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Lorelei was treating his cock like it was her god.

“Sweet Master, praise be… upon thee for this magnificent offering. May your manhood… mhhhmmm… find the depths of my throat… satisfying and… know the love of my every caress in its… total depth… for I care about naught but the pleasure… brought to you by my actions…” The sermon was interrupted constantly by the hungry licking of a haremette that knew her time was limited.

Wrapping her lips around his shaft, the white-blonde seer descended rapidly. The second his cock pushed into her throat, her milky white eyes rolled up. Her expression was a thoughtless landscape of bliss.

Covered in seed, the seer was an image of utter depravity. Her ass and pussy were gaping, her butt marked with the red imprints of several hands abusing her plump rear, and her hourglass curves marked with white. Throughout the orgy, John had finished on and in her, until he finally announced that this would be her final treat.

Rather than chase orgasm after orgasm, Lorelei moved tenderly. As tenderly as a woman could while stuffing a large cock down her throat. Up and down at a leisurely pace, she sometimes let his cock pop out of her pale pink lips to travel up and down the sides. The treatment was thorough and it was absolutely wonderful. The kneeling seer kept her hands folded in her lap, and sheathed his cock in her throat again.

Minutes upon minutes of this veneration finally proved too much. Treating herself to one thing, she glided up shortly before he came. What finished him off wasn’t the tightness of her throat but the deliberate massaging of her tongue. The engorged head was all of his cock that laid behind the vacuum seal of her full lips.

Cum gushed into her mouth. Wave after wave of it, hitting her tongue and her very essence as his submissive. Lorelei squirmed, suppressing orgasmic spasms as best she could. She gathered the semen in her mouth. Every last drop of it. Then she carefully tilted her head back.

Cock lying on top of her features, she presented his load to him. Swirling it with her tongue, she awaited his word. He delayed it, for both of their sakes. It would be at least a little bit until he saw fit to reward her with pleasure again. When the glow in Lorelei’s blind eyes turned desperate, he said the singular word, “Swallow.”

And so she did. Gulping down his massive load and shivering all over as one last, rewarding climax made her tremble head to toe. John let her ride it out, watching her expression go from contorting bliss to mellow afterglow. Then and only then did he put the lock back in place.

“I thank you deeply for today’s treat, Master,” Lorelei purred, her voice devoid of the pleasure she was no longer allowed to feel. Not of lust, however, and definitely not of love. She gave the head of his cock a departing kiss, before standing up and taking the proper distance of a woman in celibacy. Although nude, sweaty, and stained with viscous fluids all over, the seer reclaimed the grace of a nun in a heartbeat. “May I cleanse myself now?”

“Go ahead,” John said with a loving smile. He would have joined her, but he wasn’t quite done with the morning orgy yet.


John walked up to the building of concrete and stone. Four bridges crossed the slowly flowing ring-shaped river. If river was the right word for a water system that fed into itself, perpetuated by a sink and a pump.

Lorelei stood at the highest point of one of the bridges. Her hands orderly folded in front of her groin, she addressed John when he was just about to step onto the wooden planks. “Please use the eastern bridge.” She raised one hand and pointed at which one the eastern bridge was.

Stopping his step, the Gamer raised an eyebrow but obliged. He had no idea what difference it made, but he was no enchanter either. Trusting that Lorelei wouldn’t play a prank on him, he did go the extra mile and crossed the river at the demanded point. The seer had moved to receive him there.

He didn’t bother to ask, he would get an answer he understood in its effects but not how it actually connected to the craft. The only way to actually comprehend what the esoteric requirements of enchantments were was to be proficient in it himself. He did not care to be. He had never been much of a crafter, and with her and the others by his side, he didn’t need to be either. The last bit of motivation in that area had died when they had declared their early successes.

“John, may I make a suggestion for propriety’s sake?” Lorelei did as per usual and prefaced the question with a question. John did as per usual and allowed her to continue with a simple gesture. The intent was caught even if the motion itself was not. “In order to acquire a knight title, you could also receive training by the Order… I owed it to my fellow faithful to make the suggestion.”

The second part was added hastily, in response to an immediate dislike that must have been twice as apparent in his soul as it was on his face. Shining shoes was one thing, shining shoes for William? He’d sooner start up maggot farming as a hobby. “I understand why you say it, but the answer is a firm no.”

With that out of the way, they entered the workshop. Long strides brought them through the corridor that separated two of the four individual workshops and into the central room. There, Scarlett was busy assembling a futuristic sword. Blades required constant tampering until they reached completion even in the mundane world. Magic introduced many ways to shorten certain processes and in return introduced a whole new host of them to balance the humours of various flavours of mana.

Scarlett was in the process of welding a piece of metal to the flat of the blade. Hailey was standing next to her, keeping a close eye. Even though the enigma engineer was rapidly surpassing the redhead in everything related to physical assembly, there was still an experience gap on some things.

“And there comes the great benefactor himself!” Delicia announced his visit. Today she was a gnome, which differentiated her from the goblin form primarily through the maintained white colour of her skin. John also noted a mild decrease in breast size, compensated for by her ass getting elevated from extra thick to dump truck.

“How do you even walk with that?” John asked, looking at the shortstack’s thighs.

“Aww, can’t even work out basic biology?” Delicia mocked and jumped out of the chair. Showing off, she strutted a few times up and down in front of him. “Here, that teach you the lesson you were looking for?”

“It does let me see the thigh jiggle I was looking for,” the Gamer stated with a grin. The particular design he chose for the skirts of his maids no longer worked for Delicia. She was so meaty in the leg department, that half of her smooth thighs and part of her ass were just permanently exposed. When she took a step, it rippled all the way up to her rump.

Shortstacks, really short shortstacks, were something special.

“Get it aaaaaall in, then,” Delicia said and took a few more steps.

“We just got out of an orgy, keep it in your fucking pants,” Scarlett shouted over and stepped away from her work. She picked up the sword, large enough to qualify as one of Aclysia’s claymores. Despite its size and apparent weight, the redhead could hold it in one hand while she carried it along as she moved over to the conference table.

They all got there, John taking a seat on his own, Lorelei to his left and Delicia to his right. Hailey sat down opposite of him, with Lee hasting into the room to join them. Scarlett was last, putting her butt down at the head of the table.

A hand went instinctively into her breast pocket. Confusion hushed over her face for one moment, then she pulled the hand out again. ‘CHINK!’ The metal lid of her lighter opened. ‘TCHANK!’ It closed again. Three times she repeated it, until her fidgeting had somewhat satisfied her apparent habit to put a cigarette into her mouth. For her, those habits would be harder to beat than the physical addiction.

“I don’t want to start another orgy after you pounded Metra right out of it again,” Scarlett directed her typical irateness at the Gamer.

Who could only scratch the back of his head. He had, indeed, pounded Metra right back into the comatose state she had barely awoken from. He would have loved to say that was entirely his lovemaking at work, but most likely was that there was lingering exhaustion. Regardless, with her still out, the choice of Mythic Ichor target remained on ice. A bothersome circumstance.

“Let’s not concentrate on what we can’t change. Instead, tell me what this is about,” John requested and looked at various items on the table. The sword, an axe, various designs of spears, some kind of circular blade without any handle, those were the items spread out on the table. “Project Ego Weapon,” he recalled the name.

“And it has been goin’ grrrreat,” Hailey drawled happily.

“If by great you mean that we produced a bunch of waste,” Scarlett stated.

“Identifying failures in a new production method is normal.” Delicia shrugged.

“It is my failure that is delaying us the most,” Lorelei sighed.

“I’m pretty sure it’s that I’m the worst… in enchanting, not being self-deprecating there,” Lee hastily clarified when John gave her a warning glance. “Don’t pull out the whole ‘don’t insult my property!’ shtick right now, dude, just making an objective judgement.”

John swallowed his comments and remained on the topic he had come to learn about. “Do tell me about what you learned.”

“Lorelei’s method of scouting out the optimal shape materials can take is flawed,” Scarlett put it as bluntly as possible. “Sure, she gets the optimal shape for the material, but we don’t need the best fucking spatula around. We’ve changed our approach so she uses her scrying to pick out the materials, rather than pick the materials and then scry what the best form would be.”

“Which has been workin’ alright for us grease monkeys,” Hailey stated. “Been learnin’ how to forge and all that. If the Creek don’t rise, we gonna get this sorted eventually.”

“If the Creek don’t rise?” John asked.

“Ya know, if nothin’ unexpected gets in the way,” Hailey explained. Some Southern slang was certainly interesting.

“Beyond that, we’re just in trial and error,” Delicia continued the report in her squeaky voice. “Sorting out all the kinks that come about when five people work on one thing, trying to learn how to optimally weave certain enchantments, fitting pieces in a way they’ll be one object in the end, all of that. Lots of welding and alchemical matter transitions.”

John threw a couple of Observes at the items produced so far. He didn’t need to tell the girls which ones were duds and which ones had promise. Lorelei could see it herself and there was value in letting her learn to read it all accurately without the pointers. “It’s not like you’re starving for time now. What brought this project on anyway?”

The women around the table exchanged a few glances. Somehow, the confession got stuck with Lee. “Honestly… we wanted to try to get this project done as your birthday present. Be all secretive about it. We… well, Scarlett decided it’d be best if you had it before the Divided Gates meeting, though.”

“Don’t you act like I bribed you into it,” Scarlett called out.

“Yeah, we all agreed with the logic,” Hailey backed up her fellow engineer. “Ain’t like I wasn’t fixin’ to get workin’ on somethin’ a lil’ more challengin’ either.”

“The ultimate goal of the project,” Scarlett turned back to John, “is to provide you with a weapon or a set of weapons for Possession. The Mandala Sphere is a multi-purpose tool. These ‘ego weapons’ would be purely to be Possessed and act as a mid-range, mana efficient deterrent in physical combat. We’re starting with individual weapons. Lorelei thinks we can eventually expand to some kind of arsenal carrier.”

“I saw a halo of armaments, hovering behind your graceful form, Gamer. I shall study until I can provide,” the seer stated.

All of this did sound practical. Possession’s cost was a joke at his level of MP Regeneration. To have something that he wasn’t tempted to turn into a double with him at all times would serve him nicely. An extra, versatile layer between him and melee combat. There could never be enough of those.

“I’m looking forward to what you will put together,” John simply said. There was nothing else to really comment on when it came to this work. They knew of all the limitations of creating an item specifically for Possession purposes. “Speaking of the Mandala Sphere, how is the replacement coming along?”

Since the fight against Arkeidos, John had been running around with an old Mark 2 Mandala Sphere, rather than the 3.2 design they had come up with. Primarily, this was because of the Celexiums involved in its creation. Something that Aclysia and Beatrice should have enriched enough of for Delicia to convert them into the desired materials.

“It’ll be done before we leave this place,” Scarlett assured.

John nodded, glad to hear it. Just because he could, he reached over to the claymore and gave it a quick tap. A second later, it groggily rose from the table. Like a drunkard, it swayed, the flying enchantment within it faulty. Before he could cause anything terrible to happen, he let the weapon lay down on the table again and broke the connection.

A collected set of groans at the table accompanied the display of their failure. “It flew,” Lee tried to inject some positivity in the situation.

“Like a mushroom infected fly,” Delicia commented drily.

“That’s a metaphor.”

“We gotta do better, y’all.”

John knocked twice on the table, before getting up. There were some waves and swift goodbye kisses. Afterthoughts, it felt like, compared to the discussion that followed. One of Hailey’s new miracle devices combined with Scarlett’s technomancy to create a live 3D model of the claymore. They were in full troubleshooting mode. Scarlett and Hailey pointed out where the metalworking was faulty, Lee and Lorelei commented on how they needed to overcome certain difficulties of later changes to the object messing with the magical matrix of the enchantments, and Delicia weighed in on both, while making a list of materials that could be useful in circumventing certain issues.

The Gamer left the task to a very capable set of minds.



Yeah, makes sense for John not to focus on crafting - architecture is better suited to his sense of grandeur these days

