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“And the Gamer and his allies return to the stand, everyone. Seems like Nathalia has already recovered from her loss!” Jeff announced. “Quite the sturdy one!”

Nathalia clicked her tongue. “Noisy,” she hissed.

‘Yup, definitely still my Nathalia,’ John thought. ‘Okay, she is biting back the death threat. That is a form of change.’

What was not was her marching over to the buffet and beginning to take her part of the feast. She had named her gluttony as a sin. John guessed that she meant more her ‘seeking out delicious meals using inappropriate means’ rather than her stuffing habits once such food was in front of her. In her defence, if more had fit inside him, the Gamer would have been devouring several additional servings of the maids’ (mainly Aclysia’s) cooking as well.

Maximillian greeted John with a raised hand. Irielz had stood up and was currently chatting with Lu Zhi. It was interesting to see a succubus of, fundamentally, no name and importance chat with the second most powerful single person in the world. Even more interesting was that one was a prospective haremette for him and the other was the certainly harem-approving fiancée of his best friend.

Funny how the wheel of history turned.

“Recess between the fights has been prolonged,” Maximillian informed him.

“How come?” the Gamer asked.

“Officially, Luna needs to recharge the barrier that keeps the Fateweaver inside the fighting barriers safe. Nathalia melting and scorching everything has not done it any favours.”

John nodded, that was an understandable and likely true reason. Metra’s fight against Liakan had not exactly been short of collateral damage either. “Unofficially?” he asked anyhow, since he felt that was expected.

“Romulus probably doesn’t want the time table to move too much,” Maximillian stated. “The people have made time for about seven hours and wouldn’t want the event to end too quickly. Plus, they’ll appreciate the opportunity to stretch their legs.”

Looking around the general stands, John did notice that the seats were mostly vacated. The arena felt like a cinema during a break in a four hour movie. Bathroom breaks, grabbing snacks, just taking a stroll, the people were doing all sorts of things.

John was happy to take part in the moment of relaxation. Although, gazing across the divide, there was a risk that he would remember what had been done to his Nathalia. Now that the immediate concern of her wellbeing was settled, anger began to rise. Metra had been hurt too, but not to that extent. The injuries were…

‘Part of the tournament,’ John reminded himself and breathed as calmly as he could. Short of surrendering, there was no way to minimize the harm that came to those that fought. That was the reality of the situation. He remembered the lesson Undine had taught him, all that time ago, and pulled his anger under the surface. There it would lie dormant, until he could make use of it.

His fingers drummed on the armrest of his chair. “Everything in order?” Lu Zhi’s question barely preceded Irielz hopping back into Maximillian’s lap. The succubus got comfortable; the imperial tomboy smirked at her hidden lover. As a trial haremette, she had not accompanied the rest of them down there. It would have been too much for the current state of their relationship anyhow. They all liked her, but to be present during a heart to heart, she was too much of a stranger for the time being.

“As good as it can be, given the circumstances.” John smiled over to Nathalia, who was laughing at something Claire had said. It was a free laugh, the kind that even he had rarely seen from her before. Some changes would not manifest for years. Some manifested quickly. The goddess seemed so much less differentiated from the rest of the harem now. The reality that she was an equal seemed to have finally settled in. “Maybe that loss was for the best.”

Lu Zhi clacked her chopsticks twice. “What a strange thing to say.”

“Yeah,” John could only agree. “I suppose this is the part where you ask for my level estimation?”

Lu Zhi nodded eagerly a couple of times. “Of course, I am willing to share a secret in return.”

“I would estimate level 1000, so around you and Romulus,” John stated.

The words did not surprise the Heavenly Jade Empress whatsoever. Nathalia was renowned as one of the more destructively capable entities in the Abyss. For an enemy to beat her, even as slim as the victory ultimately had been, was a feat of legendary proportions. Now, whether Nathalia would have still lost if she had changed her true form before she had sustained several hits by area spells was a topic of debate.

“It could potentially be adjusted downwards to around 950,” John said. “Or up to 1050. The inefficiencies on either side make it difficult to say.” Not like Orkos hadn’t taken unnecessary damage due to his dementia.

As of that moment, the first master of the arcane was back to his fundamental state. John had all but confirmed, by now, that their Babel Phrases enabled an Unleashed state. Whether the transformation was a particular manifestation of arcane elementals or just those seven would be an interesting subject to study in the future. If this was even shared between all seven. They had only fought three so far, after all.

“Now, what do I get in return?” John asked.

“Something a little… sensitive,” Lu Zhi answered in a soft purr. “I’ll tell you later or I can tell you now, if you want to.”

John glanced back at the empty seats. Romulus would let everyone know with some kind of signal when they were moving towards preparations to continue. “Now is good.” He pushed out of his seat. “Nightingale, Nathalia, could you two tag along?” he requested.

One made absolute sense, Nightingale was his intelligence suppressor. Nathalia was just on a whim. After what had just happened, she probably could use a pick-me-up.

That he followed Lu Zhi’s perfect ass, diminished somewhat by the long skirt that covered it, with two haremettes in tow would doubtlessly be cause for some rumours. The excuse given was somewhat solid, but didn’t really hold up to scrutiny. People would talk. Just like Lu Zhi wanted.

John caught the gaze of the Horned Rat for a moment and grinned. He imagined seeing something like surprise on the god’s skeletal features.

Finding a hidden corner took barely any time at all. Claire had this entire sector of the coliseum covered in spiders. A hidden mechanism, activated under the veil of Nightingale, and they all disappeared into a tiny, dark room. The wall slipped shut behind them, leaving them in an interesting illumination.

Between the three goddesses, for Lu Zhi effectively was one, the lightless room experienced a shift of phenomena. The pitch black of the barely two-metre wide compartment was pulled into Nightingale’s feathers and hair. She wore it like an extension of herself, making sure none of the sounds they created made it to the outside. Nathalia and Lu Zhi, to her left and right, glowed. One glowed with the light of heated metal and molten rock, the other green and white, like sunlight reflecting off jade, pearls, and drifting clouds.

A set of truly miraculous sights.

“This isn’t what I had in mind,” Lulu said in more than faked offence.

“Oh really?” John glared at her with such intensity the kneeling empress’ expression immediately tilted towards the submissive. “Do you have replacement lipstick?” he asked. His thumb brushed over her lower lip. Simultaneously, Nathalia and Nightingale worked together to undo his pants with only teeth and tongue.

Lu Zhi nodded, which was the final nail in the coffin for John’s patience. Between stress and just general Libido, he was beyond eager. His cock sprang to freedom, only failing to smack across Nightingale’s features because of how hard he was.

“You’re telling me that your ‘sensitive secret’ doesn’t lie right here?” Two fingers pushed past Lu Zhi’s pink-painted lips. She tried to suck on them at first, but he pushed them deeper in, until he hit the back of her mouth. Her lips were agape and dripping, while he fingered her sensitive throat as best as he could. Stimulating the base of her tongue was, for this exercise, enough.

While Lu Zhi’s jade eyes dulled with desire at the treatment, Nathalia wrapped her lips around his cock. The dragoness retained her dominance in the situation, claiming the right of first taste as she always did. Delayed and deliberate, it was accompanied by a degree of skin contact between her and Nightingale that far exceeded the demands of the confined space. Even if they had to sit round butt to round butt, rubbing her massive tits against Nightingale’s lithe frame was a motion of excess.

John grabbed the redhead by one of her curved horns and dragged her down as far as she could go. His cock was too hard to curve when it hit the back of her throat and they lacked the room to compensate by changing the angle. What little of his cock could not be stuffed down the dragoness’ hot comfort hole was treated to lavish licks by Nightingale’s extended tongue.

“Master tashtesh shooo gooood,” the harpy gasped, much to Nathalia’s agreeing hums. The dragoness slowly slipped upwards.

“Your turn, fellow haremette,” the redhead purred, brushing back Nightingale’s hair for her, as the harpy went down. Eyelids fluttered, when his cock penetrated the folds of her throat-pussy.

While two goddesses served his manhood, the one that had actually suggested the illicit activity was swirling her tongue around his fingers. “You should get out of that dress before you drool all over it.” John ordered.

“Yes, Master,” Lulu moaned, after pulling away from his fingers. The make of the dress was convenient for the situation. Opening the pins along the seam down her neck and under her armpit made the entire thing loosen. Then, it was as easy as pulling it off. Lulu stuffed it into a dimensional pocket, then bit her lower lip.

“The pleasure of obedience.” John aggressively grabbed the imperial tomboy by the chin. His index finger underneath it, his thumb in her mouth, he pinned down her tongue. Staring into her eyes, he gave a singular order. “Cum for me.”

Lulu’s eyes widened when her body tensed up at the first word. Spasming and writhing where she knelt, the sudden orgasm overwhelmed her. Her ass rose and fell, following the jolts that delivered the pleasure through her nervous system.

It was almost as much of a joy to watch as Nightingale’s orgasm. With his rock hard cock in her throat, the harpy screamed. The difference between her spasms and Lulu’s were stark. One had an orgasm more intense than her fingers could ever provide, the other was taking in the full effect of John’s Perks affecting her favourite hole. Volume of moans, intensity of the twitches, and duration of the climax were completely different.

“Oh God, yes,” John groaned and grabbed Nightingale’s head with both hands. Black lips formed a tight ring around his cock, clamping folds formed an even tighter grip around the upper third of his shaft and the tip. His pleasure surged rapidly. Understanding their place in it all, Nathalia and Lulu bowed down and worshipped his balls with monstrous tongues.

Immediately, they began to tighten. A massive load pumped down the night goddess’ throat. Spurt for spurt of thick cum, going exactly where it should go.

John lost very little time, once his orgasm had concluded, to give Nathalia her fill. It came at the end of a double service by her and Lulu, and was then followed by all three working together to earn the empress her share.

At the end, all three women were panting and gave him that delightfully submissive stare. It was too bad he could not dwell in that moment of control. They had been absent long enough and were delayed a little longer because Lulu had to get herself back in order. Nathalia and Nightingale both wore their hair wild and ‘clothes’ shaped from might and magic. None of those orderly buns, redrawn lipstick, and unwrinkled dresses Lu Zhi had to contend with.

Upon returning to their viewing area, they found it largely vacated. Save for a couple of the guests, everyone seemed to have taken the opportunity to scatter. This did include the vast majority of John’s harem. Only Lorelei, Hailey and Aclysia were still present. They stood together with Moira, chatting until they saw the Gamer return. Hailey gave him a few eager waves.

“There you are, hon’,” the country gal greeted him in that ever attractive accent. Despite having just blown three loads, he felt completely ready to bend her over the railing and make her scream his name out into the world using her voice. “The honour’d Ward’n wanted a word with ya.”

“That so?” John asked and stepped into the conversational circle. His previous entourage went about. Lu Zhi returned to wherever her people were set up, she had been away from them for a bit too long. Nathalia and Nightingale just walked off to the side in conversation.

“A word is a strong way to put it, I merely wanted to express my gratitude in person again.” Moira directed her eyes outwards. “I always wished to visit the Eternal City and, although the Sword Warden will not be able to make it, this has been an enlightening experience so far.” Her gaze returned to him. “The Lady certainly blesses you and those… with you, to put it tactfully.”

“The Lady do be smillin’ on whatev’r it is we’re havin’,” Hailey agreed and planted a quick kiss on John’s cheek. On the other side, he put his arm around Lorelei. The seer blushed a little bit about the intimacy in the presence of her longest friend.

“If I may, this relationship may be unorthodox, but it is most satisfying,” the white-blonde woman said.

“As long as you are happy,” Moira said, a rare moment of softness swinging through. Then her tone hardened again. “That was all I wanted to share. My accommodations have been agreeable, as has been my treatment here. Being part of Fusion has been… good.”

That was high praise coming from her mouth and John would take it. Hailey tugged on his sleeve a moment later. “Change of topic, but I’d take ‘Clysia and do the thing we agreed on, yeah?”

That could only mean experimenting with the Rose of Artifice. “Now?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Inspiration strikin’ and all that,” Hailey told him.

Prompted by his eyes, Aclysia added, “Albeit I do not mind staying in support of you and Fusion, Master, I believe this is a more productive use of my time. I may be able to prepare refills for the buffet while I am at it.”

“Alright,” John agreed with a nod and they headed out.

Then they waited for the fights to continue.



Gaia didn't even have something to say about Nathalia losing, let alone not gameifying the tournament results? I'm starting to worry about her! (once again, great chapter!)


Great point, huh Definitely that will be a story point later on