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Lorelei kneaded her fingers nervously with every stride.

Images flashed in the corner of her vision. A wrathful entity wielding a knife, endlessly stabbing pulp in an effort to further reduce it into nothingness. Chasing an enigma wrapped in a riddle. Feminine adoration following in the footsteps of deep obsession. All of it and more.

Lorelei adjusted the ring that wrapped around her head. An undisputed focus for her second sight, even after all else that her chosen had changed in her life. The metal band was heavy with iconography of the faith and with the weight of its meaning. Only the most capable seer of the current generation of Varniks was allowed to own it. Despite that, it had neither a specific name nor a formal ritual attached to handing it over. It was an object of veneration by tradition. All those that wielded it knew they were entrusted with something greater than it.

Today, it was especially heavy on her head.

The skirt of her ashen dress whispered over the grass. It was a plain, grey thing, sitting comfortably on her curves, far from the highly ornate version that she wore to public events. It was also much lighter, a blessing in this climate, dictated by the first of her chosen’s women.

The temperature gradually decreased as the daylight faded. A relief in one way, and a curse in another. The purity of the Guild Hall, soil created by the interweaving of the Lady’s blessing and the Gamer’s might, was tarnished by the insincerity of the fae. An otherworldly moon shone down on them. A sickle, grinning with teeth of crater lines.

Other creatures were infected by the misplaced whimsy. They tapped from spaces in tree branches on one to six legs and giggled, while following the trio that walked through their forest. Obediently passive, malicious creatures lurked in the shadows, resorting to reining in their ill-intent in exchange for the dwelling.

Lorelei had as little love for fae as she could have for anything within the Lady’s creation, without outright loathing it. They were deeply troubling creatures, lacking the seriousness that would be expected of life, while being blessed with the power to mess with those that shouldered the burdens of mortality. If that wasn’t enough, their auras were deeply confusing. At any given point, a fae’s soul extended past the boundaries of their form, allowing them to exist in several places at once, without actually moving. It was like being surrounded by balloons filled with buzzing flies.

Had she been on her own, perhaps Lorelei would have been accosted by these creatures. Thankfully, the two women she was with were plenty to keep potential annoyances at an arm’s length.

Aclysia and Claire, two women that could be trusted utterly in their devotion to John Newman. Had anyone but them presented Lorelei with the request of following them here for the purpose that they had told her about during the latest session of enduring the Lady’s trials, the seer would have accused them of treachery. Even now, she remained sceptical of their claims. A stalker that was best unmentioned to their beloved? The idea was… preposterous. John needed to know everything, that was the kind of man he was.

Still, the two maids strode with confidence in their purpose. Aclysia led the way through the whispering woods, while Claire folded the parasol that she had been using to shield herself from the sun. Around the edge of her perception, Lorelei sensed the Eternal Dancer of these woods. The installed ruler of the local court, governing for John and Momo. Obviously, she knew what was going on. The entire wood had to.

The Midnight Forest shifted, opening up to a clearing that wouldn’t have been found on the map the Guild Hall made of the place. It was difficult to ascertain if they even were truly in the Guild Hall anymore. The Gamer’s presence was muted here.

A massive flower dominated the clearing. It was of a beautiful pink, trimmed by a midnight blue gradient, and sat on the ground with no leaves or stalk between it and the emerald grass. The outer petals formed a bowl around a bud the size of a room. Lorelei could barely penetrate the dense fae magics lining the insides of those petals. Had it not been for the fact that one of them had been lowered, opening a doorway of sorts, she wouldn’t have been capable of saying whether it was empty or not.

This intense blind spot in her second sight had Lorelei’s attention for the initial few seconds. Then, it swiftly switched over to an object the absolute opposite of the insulation. Lying on the ground was a bundle of cascading emotions so intense, they barely fit within the hull. A soul of a beautiful sapphire colour, buried deeply under various shades of pinks, reds, and greens.

Lorelei had to pull back her view of the being’s soul in order to get a good look at her.

A brunette of short stature, about Eliana’s height, and of remarkably similar build as well. Moderately proportioned breasts swung into a flat midriff, which then expanded into a set of incredible hips and even juicier thighs. Every tremble that went through them had their girth jiggle. Same went for her plush derriere.

All of her was in motion, her crotch shooting off the ground as an intense wave of ecstasy made pussy juice spray through the soaked confinement of the blue hotpants she was wearing. Fingers occasionally pressed against the sticky outline of her engorged pussy, but that seemed to do little to increase the ecstatic series of orgasms she was going through. Within a second of her squirting coming to an end, she was already gushing with renewed vigour. Her white top was entirely soaked in sweat, putting the hard pink nipples behind on semi-transparent display.

The spasming wreck rolled onto her stomach. A hand clawed into grass that was glistening with her various fluids, as she drooled and moaned, her attractive features orgasmically plain. Her pretty pink mouth was agape, her tongue stretched out. Between soaked strands of wavy brown hair, hazel eyes returned Lorelei’s disembodied gaze.

The moment made both of them shiver. Curving, the woman on the ground was overcome by another orgasmic surge. Lorelei herself felt a wetness growing that was thankfully contained by the chastity belt.

“You are in quite the bad state, aren’t you?” Claire hummed. The woman didn’t even respond, just kept spasming in her apparently endless chain of climaxes. “Perhaps this will help?” The hummed, upbeat question was accompanied by the vampire maid pulling up the corset that hugged her midriff.

The woman’s attention snapped to the exposed, white stomach. More specifically, it became apparent swiftly, she was staring at the mark that each of her chosen’s haremettes bore on their lower abdomens.

Claire knelt down in front of the brunette, helped her close in and then giggled. The centre of the conspiracy dragged her tongue all over Claire’s stomach, like a dog starved for salt. Debauched screams accompanied her lapping, the most intense gushes yet pushing through her drenched legwear

Envy wormed its way into Lorelei’s mind. Her hips wiggled left to right, as she recalled her last orgasm over two weeks ago. A sweet, ecstatic memory, that made it as difficult to watch the scene unfold as it made her eager to earn the next release. The craving for that next, meaningful orgasm did not dull the desire to herself be made into a chain-climaxing mess.

Squatting down next to her junior maid, Aclysia ran her hand down the brunette’s ass. The waistband of her hotpants created an alluring depression as it was pushed over the plump backside and then meaty thighs. A perfectly hairless cunt came into view, the pussy lips sitting tight, despite the constant gushing from within.

“I will begin a countdown,” the weaponized maid announced. “Once I reach 0, you will orgasm once more and find your concentration. Understood, Layla?”

“Y-yesh,” the brunette responded, the tip of her tongue still tracing the shape of the Lover’s Will mark.

“Good. 5.” The uttering of the number had the woman, Layla, suddenly tense up. “4.” Holding in the chain of orgasms was visibly difficult, making the brunette tremble all over. “3.” Shaking her ass left to right, Layla made Lorelei aware that she was wiggling her own hips in unity. “2.” The only colour painting her soul now was an anticipating pink. Lorelei could sense the lust as if it was her own. “1.” The seer tensed up herself, her entire being taut as a bowstring. Layla was shivering with the intensity of someone that had escaped an ice water bath. “0.”

Layla threw her head back and screamed. Pussy juices ran down her thighs. Hazel eyes rolled up, moments before she pushed her lips on Claire’s stomach again. Squirting and planting her kisses all over the mark, the stalker was living every bit through the orgasm that Lorelei was denied.

A wanton sigh escaped the white-blonde seer, the incapacity of releasing somehow making the fading build-up all the sweeter. The frustration was ecstatic in its own right. How long until her Master would remind her of what true bliss felt like? She could and could not wait to find out.

“Concentrate,” Aclysia demanded.

“I’m… tryyyiinnnhhhh,” Layla responded, while quaking all over. “He’s… he’s soooo much mooooore.”

“That’s odd, that’s weird, that doesn’t track, we hardly gained levels,” Claire commented.

“If I may?” Lorelei stepped in. “If her powers work as you described, she would currently be overwhelmed by the addition of the respected Gamer’s new soul type, granted by Inkaryl.”

“Yes… yes!” Layla panted, doing her best to blink her eyes back into focus. “Soooo… hmmmm… drea-aaah-my.”

Intense pink and gold flowed through her soul, too much to get a proper read on anything she said beyond the rather obvious desire. ‘It will be impossible to gain insight under these circumstances,’ the seer of the Order thought. “May I request you move her in there?” She pointed at the oversized flower.

Claire looked to Aclysia, who already picked up the quivering mess and moved her into the fae flora. There wasn’t much inside, just a couple of water containers scattered around a large, supernatural cushion. A bed in an insulated place for someone to find rest despite their proximity to a source of endless pleasure.

“Close the flower,” Claire kindly requested. The three words caused a streak of angry red to surface in Layla’s soul. It was fought down slowly, even as she followed and made the necessary motion to have her sleeping place complete its isolation.

Immediately, her body language changed. It had been more controlled since they had entered the flower, but now she took a deep breath and let it out as a disappointed sigh. Little bits of red dotted her aura, blending into green. The sapphire at the heart, like a blue flame, was regularly pronounced by relativity. “It was so nice,” she grumbled.

“I imagine it must be,” Aclysia gave a softly-voiced response and shook several of the containers scattered around. All of them turned out to be empty, so she reached into her inventory to hand the drenched brunette a bottle of water.

“Thank you,” she said earnestly, took it and downed it all in one go. As one to know the aftermath of sexual dehydration, Lorelei thought little about any of that act in particular. Interesting was that she experienced such ecstasy in the first place.

After the drink, the brunette’s aura suddenly changed to a shocked white. In a haste, she tugged her feet orderly under herself and put her hands in her lap. “I’m Layla Viorica. It’s an honour to meet you, Lorelei Varnik!” she stated in a haste. “We are totally connected, you and I, we both have L-V as our initials!”

Lorelei blinked behind the cover of the metal ring. “That is true?” she responded, mildly confused. Before doing anything else, she decided to sit down opposite of the brunette. Only when she was down did she realize she was sitting in the exact same way.

“Yes! Also we both have wavy hair and we both are fated to love John! Which I absolutely am… right?” The stalker gave the seer an intense glare, expecting an actual and definitive answer to that.

One that Lorelei may have been capable of giving. Still, this entire situation felt dangerous. Had it not been for the two maids, guarding her like a pair of elite knights, being alone with this oddity would have been against her better instincts. Drawing in a deep breath, she summoned her experience of dealing with sinners and heretics.

“Give me your hand,” the seer requested in a firm tone.

Layla did not hesitate a second, putting both her hands out to be taken before Lorelei could extend her own. There was a constant stream of eagerness on the surface of her soul, regularly interspersed with the manifold colours of doubts. A first good sign, those without doubts were the most likely to showcase evil.

Taking only one of the brunette’s hands between her own, Lorelei felt the sight on her opposite’s aura sharpen. Suddenly, she was overcome. “A knife, driven deep into a black heart. Two black hearts. A thousand black hearts. Before all of that – the oldest tragedy, a heart and history ripped in three. Two parts move on. You are fury.” Lorelei closed her mouth, the utterance of her observation as instinctual as ever.

Layla tilted her head, worry and thought travelling through her mind. “I will… lose something?” she asked slowly.

“I don’t know.” Lorelei shook her head. “It was… spontaneous. The images are unclear. If I may, the immediate future concerns me more than a vague vision of what may yet come to pass.”

The brunette nodded quickly. “Please, do whatever you want! I’m so, so thankful already for what you have done for me so far. I… I really want to be John’s!”

An absolute truth and the core of what Lorelei’s first question would have been. There was not even a shred of a lie to those words and no ill intent hidden underneath them. Weirdness was to them, lots of it. She wanted not only to be one of his women, she wanted it with the same intensity a newborn wanted their first breath and the Order the Lady’s vision realized. It was a want much deeper than any basic need.

“When did you first learn about John?” Lorelei asked.

“When I first learned about him? That would have been when I heard that the Bloodfallen had been annihilated. Unwisely, I thought nothing of it at the time. But! But I learned better!” she added that hastily, as if she had just said something terrible. “When he visited the Order in Springfield, I was touched by his aura and the many auras connected to his – like yours is now! I realized at that moment that John Newman is the man I belong to.” ‘and that belongs to me,’ her aura whispered.

The unsaid addition was intense, but not broadly worrisome. If the Gamer had been incapable of handling women that claimed him as much as he claimed them, the harem would not exist at all. Even Lorelei deemed herself to have a claim to much of her chosen. That was just the kind of relationship he wanted to have in the first place.

“If you were to be accepted…” Lorelei stopped for a moment. The presentation of the hypothetical created a mental backlash of fear and anger that competed with her current control and the happiness at the prospect of it coming true. Ultimately, the latter two won out. “…what would you want from the relationship?”

“Cuddles!” Layla declared. “And getting railed! And bred, probably! The Lover’s Will mark, I need… I want… no, I NEED it on me, in me, all throughout me, I need him, I need him so much. I just want to be his and I want to tend to him and I want him to grab me by the throat and pin me down on the mattress and pump me full over and over again, as he should with his women.”

The stream of emotions matched the stream of words beat for beat. There was no insincerity within her pretty frame.

That verified, Lorelei let go of Layla’s hands and entered a period of contemplation. She was no harm to John or the harem at large. Her disposition was intense, on every level, but that was hardly something new for the harem. The issue at hand here was allowing her to roam their home without John or most of the other women knowing.

“I didn’t expect to see you here today…?” Layla said cautiously.

“My ability forced Aclysia and Claire to let me into their web of lies,” Lorelei stated with all the moral indignation that she could muster. It was enough to make both of the maids squirm under her words.

“More of a web of deliberate omission,” Claire retorted. “Master could find out whenever he desired.”

“Yes, he could, but it does not alleviate the issue entirely. You still decided, on your own, to allow access to our home without holding a conference with the rest of us. You may want to enter the rest of the harem into this conspiracy as quickly as possible.”

The two maids and the stalker had been shrinking throughout the entire rebuttal. Layla and Claire, at the last sentence, perked up again. “”So you will work with us?”” they asked in unison.

“I acknowledge the validity of the path you have chosen. Layla is observably incapable of entering John’s presence. Whether he wants her as a haremette or if she will be accepted by the harem is a subject of future conversation.” Lorelei folded her hands in her lap. “If I may, I have my doubts that your feelings are rooted in a natural interest. In my analysis, your ability seems to have been overcharged by the presence of the Lady’s chosen Gamer, flooding your mind with an obsession.”

“And?” Layla asked, challengingly. There was aggressive red all over her aura.

Lorelei gently shook her head. “I merely wished to provide the viewpoint. Whatever happens in the future, you may need to speak to John just to finish your current path.” Lorelei shifted the focus of her second sight and Layla instinctively met the gaze, like anyone would when they realized they were being looked at. “Your ability is kin to mine.”

“Is it? Can I see into my future with John and all of you?!” Layla squeaked excitedly at the prospect.

“No, I… may have been unclear? It is kin to mine, like metal and stone magic are kin. We are both aura sensers, although yours is… evidently more worldly. I know of the pleasure of John’s presence and attention.”

“Way to rub it in…” Layla half-muttered, half-growled.

“…What I am attempting to say is that I believe I can be of more direct aid, teaching you to deal with this.”

“You can… help me get to my… our John sooner?” Layla asked. When Lorelei nodded, she suddenly lunged forwards and took both of the seer’s hands between hers. “Yes! Thank you, thank you so much, teach me everything!”

Being with her chosen certainly created interesting new relationships.



I like the girls looking out for john in their own way but it's strange how they are all on board so fast. Maybe that's me just being paranoid


Claire can mesmerize and Lorelei is a seer, so they have pretty solid foundations


This reminds me that it still feels like Momo should get some mechanistic benefit for being a fae noble beyond the perks she already has (those are powerful, but that power is essentially paid for, as other perks would've been equivalently powerful, and isn't really additional power from the fae as it is aesthetic/theming from them). Being brought into the conspiracy by having some innate sense of what happens in the forest would be a good first step towards that


Not sure about "forest sense" but I can do some more fae shenanigans maybe, we'll see