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It was no secret that John thought Rave had the perfect ass.

Obviously, he loved all of the backsides of his haremettes. They all had their individual advantages. Still, he had a favourite. He loved the balanced rear of his fiancée, that perfect, heart-shaped pillow of an ass that had all the juicy jiggle, all the flawless roundness, and all the firmness wrapped up under her taut skin. Only Gaia’s ass could rival it, equally perfect on the green-haired supreme deity’s petite frame.

And there, right next to his fiancée’s, was an ass that truly rivalled hers. Lu Zhi’s butt was a little bit smaller, a consequence of the imperial tomboy herself standing a good bit shorter. Beyond that, the sight was mesmerizingly similar. The curve painted an outline from the concave of her waist to the softness of her thighs. Deep creases between legs and butt hinted at the sheer squish bound in the latter, under the pale skin. Rave, with all the certainty of being his better half, reached down and grabbed Lu Zhi’s butt like only girls were allowed to touch each other on their first meeting. Her fingers sank deep.

John’s vision turned into a myriad of dots for a split second. His blood was rushing downstairs at an unhealthy pace. Metra poked his erection under the table, and jump-started his brain that way. “How did those pants make your butt look worse?” John whispered in absolute awe.

The entire room was similarly struck. More than a little bisexual, all the ladies in the room were almost as enticed by the backside as he was. Inevitably, wonderfully, the moment came to an end. Rave dragged the imperial tomboy along, until the two of them sat down to the left and right of John.

A tinge of reason was reintroduced into the room the moment the perfect ass hit the seat. Like a charm broken, everyone, including Lu Zhi herself, managed to conjure a bit of critical thinking. It was for that reason that Lydia and Momo groaned and buried their heads in their hands and it was because of their groaning that Lu Zhi stopped halfway through mimicking the way Rave grabbed the Gamer’s arm.

With a blush and a swift motion, she stabbed what she found on Metra’s plate, a delicious cut of meat, and wolfed it down. “Sooooo… are we going to acknowledge this animal magnetism?” she asked, just when the mood in the room began to calm down. “Because I’m not gonna lie – have not been this attracted to anyone ever.”

Lydia finally snapped. Her fists slammed down on the table, one after the other. “This is entirely inappropriate! This is supposed to be a diplomatic meeting, not a hookup between the supreme pervert of the world and a newly debuted empress.”

Seeing her opening to talk some sense, Momo joined in, “This is the first time you have publicly left the Forbidden City and you’ve been all over John at every opportunity. It reeks of conspiracy! Plus, we really do not have the space right now to entertain an additional haremette!”

“…So the issue here is that I am making moves at a bad time?” Lu Zhi cut straight to the point.

“It’s the biggest, but far from the only one,” Momo was swift to answer.

“Hmmmm.” Lu Zhi tapped her chin repeatedly.

John noted that, in absence of any clothes, the jade dragon appeared on her flawless porcelain skin. What it was, he could easily theorize, but he still could not make total sense out of how her powers worked.

“I can wait,” the imperial tomboy then said.

The word ‘wait’ in regards to a woman with a perfect ass almost failed to register with its regular definition. It was at that moment that Lu Zhi registered the tent in his pants. The look in her eyes, between hunger and curiosity, made his member twitch.

John was once again jump-started, this time by his fiancée pinching his butt. “Sorry, just… wow.” He glanced at the way her perfect ass flattened on the seat like the thick pancakes she had eaten. He forced his eyes to rest on her face, but that only made it worse. John absolutely adored the female backside, but the face was still more important than the booty.

The Chinese empress had such wonderful features. The almond eyes, the roundish face, the cute little nose, and the pale pink lips spread into a smile between daring and shy. Only a blushing tomboy could have worn that contradictory expression.

“Right, so let’s address that animal magnetism,” John decided to be serious. “First, let’s sort this out: you did actually just intend to use me, didn’t you?”

“One thousand percent, yes,” Lu Zhi immediately admitted. “I mean, I reckoned I would get away with it.”

“Fair assumption,” Rave spoke for the entire harem, as per usual.

“Really, I need the Dangun Clan to respect me, everything else was just a side bonus.” Lu Zhi stabbed another chunk of meat on Metra’s plate. She lifted it to her mouth. When she opened up, the teeth were as sharp as Nathalia’s and the tongue similarly pointy and long as those of the rest of the dragons in John’s harem. She licked up some of the juices, before coiling her tongue around the meat and pulling it into her mouth that way.

“Lulu,” John said, very drily.

“Hmmm?” the chewing tomboy turned her gaze to him.

“Your hand is in my pants.”

The imperial tomboy looked down, as if she was incapable of confirming the fact with the tactile feedback alone. She swallowed the meat, while heat rushed into her face. “Yup,” she responded in a slightly raised pitch. “When did it get there, whoops.”

“…You’re not moving it away,” he noted.

“It is nice and warm.”

John laughed at that explanation and at the fingers that wiggled mere centimetres away from his prominent erection. “Really? You’re cold? In this climate? At this time of year?”

“Located entirely in… this… you know… breakfast room,” Lee began, then petered off when she realized her meme citation was causing confusion among most of the haremettes. “Get on the internet already, sheesh!”

“Sure,” Lu Zhi chirped and got back to John. “Never been this close to a dick before. Let me just.” She inched a little closer. “Record broken.” She inched a little closer. “Record broken again!”

John suddenly grabbed the empress by the chin. “You’re playing a very dangerous game there,” he whispered sultrily, the vocal fry in his voice enough to resummon the gradually fading blush. “You planned to use me because you knew that I would forgive a cute and powerful woman. You reckoned that you could amend your relationship with me without much cost.”

His thumb brushed over her quivering lower lip. There was something unusual to the texture, something slightly sticky. John inspected his finger to find some of the pale pink of her lips had stuck to it. Mild displeasure coursed through the back of his head and he inspected her a little more closely. Save for the lipstick, he did not spot any make-up. His displeasure consequently diminished greatly.

Lu Zhi trembled under his inspecting gaze. The good kind of trembling that swiftly clued John in that there was at least potential that their compatibility went beyond the social. That was, however, much harder to say definitely without hands-on experimentation.

“Your plan worked too, right up until we talked for longer than a fleeting second, didn’t it?” John asked and leaned in a little further. The shifting of his body made the back of her fingers brush against his shaft. Was it the heat or the hardness that made her tense up? Who knew, certain was only that she did not pull away. “Because people like you and I know when they spot something they want.”

“We do, don’t we?” Lu Zhi whispered back, her smile growing. Bashfulness was gradually replaced with confidence. “Now what do we do about that? The non-royal we – you and I?”

“I got that,” John assured her.

“Ehem,” Momo cleared her throat audibly. “I believe there was an agreement of ‘waiting’?”

“Well, no, I just said I can wait, not that I would wait,” Lu Zhi responded immediately. “If you give me the option to, then I’ll just…” She shifted a little down towards his dick.

It was at this point that Rave actually intervened. Putting her index fingers against the forehead of the imperial tomboy, she pushed her back gently. “Nah, this is as far as we’ll let ya go today,” the head of the harem declared, much to the relief of the reasonable among his girls. “We have this whole ‘no sleeping outside the harem’ rule, so ya gotta wait until we figure it out before ya just give away your virginity thrice over.”

“I was just going to give him a handjob,” Lu Zhi said casually.

John blew air out of his nose. “It wouldn’t stop there,” he stated. “Assjob or nothing.”

“Deal,” Lu Zhi said jokingly. After pulling her hand out of his pants, she did, however, stand up and return to her chair on the other side of the table. She smelled her hand. “Do you perfume your dick?”

“I use a cologne, but the majority of the smell down there is… let’s call it overlap.” The various women around the table threw Lu Zhi expressive glances.

“Oooooh… that’s pretty… I want to say manly, but that doesn’t feel like the right word… absurd? Something between those two.” Lu Zhi dropped back into her chair and scooped up some of the pancakes. She had an above healthy appetite, to the point that the lack of bulge in her stomach hinted at something magical going on behind the scenes. Considering all her displays of transformation, much of the energy was likely getting consumed by her draconic side.

“So, you intended to use my weakness for strong, attractive women and here we are, terribly attracted to one another,” John continued the important conversation. “Normally I would suggest we just date for a little while and see where this goes, but our situation is slightly more complicated, isn’t it?”

Lu Zhi let out a prolonged sigh. “Slightly is to put it mildly. Eui and the eunuchs will make my life hell if I date you all willy-nilly. It’s not easy getting away with all the things I want to, you know?”

“Well, I get it to an extent, but only because I’m in a similar situation already.” John gestured to Lydia, who was following the conversation quietly. Now that there was distance between John and the bubble butted empress again, the queen had less to groan about. The rest of the harem, like they had been the entire time, was watching and mumbling amongst themselves.

“It would be such a waste, though, to not act on this… but we really shouldn’t.” Lu Zhi drummed her fingers on the table. John swiftly recognized the melody of ‘Baby, it’s cold outside’.

John understood when he was asked to be the pursuer in a relationship. “What we should or should not do is ultimately up to us, isn’t it?” the Gamer encouraged her. “If this is what you like, how often do you think you’ll find it out there?” To emphasize the point, he put his arms around Rave and Metra.

The faux-twins cuddled up to him and did their best to look the part of a pair of loving haremettes. An easy role to slip into when it defined so much of their daily life. Running their hands appreciatively over his naked chest, they purred sweet nothings into his ear. The Gamer repaid them by squeezing their rears.

The effect on Lu Zhi was visible arousal. For one reason or another, she was drawn to the harem lifestyle. There were many good reasons, especially for a bisexual woman, to consider it. “Still, we should not,” she continued her false resistance. “The empress of Rex Germaniae makes a good point.”

“Be mine,” John immediately stated upon hearing that. Lu Zhi had, in one simple word, proved that she had what was most important for a haremette: acknowledgement of the others as her equals. There was no political or personal advantage for her to describe Lydia as a fellow empress. It only served to prove that she did not think herself superior.

The best part? Lu Zhi seemed surprised at him suddenly escalating the conversation to such a degree. Either she was an exceptional actress, something he could not entirely ignore as an option, or she genuinely did not know what she had just proven. “Wow there, I know I was playing coy, but that’s taking it very far, very fast.”

“Yeah, dude,” Momo weighed in again, continuing to be the voice of reason.

“But if she’s part of tiger’s harem, then we can-“ Rave stopped only because a second Momo manifested next to her and chopped the back of her head.

“No, enough of that, you horny enabler,” Momo put her foot down. “Enough of all of this. This is not the right time for you to join us.” She glared first at Lu Zhi, then at John and Rave. Finally, she glared at Claire, who had opened her mouth. “No, I do not care that ‘Master deserves all the women he wants.’ I will not have it. Not right now, especially not with the ruler of the second strongest power on the globe. No, no, no, no, a hundred times no. Urgh.” Crossing her arms, Momo slipped down in her chair and let out a long groan. “Can you take the foot off the gas pedal for a couple more weeks and just… exchange numbers?”

“That’s way too reasonable,” Lu Zhi said, already reaching into a pocket dimension. She retrieved a single piece of paper and a pen. Swiftly, she wrote down a number of contact infos. John just retrieved his business card holder and flipped through it. He eventually found the one he was looking for and let it be passed down the side of the table, until Aclysia picked it up and exchanged it for Lu Zhi’s paper.

On it, John found everything from a private phone number to her Steam account. A multitude of ways to get into covert contact with her. There were also little notes that remarked how likely she was to answer within a certain timeframe.

“You have a harem addition business card?” Lu Zhi snorted with amusement at the fact that she was holding a highly produced version of the same thing.

“It was more sensible when we used to have an open policy regarding sleeping with women that weren’t permanent partners,” John explained to her. “I still printed them in a batch of a hundred so…”

“Which better not be a challenge,” Momo muttered.

“That does actually open an interesting question, where’s the general comfort zone for a ceiling?” John wondered.

“Thirty,” Rave responded immediately. “Roughly.”

John did not know why he was surprised that there was an answer to that. Of all the potential harem-internal topics, that felt like one that would come up semi-regularly, especially with the recent bloat. Thirty felt like a more than generous number. That was a whole nine more than he currently had and larger than most classrooms that John had ever been part of.

“Sounds like I got plenty of space,” Lu Zhi hummed. “We’ll see where this goes, secret lover.”

The Gamer smiled softly. He hadn’t courted a woman an ocean away before. By the time such a statement would have been appropriate for Lydia, they had already been in a firm relationship. “We will see if our relationship even survives today. I understand that you will not choose me over your nation?”

“I thought that went without saying,” Lu Zhi confirmed.

“Many things do, but sometimes it’s best to have them out loud anyway.” John rolled his neck, happy that his boner had, at last, deflated to a point that he could think reasonably. He took his hands off Rave and Metra and instead put them on the table. “Let’s make that clear from the start, then: if we become something more than interested parties, it should not be to the detriment of our nations. I don’t mind talking to my loves first, but it still has to serve Fusion.”

“And as much as I wish to ignore the opinions of crusty eunuchs, I am still the Heavenly Jade Empress,” she responded. “My soul belongs to my people, even if my heart could potentially belong to you.”

The two of them nodded, smiling their little smiles. There was a tinge of sadness to it. For all the opportunities of ruling, there were shackles attached to them too. Less on John, much less on John, but still they were there.

Both put the contact info away. With that, they settled the matter of private interest for the time being. The addressing of the sexual tension made it a lot easier to concentrate on what came next.




Im excited to see where this goes