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John was with Eliana in the small shower of the ship they had taken for this mission. The failed goddess sat on a rubber platform, unfolded from the wall, and let him scrub her down carefully with a sponge. If he had left it to herself, she would have continued for hours.

The pretty little psycho still had a smile on her face. Bits of her mask still stuck to her face. John did not bring attention to it. He let her just enjoy the moment of euphoria she was experiencing. It would ebb away in time.

“Everyone always fucking said that revenge will not make you happy. Don’t turn back in anger, they said. Fucking idiots, I feel great!”

John let out a weak little chuckle and ran the sponge down the length of her spine. “I’d agree that the anti-revenge side has been overstepping with their forgiveness idea,” he said calmly, “but let’s not act like they don’t have a point. The warning is that being consumed by vengeance will not lead to you having a happy life.”

Eliana was quiet for a few seconds, just looking at her feet as she waved them back and forth under the gentle fall of the water. “I could have been consumed by it…” she confessed, then turned her eyes to him. The last bits of mask were pulled back under the skin. “…but I have so much more to live for.”

“I love you,” John whispered and placed a quick kiss on her lips. Afterwards, he gave her a little smack on the thigh. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

They left the shower, towelled off in the small bathroom, and then went back above deck. For the time being, they were still anchored by the ship. John and much of the harem were scouring the rooms of the vessel for all it had to offer. This was Mengele’s private ship and there had to be treasures worth discovering aboard. Documents, if nothing else.

Plus, they had to double check whether there were any lobotomized Fateweavers still aboard the ship. This Illusion Barrier had to be closed completely. If this was found, the political fallout from this event would be twice as difficult to deal with.

Of course, John and his cohort would be blamed for this event. The Gamer had stated numerous times his distaste for the Purest Front, threatened Mengele’s life on one occasion, and Eliana’s entire existence was every reason someone needed to suspect that they would take action against the now deceased leader. Everyone with half a brain cell could work out that he had done this.

There was a difference, however, between everyone knowing that they had done this and everyone being able to prove that they had done this. It was easier to let this thing blow over if there was the barest degree of deniability. It would also make it harder for the Purest Front to immediately declare a war if they had just a smidgen of doubt that the group was responsible.

Plus, John did not want to deal with the Purest Front AND Krieg.

For that same reason, they did have to be incredibly careful with what they took with them. John, by nature, wanted something to remember this event by to display in his trophy room. A piece of the ship would have been too obvious, so he made due with a chunk of the island it rested upon. It would have the same emotional value for him.

“Do we ditch the ship?” Scarlett asked, knocking the damaged railing where Eliana had launched herself from initially. It was the only sign of damage, but it was an obvious one anyway.

John nodded. “We’ll take it to the shore, disassemble the Mobile Barrier Generator, then go back to Fusion using the teleporter. The land lease runs out today.”

“Think we can run into Lulu before we go?” Rave asked.

Because they had hurriedly made their exit in an effort to catch Mengele, their goodbye with the imperial tomboy had been cut short. That was the entirety of the regretful effects that came of this, however.

“I doubt she’ll be waiting for us,” John tempted fate.

For once, tempting fate did not cause anything unforeseen to happen. They finished scouring the ship for anything useful (little was found), collapsed the barrier, returned to the Italian shore, ditched the boat, collapsed the barrier around the boat, wasted the rest of the day in mundane space in the countryside, then moved to the imperial harbour under the cover of night and moved through unseen.

Just like that, they were back home. Lydia separated from them, using the teleporter network to jump to Berlin. The land lease ran out and the teleporter outpost in Rome disappeared with it. It was midnight, they were in their living room, and they were all just… vibing.

“I hate it when things go smoothly,” John declared out of nowhere.

“”We know,”” Rave, Momo, and Lee exclaimed simultaneously.

John grumbled, “Just saying, this makes me feel like something is about to go horribly wrong.”

“Can ya just take the win?” Rave asked. “Or the wins, in this case? We got the seat, we got Mengele dead, we got Lulu nudes…”

“We got what now?” John asked.

His first fiancée sent him a mischievous smile. Wiggling her phone between her fingers, she put out bait that he immediately went for. Launching himself in her general direction, he soon lay across the thighs of Momo, Metra, and Siena. Two squishy, one toned, the triple laps made for excellent bedding while he stretched for the phone. Rave dramatically kept it out of reach.

A bothering tug on his ear made John end his pursuits. “Can you concentrate on what we have to do next instead of chasing booty?” Momo asked him.

“You know perfectly well that I’m capable of doing both.” John did give up on the phone, but only because he instead picked up Momo and placed her in his lap. The fairy maid didn’t even react, instead staying focused on the book she was reading – until he gently blew on her ear. That made her tremble head to toe.

“Perv!” she declared and lightly jabbed him in the ribs. John only proved her right by rubbing up and down the smooth skin of her sides and kissing the flawless curve of her shoulder. Eventually his hands moved to her wonderfully subtle little breasts. He felt the bit of squish and the hardness of her nipples, listened to the way her breathing turned into a sigh when he circled her areolas.

“You know, your words don’t hold much weight when you stripped just as quickly as the rest of us,” John whispered to her. Of course, the moment they had been home, they had immediately thrown off the yoke of clothing. They had done much the same with regularity in their given estate, of course, but it was different at home. Especially since there was an actual door here, not to mention the layers upon layers of security measures.

John felt a little happier to be nude in the confines of his home, was the short of it.

Momo let out a little grumble and fell against him. Then, she moaned when Rave suddenly put her phone in front of her. Over the fairy maid’s shoulder, the Gamer could see the photo of Lu Zhi spreading her pussy in front of a bathroom mirror.

“Why are girls so pretty?!” Momo demanded to know.

“Said the adorable minx,” John hummed.

“You… just… urgh!” After shooting up, the fairy maid turned around. “You still owe me face-sitting time!”

John let out the deepest of sighs and laid down on his back. Siena and Metra got up to give him the necessary space. “Woe is me, this debt I’ll never fully repay.”

“Good, means I’ll have ways to shut you up!” Momo declared, straddled his face, and then plopped down. His tongue began to lap up her fluids, filling his mouth with the aroma of raspberries.

“We both know that’s not true.” Jack, or the Ambassador Double as it was more commonly known, gently brushed back some of Momo’s hair. His cute chancellor rolled her eyes, then moaned when his invading tongue pushed one of her many sensitive spots. On the other end, Siena decided to mount his unattended cock.

While his main body had fun, John sat down on the couch. The internal feeling that something was about to go wrong persisted, despite the many distractions. Only time or something actually going wrong was going to fix it.

“You did use the-“

“If you are about to fucking question whether I used my Touch of Humanity’s Bane on fucking slaughterer cunt-face McGee of all people, I’ll stab you in the middle toe,” Eliana interrupted him.

John shut his mouth and instead turned to Rave. “Anything I should expect tomorrow?”

“Wouldn’t be fun if I told ya, would it?” Rave answered.

Tomorrow was John’s 20th birthday. With everything else that had been going on, there hadn’t been any time to prepare for the large festivities like he had put in place last year. As far as John was informed, there had been various private efforts to get at least small-scale festivities going in the Guild Hall, but without official backing they were uncoordinated and thus smaller in scope.

Right now it was midnight. Today, John would go to bed, wake up, hold a speech to parliament about the success of joining the Divided Gates, then do some things, get back to bed, then wake up for his birthday. What those ‘some things’ were wasn’t decided yet, but he was more than likely going to do a lot of paperwork. A couple of things required review.

“Related question: will we have to deal with the political firestorm on your birthday?” Rave asked.

“Unlikely,” John answered, then groaned when Nathalia decided she had enough of watching two other girls having fun. The dragoness knelt on the ground and wrapped her giant tits around the manhood of the Ambassador Double.

In general, the mood in the room was gradually heating up. The remaining adrenaline of what they had done hours earlier was fully wearing off and left behind was the joy of their home and mutual presence. Mengele’s death was a momentous occasion, but for who they were and what they did, it did not matter much.

The best revenge was a life well lived after taking revenge.

“Explain, brainiac,” Rave urged him.

“Hm? Oh, right.” John pulled his mind away from the trio of sexual sensations that his tongue and two dicks were currently involved in. “Ever heard the legend of how Stalin died?”

“No?” Rave gave him her typical ‘Where the hell are ya going with that?’ glance.

“The story goes that Stalin retired for the night and told his retainers to not disturb him. They proceeded to obey the order and did not enter the quarters, not even when it was long past the time Stalin would usually wake up. When, eventually, one of the retainers did check on him, they found him passed out. A stroke had paralysed him and he passed away a few days later. The legend has it that, if they had found him earlier, they could have given him the necessary medical attention.”

“Aaaaand that’s relevant how?”

“The people, including his closest servants, were so afraid of Stalin that they would not check on his well being. Versions of the story even have it that they knew but failed to report in time by design. Doesn’t really matter here, what I am getting at is: who do you think will question Mengele’s absence?”

“Oooh!” Rave cried out when it clicked.

“So they’ll just not wonder about their leader missing?” Lee chimed in.

“Oh, they’ll wonder, they just won’t say anything about it or do anything. Some might even suspect that this is a test by Mengele to see who would dare to try and take over in his absence.” John smiled down at Nathalia, who smiled back and then gave her squishy tits a shake. He remembered how haughty she used to be about giving service. So much had changed for the better recently. “The point is that it will be at least a day before they notice the absence, at least a few more days until they acknowledge the absence, then several more days until they discuss the absence, and then more days until they announce the absence to the public.”

“We’ll have anything between five and fourteen days until shit hits the fan,” Scarlett gave her estimation.

“Ample time to act like nothing at all happened,” John told everyone. “Eliana, can you do me the favour and stay off work for that time? I think your excessively good mood might be too telling.” Ironically, her staying home was less conspicuous. There were many occasions during which the pretty little psycho was… preoccupied with John’s decisions on how she should spend her day. That, or she had a stroke of brilliance and didn’t put the brush down for hours.

“Alright then, just going to lock myself in the atelier or whatever,” Eliana agreed.

“Maybe I’ll lock you in the Sex Dungeon,” John considered and gave her the ‘piece of meat’ stare. The submissive shuddered. Her chin lowered, letting her eyes look past her gently raised brows in a way that just begged him to do exactly that.

They weren’t completely done deliberating what they did next, though. “So, when are we checking on Ehtra?” the First of Wrath asked.

John threw the question over to Delicia, who picked up her phone to once more check the vitals involved. “Steady build-up of neural-circuit activity,” the alchemist told everyone. “At the current rate, I think she’ll be coherent by noon. If I feed her some materials to let her restore more of herself, that is.” Delicia looked at Metra. “I’ll head over when everyone else is asleep; you can tag along.”

“I’ll do that,” Metra agreed.

“Wake me up if something urgent develops,” John told them, then looked around the room. “Anything else?”

“Ssssooo much eeeelse,” Momo moaned. After a couple of last orgasmic throbs had shook her bottom heavy curves, she lifted her derriere from John’s face. At that point, Jack’s mouth no longer needed to stay free, so he grabbed himself a volt bunny to make out with. “There’s a girl that urgently wants to talk to you.”

“What girl?” Aclysia asked.

Momo turned her head, confused why the head maid was asking rather than John. To be fair, her Master was busy cumming inside Siena and all over Nathalia’s tits. That did tie his tongue for a few seconds.

“A mercenary leader. Said she wanted to throw her lot in with Fusion.”

Siena lifted her wide hips off John’s crotch and gave someone else the opportunity to take her place – after the Gamer had sat up. That someone else turned out to be Gnome, who was a little more direct than usual. Sure, she only reluctantly came forward and got the spot only because everyone else silently agreed to let her, but she did still come forward on her own. While he gazed into her hazel eyes, he hummed thoughtfully.

Mercenary leaders approaching him was not a common affair. Dozens if not hundreds of organizations that could vaguely be described as soldiers-for-hire had been sprinkled all over North America before John arrived here. Their existence had been part of what kept the region destabilized, although it was one of the lesser factors.

As Fusion spread, those merc companies had been dealt with in one of four ways. Either they had been dissolved, displaced, assimilated, or tolerated. Dissolution was by far the most common, since non-state parallel organizations were the places where rebellion was most likely to ferment and most of those organizations were already made up of those that stood to lose their petty little kingdoms through Fusion’s constitutional order. Displacement was a term to summarize the various ways those that refused to come to heel were dealt with, whether that was them fleeing, being shown the door, or a shallow grave. Assimilation was used in the rare instance such an organization wanted to link up with Fusion’s military. Lastly, toleration was when the merc company, for one reason or another, was allowed to continue its operation.

Typically, this had happened within territories formerly held by the Order of the Golden Rose. Seers had deemed certain groups to be worthy of being kept around but unworthy of joining the Order proper and a weird middle ground had been reached that John did not intend to mess with.

Mercenary leaders approaching him was not a common affair because they much preferred not inviting undue attention on themselves. John understood. If he was living a happy life out in the sticks, selling a service many would consider immoral (albeit less so on the Abyssal side), then he wouldn’t go poke the central authority either.

It was, however, not entirely unheard of either. Primarily when they wanted to be assimilated, they came to him to parlay. John was still short when it came to professional soldiers and mercenary leaders had a tendency to be impressive in one way or another. The law of the jungle was a powerful selection mechanism. Consequently, such meetings were often worth his time.

“When?” the Gamer asked.

Momo shrugged. “She arrived a couple of days ago. I’ll give you her number. Beyond that, there’s also…”

And a long list began.





Killing Mengele, whatever they've got planned for John's birthday, and the possibility of a long stay in the Sex Dungeon? Looks like Christmas came early for Eliana. As for this mercenary leader, I'm curious whether she'll be a recurring character or not.