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‘Pretty good final results,’ John thought, as he tapped through the windows to get another level in the Negotiator Class.

Over the past 7 days, he had gotten two more Perks out of that Class.


This one had been an easy choice. Two options were automatically disqualified by having the flat modifiers on opinion that John liked to avoid. Arrangements had the additional benefit of potentially leading interesting places.

A couple days after that one, he had gotten the sixth Perk of the Class.


This one had been very interesting. Silver Tongue and Optics were obviously inferior to Favours on every level. Having a soft enforcement mechanism on verbal contracts was exactly the kind of thing John wanted out of this Class. The various limitations placed on it were also to his liking, since they prevented him from abusing them and from getting accused of any mind control shenanigans. The way Favours worked, they made the reputational loss of going back on one’s word really stick by creating a semi-permanent debuff. Redemption was still part of the equation as well.

‘Now, let’s see what the final Perk of this grinding session has to offer,’ John thought and tapped on the Class.


Interesting choices – two interesting choices at least. Silver Tongue was one of the less offensive flat opinion modifiers. John assumed it would simply increase his eloquence and the smoothness of his voice, which in turn would make people like him more. Still, it was a flat increase and offered little in terms of a bonus.

Weighted Favours and Backed by the World essentially came out doing the same thing: make his Favours something one should rather stick to. Doubling the Charisma penalty was the more generally powerful of the two. It would only take a few Favours unpaid for someone to have a serious dent in their Charisma.

Backed by the World was comparatively mild in long-term consequences, which actually may have made it the better deterrent. Gaia’s Ire manifested primarily in ‘bad luck’. Probability just bent in disfavour of whoever had violated Gaia’s order. Unlike the passive Charisma diminishment, such active bad luck, short-lived as it could be, would definitely leave a mark in someone’s memory. There was also the pure prestige of tapping into the fundamental dividing force between the mundane and the Abyss.

Backed by the World it was.

“Ya done?” Rave asked.

“Yep,” John answered affirmatively and stood up. He was immediately handed a glass. The contents sparkled. Champagne of such exquisite quality that most people would not have dared to drink it even at their wedding. At least that was the assumption. It was one of the many drops, and of course they had to give it a taste test before they offered the other 18 bottles to the Divided Gates meeting. Rarely did he get an alcohol that was ingestible by Artificial Spirits as well.

All around him was the rest of his harem holding or otherwise attached to their own tall glass. They filled the living room with their scents and barely clothed beauty. Nubile, ranging from lithe to muscular, women, each of them a target of John’s deepest appreciation. Lovingly, his gaze wandered over them, taking it all in. The sum and substance of his achievements was in this room.

“There is nothing outside this room that could ever compete with the care I have for each and every one of you,” John declared and raised his glass. “I love you all.”

“3… 2… 1…” Rave coordinated, and the room answered in unison. “”We love you too.””

A smile on his lips that nothing else could cause, he toasted and then downed the champagne. His own reaction was as mixed as that of the room at large. It was expensive, but it was still champagne, with all of the champagne specific taste.

The glasses were quickly finding their way on the salvers the maid cadre were holding. Aclysia, Beatrice, Claire – the core of the actual houseworkers. Delicia, Momo, and Lee would have lent their aid, if that had been required. Momo’s Fae Maids could have taken care of this on their own, but they had a no-doubles policy for gatherings like this. At the very least until the inevitable orgy started.

“All right then, let’s summarize our accomplishments of this grinding session,” John said. “We beat Astria, which granted us quite the span of incredible items.”

“It really did,” Hailey drawled, manifesting part of the ice armour just for show. It melted away into nothingness as swiftly as it had come.

“After that, it was mostly small accomplishments, because of the focus on getting items. Still, it is a total power increase of 45 levels, so I can certainly say that it was a worthwhile time investment. Especially since you are all… keeping up with me.” He winked at Lee, specifically, although it could have been directed at any of the haremettes that benefitted from the Equalizer. “That being said, I wasn’t the only one doing things. All of you trained, in your individual ways, when I wasn’t occupying you with my grinding. Most important here are the achievements of Nightingale and the crafting crew.”

The attention of the room first shifted to the harpy, who took the cue immediately. “I have connected to my Sanctum. From there, my powers continue to evolve.” The festive twilight in the room dimmed further for a moment, chains rattling in the ethereal distance. A little gust, smelling of lavender, whispered around the edge of the room. “My Moon Lavender should be of interest.”

“It absolutely is,” Delicia weighed in. “Speaking as an alchemist, it’s a veeeeery interesting plant. Good job, Gale.”

The harpy put a wing around her friend and attention soon shifted to the de-facto head of the crafting crew. Watching Aclysia pour her a glass of bourbon, Scarlett first took in the scent of her drink, then had a sip.

“Getting everyone together for our first major project had its ups and downs.” The redhead swirled the golden liquid in the glass, wrist circling with the reliability of clockwork. “Plasticity after the recent power boost was evident. Hailey, Lorelei, and Lee had an easy time learning the basics and even more advanced matters of their respective fields. Delicia and I expanded on what we were already good at.”

Scarlett took a second sip, then bowed down to place the glass on the table. She inspected her thoroughly black nails critically for one moment. The change brought to her by her rising powers had run its course by now. The colour fit her nicely, especially given the seductive, tiny one-piece dress she was wearing. Its skirt barely made it past the crease of her thigh, the sides were a half-open display of pale skin and criss-cross strands that connected front and back. The rest of the haremettes had similarly skimpy clothes on them, even the maids.

“After individual preparation, things got difficult. Working together on something this powerful from the start had its difficulties. Every one of us had to learn to not only do our individual tasks but also do them in ways that were optimal for all the steps that followed, including the many we did not ourselves enact. And the final result came together just this morning.”

John’s smile shifted from the adoring smile of a man in love to the less wholesome smirk of a man about to receive a gift he did not expect. Reaching into her pocket space, Scarlett pulled out a long case. While she held it up, Lee and Delicia stepped up, unclasping the front and then lifting the lid.

On a bed of red satin lay a set of four blades, each the length of John’s arm. Their shape was similar to a flattened S, the upper segment stretched and the lower segment curving into a hook. The blades were thickest at the red spine, the colour fading out like blood that had seeped into cloth, until only the Mithril white edges remained. There were no handles, no part of the broad blades to grip.


“It barely met the quality standard,” Scarlett stated, while John’s fingers glided over the smooth metal. A spark of magic was all it took for the blade he was touching to become an extension of his presence. It hovered upwards from the bed. The Gamer carefully made it fly through the packed room.

It moved fluidly according to his will. The central thickness let his Possession senses attach to a point that his human mind easily comprehended. The weapon was purpose made, from the enchantments on it to its form. It and its siblings wouldn’t be the carrying factor of John’s fights, but the easy access to physical damage they granted him was valuable.

“If this is the worst they will ever be, I’m in good hands,” he said with a smile and made the blade settle back in the case. Lee and Delicia closed it back up and John then put it in his inventory. “Now, then, we’ve got about sixteen more hours in this barrier. Let’s enjoy the leisure time while we have it!”

“Ya heard our man – hit it!” Rave pointed at Claire, who happily tapped on the spacebar.

Synthetic sounds filled the room. Lights activated and deactivated, accompanying the beats with a spectacle of colours. The living room became as lively as a disco, the various haremettes in their skimpy club outfits wiggling their alluring hips to the music.

The open kitchen had been retooled into an open bar. ‘Alcoholized’ metals and various drinks were on open offer. Eliana grabbed the bottle of Aphrodite’s Chalice, a particular mixed drink that unfolded its effects over a much longer duration or, in Eliana’s case, in about the normal duration. It was also a mild aphrodisiac. A factor that honestly was unlikely to contribute to the heat in the room.

Drinks in hand, the harem broke up into various cliques, often the usual, sometimes unusual, always ready to converse with anyone that approached them. Some decided to ignore chatter and instead moved to a cleared space beyond the enormous couch. Outlined by a couple of lines simply painted with fluorescent paint onto the floorboards, the dancefloor was inhabited by the most gorgeous, slender babes in existence.

At the centre of it all was Rave. It had been the idea of his fiancée to make this their send-off from this month together. Even if many of the haremettes weren’t big on discos, this changed tremendously when it was just them.

Minimalistic lyrics, a heavy beat, constant synthesized sounds, they were the background to which Rave moved her bottom-heavy body. She wore a tiny, loose crop top that fluttered whenever she swung around with all the enthusiasm she had for dancing. Particularly strong steps lifted the tiny black thing enough to show off a mouth-watering amount of underside from her medium sized breasts. The hot pants that clad her tanned booty were similarly tiny and turned tinier with each passing second, the wild motions making the fabric ride up.

Those two black things were all she wore. In technicolour, the softly, equally tanned half-Asian girl swung her ass to the beat. Bright pink hair and cat tail followed each motion with mild delay. She ran a hand through her mane, combing back wild strands, while her slit pupils found John. Biting her lower lip, she gestured for him to come hither.

John, in shirt and pants, felt overdressed for the occasion, but he obeyed anyway. Joining Rave at the centre of the dancefloor, he tried his best to remember how to dance in a disco. It really wasn’t his forte. The initial awkwardness made Rave laugh loud enough to overcome the music for a moment. Quickly, he worked out to just move to the beat. Around him, Sylph, Salamander, Aclysia and Siena were putting themselves on display, taut skin shifting over alluring curves.

His eyes were all with his fiancée, though. Rave had turned her back to him – in the best way possible. Swinging her hips like a pendulum, obeying only the rhythm of the song, the pink-haired cat girl was putting her perfect ass on display. The black of her hot pants was now little more than a thin line lying between the jiggling halves of her butt.  Bend halfway forwards, she gave him a fantastic view of her camel toe, before pressing against him.

For several seconds, she grinded against the pronounced bulge in his pants. Then, the song hit a slow segment. They distanced from each other a hand's width, a large gap on the dancefloor. Arms around her, John let his hands roam freely over her near naked body. Rave never stopped swaying to the beat and when it dropped they were both back to moving with heated passion.

The device was electronic, the beat synthetic, but the feeling in John’s chest was primal. Rave’s pants hid barely anything. Her top repeatedly let John peek at her hard nipples, while she shimmied. The shaking of her shoulders and the curving of her spine, the smile over her shoulder and the wiggle of her butt – this wonderful creature before him was incapable of moving without looking sexy.

Left to right, Rave’s ass swung. Up and down, Rave’s ass swung. Round and Round, Rave’s ass swung. Whether it was smooth or jagged, each motion had purpose and she kept on swinging that perfect ass. That juicy derriere that had permanently burned itself into John’s psyche as the most flawless butt in existence.

In the middle of a rise in the beat, the hot pants were yanked down. Rave only shot a heated gaze over her shoulder, before moaning wantonly when her cunt was filled with one swift thrust, just as the beat dropped. Grabbing her by the arms for leverage, John pounded her from behind. The repeated claps of his groin against her heart-shaped ass met the rhythm of the song. Moaning shamelessly, Rave’s eyes rolled up while she was getting her brains fucked out in the middle of the dancefloor.

The whole thing was over after just one song. John fucked her hard and relentlessly, until he had to keep both of them standing. With one more hard thrust, he came inside his fiancée, pumping her depths full with his seed.

When he was done, he pulled out. For a few more seconds, Rave recovered, then she sent him a half-cockdrunk smirk. Cum trickling out of her, she went back to dancing, just a few steps from where she had just been fucked. Her rhythm was slightly off, the aftershocks messing with her coordination, but that just made it all the more beautiful.

Aclysia strutted up to him with two confident steps, claiming the spot right in front of him that Rave had left open. Soon, the little latex dress the first maid was wearing was riding up her fat ass. Each seductive gyration of her white butt a reason to just do away with the pants altogether. Which he eventually did.

From one after the other on the dancefloor, to four hours straight of conversation while he was getting blowjobs, to a tipsy orgy, the evening progressed. It went on and on, until they were all sweaty and tired, barely capable of cleaning themselves off and getting to bed. Then they passed out.

The next day would be a return to administrative burdens.


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