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The First of Wrath was staring at the shadow of one of the nearby pillars. John narrowed his eyes, until he noticed that a person was kneeling in it, desperately trying to make themselves as small as possible. He was, in many ways, quite the stereotype. Slightly yellow-tinted skin, black hair pulled back into a long ponytail, slanted eyes, and an unimpressive, short build, complete with a yellow tabard over his robe that displayed a stylized Chinese character. ‘Shadow – Two,’ it read.

The fact that he was not Chinese at all made the stereotypical appearance simultaneously funny and mildly insulting. The character and Metra’s confused rage were enough for John to know what he was looking at.

“P-paku is over there!” the Metracana declared, pointing to the shadow of a table, before dashing away towards the nearby gardens.

“Traitor!” A second man, this one more of the ‘Chinese warlord from the Three Kingdoms legend’ aesthetic, hastened after Absalm.

Metra made a decision in a split second, slamming her hands through the air in front of her, and Ripped Absalm back by his collar. He flew towards the First of Wrath – and the entirety of the Dangun Clan’s tables. John decided to get in between his politically insensitive blonde and the target of her mounting wrath. One Magus Step, and he prevented a localized catastrophe by catching Absalm before he slammed into the buffet.

“Stop,” he told Metra, who was about to chase after Paku as well. As much as the second Metracana’s chain vest rustled, it would have been the easiest task in the world for Metra to track him. The wolf girl growled angrily, ears turned backwards, tail trembling, then turned her red face entirely to the one of her ‘siblings’ she did manage to nail down.

Just how diminutive the Metracana was became apparent when John put him down. He could not have been taller than 1,40 metres, and his shoulders were narrow even for that size. Metra towered over him with exposed teeth and growing anger.

“H-h-h-h-how are you, dear sister? I s-see you found a sple-“

“Do you remember Gibraltar?”

Absalm gulped and took half a step backwards. Had it not been for the Gamer’s arm, Metra would have followed with a full one of her own. “Remember where you are,” John spoke coolly.

Metra dismissively raised her gaze. The consideration to just take on everyone around in return for revenge was clear in her eyes. Sneering and growling with every breath, nails extending into Astrotium claws to rip and tear, she was every bit the embodiment of an age where murder at diplomatic events had been heard of.

Letting her shoulders drop and her snarl turn into a scowl, Metra was the focal point of dropping tensions. Absalm took another half step backwards. “I’m not ripping you apart, but you are not getting away,” Metra growled.

John did not ask her to rescind that statement. Absalm and Paku had, around the turn of the first millennium, worked with Seminaris to see one of her king candidates murdered. It had been quite a long time since, but Metra wouldn’t have been herself if she hadn’t been capable of staying angry about something for a long, long time.

“Wise of you to seek to work on the other side of the planet,” the First of Wrath continued, her voice aflame.

“I do know how to survive.”

“I wouldn’t have killed you, unlike Seminaris, I have honour,” Metra spat out. “I just want to rip you a new one, you slimy, oath breaking, disgusting little-”

Metra jumped when a jade fan tapped her on the shoulder. “That would be quite enough,” Lu Zhi chimed in, her voice more amused than angry. Hiding her mouth with her fan, she continued, “We acknowledge that there are some past grudges here, but we would greatly prefer if those would not lead to violence. Our advisors are most treasured, after all.”

In a hurry, Absalm circled around and hid behind the empress.

John noted that the majority of the room was behind the empress, physically and mentally. ‘Well, aren’t you profiting from Absalm being discovered?’ the Gamer thought, sarcastically. A wave of shame simultaneously ran through the mental connection to Metra, who now realized that they had been played. A rage of anger at Absalm followed. ‘All of this, to make the now revealed empress seem that bit more capable of handling international conflict.’ He had already stared at her for several minutes flat, so John did not care at all to prevent himself from bowing down to Lu Zhi’s ear and whispering, “I do so admire capable women with attitude.”

Staring at him out of the corner of her eye, the Heavenly Jade Empress showed the Gamer that dragon-tooth grin again, this time up close and personal. John let himself be pushed back by a green-clawed hand. This was still a part of the play.

If he was going to be turned into a political tool by an attractive, ambitious young woman, she was going to know that he went along with it willingly. “We should discuss the proper resolution of this matter during that meeting tomorrow,” the Gamer suggested. “Or perhaps you would like a second one later that day in a more official capacity? I’ll leave the choice to you.”

“Oh, how reasonable.” Both Lu Zhi and the dragon on her cape were observing John intensely. “We will decide tomorrow.” The fan once more folded with a satisfying ‘shhup’, and all of the draconic aspects to her were gone. Left behind was just the playful smile of the imperial tomboy. “That’s the royal ‘we’ not you and I.”

“I got that,” John joked. “Hear that, Metra?”

“Yes, yes,” the First of Wrath sighed and waved off. “Get out of my sight, you worm.”

There was a glint of victory in Absalm’s eyes, as he turned around. For a moment, John and Metra had the same wish to break every protocol, just to see it wiped out. His face, so they both reckoned, would look quite good while it was being slammed through the stone floor.

They did hold back, though. Once Absalm and Lu Zhi were swallowed by the crowd, Metra sent him a quiet, ‘Sorry,’ though their connection. John accepted the apology for what it was – an admission of fault and of such a thing happening again in the future. It was as much in Metra’s nature to act like this as it was for John to have been enticed by the empress’ looks.

‘She’s been playing us quite well,’ the Gamer thought. ‘I’m starting to wonder if she’s playing these games with me because she knows I’ll have a hard time holding a grudge towards her… man, I’m weak to women.’

“For what it is worth, I fully understand your reaction.” A new man approached them. He was tall, bald, and of that rare complexion that came about when African and East Asian people had children with each other. His face leaned more towards the former side, with the flat, broad nose and thicker lips. The clothes he wore, however, were entirely and firmly Korean in aesthetics. The interplay of red and yellow made him part of the noble faction.

Metra tilted her head, ears perking up, clearly trying to place the man. “Telal?” she asked.

“In the metallic flesh,” he responded with a slight smile.

Absalm, the Second of Darkness, Paku, the Fourth of Power, and now Telal, the Third of Order, three Metracanas were present at this meeting – four counting Metra herself. It was quite unsurprising, all things considered; still, there was a question on John’s lips that Metra herself was swift to ask.

“How come I have not heard about all of you running around?”

“We usually go by different names these days, or we don’t bother showing up during these events. Most people don’t even know what we are.” Telal shook his head, between disapproval and amusement. “You were never that subtle.”

“You best get that green off behind your ears, before you criticize me,” Metra responded, entirely joking.

Telal rolled his eyes. “Please, we are all several millennia old at this point. Is it really necessary to continue rubbing my relative youth in my face?”

“It is, for as long as it bothers you.” Metra’s smirk slowly died. “I’ve met many of our siblings – your two aspect kin among them. They’re all in the hands of the Lorylim and Mother Chaos.”

Telal pressed his lips together, forcing much of their colour out of them. A solemn nod. “When I heard about the true nature of the first foe, I was in disbelief, but… it tracks, in many parts.”

“It’s severely more complicated than the public story,” John admitted. Everyone knew that he had been omitting things, at least in this hall. The Divided Gates would have done their own research into the matter over the centuries.

“Is it not always?” the youngest Metracana responded with a shake of his head. “From the oath of the king candidate, to the current day, no decision is ever easy.” He tensed up for a split second, then changed the topic. “Od is here too. He serves the Great Sultanate.”

“Really? 5 out of 21… pretty fucking good, especially since everyone here is still of sound mind,” Metra hummed, going through her siblings through her head. “Any word on Rillesrea and Rollesrea?” she asked.

“The Two of Love remain missing. None of us have seen them since they left Babylon,” Telal answered readily. “I take it you haven’t either?”

“Not once,” Metra mumbled and gazed out to the gardens – and far beyond them. “I often wonder what happened to them. They were the only ones smart enough to leave Mother Chaos before even the first stone of Babel could be laid.”

“They weren’t smart – they were blinded by a love for something fleeting,” Telal responded. He looked over to John. “You were smart, you tied your loyalty to someone that has the potential to outdo Sargon.”

“He did earn it,” Metra responded, making John smile the smile of the lovestruck fool. It doubled in intensity when she placed a peck on his cheek. “Serestra? Peranthis? What became of those two, do you know?”

“We served together in the Mandate of Heaven for a long time, but they were banished from the court for their attempt to splinter the kingdom into warring halves,” Telal reported, rubbing his forehead. “It was a… terrible affair. They reckoned, in twisted adoration for each other, that they would find the true king candidate if they made two incredible contestants clash. They wanted to present you with the victor.”

“Honestly, not the worst strategy by the twilight twins,” Metra responded.

John had to keep mental track of all the names. Serestra was the First of Darkness, Peranthis the First of Light. Although these two were not kin in aspect, their similarities had apparently gotten them dubbed as twins. It would have been similar to how Aclysia and Beatrice were ‘twin sisters’ to each other, compared to their relationship with Momo.

“Before you ask, I do not know where Balasi is,” Telal pre-empted the final question.

“5 of us are here, 5 of us are unaccounted for, 9 are in the grasp of the Lorylim, Urghan is guarding the Oath Chamber, I… know the location of Ehtra,” Metra counted it altogether, then shook her head. “The best picture I have of our kin in ages, and it’s a grim one.”

“Do you believe we can save them from their fate?” Telal asked.

“With luck, perhaps, although I do not know what scars it will leave. Have you replaced the part of Tiamat inside you yet?”

“Removed. Not yet replaced.” Telal’s answer was sharp, displeased. His lack of strength must have weighed painfully on his mind. “I removed the chaos that created my order out of me and it bears heavily upon me.” He turned to the table, from where Eui had been staring at them the entire time they held their conversation. “But the Lady of Joseon demanded it, for the safety of the realm, and so it was given.”

“Is she your king candidate?” Metra asked, interested.

“In… a sense. It is complicated. As all things are.” The Third of Order took a big step back at that point. “I believe we best catch up with everyone else present. If you would be available tomorrow, after your chat with the Heavenly Jade Empress?” He tried his best at a smile. “Unless you would prefer to spend the time caving Absalm’s head in.”

“I would – but I won’t, easy as it fucking would be.”

“…You have outgrown all of us,” Telal noted, not even bothering to hide the annoyance he felt at that. “I would love to know how you performed that miracle, from growing from the strongest, to being unparalleled among us.”

“As you said already, I chose wisely.” That was John’s signal to put an arm around the First of Wrath. They separated from her fellow Metracana, despite walking in the same direction. One ended up behind Eui, the other two at the chairs where Aclysia and Claire had been patiently waiting, the latter even chatting a bit with King Dangun.

“May I sit?” the Gamer asked, effortlessly switching back to Korean.

“You may,” Dangun responded.

It was evident in his tone that he thought the stressful part had only just begun.



Have to say it’s a credit to the author when you want to crack the smug little shits skull after one brief scene.