined, please please talk to your bank and let them know that it’s not a fraudulent charge; this is a massive drop that if it’s not resolved quickly it puts me below the amount I need to just barely survive, so I really appreciate your speed on this!

Thank you!!


Rudy Blues

We Gucci, I got my receipt


My card was recently replaced so it already needed to re-learn which automatic payments were okay vs fraudulent. The move to the UK payment processing certainly seems like a major headache but mine should be good now for this month.


Mine went through, no probs.


Is everything okay now? My card seemed to go through. But did everyone else?