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Day 17 of the grinding session.

John was sitting on his own in the gaming room, just listening to a podcast and playing Sekiro. The boss was giving him a hard time, if only because John was letting it. For him, these games based on correct reactions were only a challenge when there was unknown information involved. If he concentrated too much on it, he would learn the moves too fast and then his reflexes would do the rest. He wanted to enjoy the cinematic experience properly.

The door to the room opened a gap. An eye like a shattered amethyst peeked through. The Gamer caught her immediately. One smile and Eliana pushed the door open the rest of the way. “Am I bothering you?” she asked in a tiny voice. “…Beyond the fucking usual, I mean…”

John didn’t even care that the boss was slicing his character apart. He put the controller down and the podcast on hold. In its place, there was some relaxing music that played. “You’d have to try really hard to bother me,” the Gamer told her. Invitingly, he tapped his lap.

Eliana waddled over. After plopping down in his lap, she turned her head away from him. It was as adorable as it was worrying. Giving it just a moment’s consideration, John put his arms underneath her and picked her up. “Where the fuck are we going?” the pretty little psycho asked.

“Somewhere I can properly appreciate you,” he told her.

That place was the living room. There, Claire was rapidly arranging a few things at one corner of the table. John sat down, just as the vampire maid lit the orange scented candle. “I’ll see you later, I’ll see you when you are done, I’ll see you when you feel better,” the white-haired woman cooed, then did a curtsy and left the two of them alone. She only stopped at the exit to flick off the light.

“Why the fuck are you always doing this for me?” Eliana’s voice was fragile, her little form in his arms quivering. “Don’t you hate me for being this… this useless mess?”

“You’re not useless and we definitely don’t hate you,” John countered her questions with clearly worded affirmations. Shuffling the white-blue haired woman around, he placed her head on his thighs. Gently, he brushed her hair back, until all that would usually cover or frame her face was combed back.

Eliana had a rounder face than many of his haremettes. There was a bit of sameness in his harem, John had to admit, courtesy of him being attracted to the conventional signifiers. Sameness didn’t equal carbon copies, and even if heart-shaped faces dominated, there was so much between each of them that it was easy to tell them apart by facial structure alone.

With the hairs brushed back, John was reminded that Eliana had a large forehead. Not unusually large, just larger than one would have thought at first glance, hidden behind those wild bangs she always had to cover it. He didn’t voice the thought, but the pretty little psycho blushed anyway. She must have caught the meaning behind his gaze, even if the details were lost.

Smiling calmly at her, he massaged her scalp and bowed forwards. He fished out one of the chocolate-dipped strawberries that Claire had left on the table for him. It was cold to the touch and the brown coating cracked when the bundle of issues in his lap bit into it. No matter the mood, she couldn’t deny herself a sweet treat.

John proceeded to offer her strawberry after strawberry. His other hand caressed her wherever he could reach. He scratched her behind the ear, pinched her soft cheek, rubbed the side of her neck and her shoulders. Here and there, he gave her boobs some careful little pokes and listened to her giggle. It was a little surprised snort at first and a full-blown laugh later.

Self-satisfied, John smirked, while Eliana broke out into a near mad giggle. She just barely managed to swallow the last bite of savoury strawberry, before the unsteady up and down of her cackles claimed her body. In her laughter, Eliana curled up and kicked the air. The volume was uncontrolled, peaking to near screams only to vanish entirely, leaving only her quivering to communicate that she was indeed laughing. To the uninitiated, it looked almost painful. To those that knew her, the pain was a cause of why she had started to laugh this way, but not why she still did it.

When the laugh-spasms ebbed off, John dragged her back up into his lap. She straddled his hips and put her arms around his neck. The hug was loose, the presence of her thick thighs anything but. Her feet forced their way between backrest and his body, until she was clamped onto him. “There, you cum-spraying idiot, now you made me happy so you’ll never get rid of me!”

“The horror,” John hummed and kissed the oddly adorable point of her chin.

“You’re fucking stupid, you should be horrified.” Eliana gestured at herself. “Look at this me- Ah!”

John’s hand had come down on Eliana’s ass – hard. The leather top and thong she wore were no obstruction to the spank whatsoever. A different kind of flush rushed through Eliana’s skin in response to the pain. For an eyelid-fluttering moment, her gaze became glass. When she blinked back to reason, he immediately gave the other side the same treatment. The shockwave from her bubble butt jiggled up her meaty thigh. Her entire body buzzed.

“What are you?” John demanded to know.

“I-I’m yours?” Eliana stammered and directed her gaze anywhere else. She shrunk a little bit, knowing that wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear. “…od… irl…” she mumbled.

John gave both of her ass cheeks repeated little claps. The masochistic submissive trembled. Her mouth was wide open, her tongue on display. To reward her with kisses at this stage would have been quite wrong. She closed her mouth and moaned. John could feel the wetness gather behind her thong. The leather slipped over her crotch with each little grinding motion against his erection. Unlike her, he was stark naked.

“What are you?” the Gamer asked again, calmly.

Eliana gathered her breath for several seconds. Both to buy some time to recover from how close to orgasm he had spanked her hyper-masochistic butt and to overcome the mental hurdle were needed. “I-I’m a good girl?” she stammered.

John’s index finger traced up the valley of her spine until he held her by the back of the neck. He pulled her into a rewarding kiss. His tongue whirled around hers. He pushed himself off the backrest, forced her to tilt backwards and accommodate his wish to be as much on top of her as he could be. It was the kind of dominating, passionate kiss that she loved more than anything. All it took was the continued affection and the rocking back and forth of her hips for the constant quivers to be replaced with a few intense spasms.

Giving her the ten to fifteen seconds his women typically needed to ride out their orgasms, John only kneaded her butt softly. Otherwise, he stayed still. He broke the kiss and asked, “Who is my good girl?”

“Is it… is it me?” Eliana asked, uncertain despite everything that had happened between them.

John gave her a smiling nod and her eyes went wide. It was as if this was the revelation of the century. The pretty little psycho threw herself against him and hugged his chest tight. Now all her limbs were gripping him like a vice. He patted the back of her head and her butt. The perfect duality of wholesome and lewd.

He let the minutes pass. Eliana had a habit of bouncing between extremes when her mood was up like this, so he deemed it wisest to just wait until she had mellowed out. She reared back, perhaps to playfully bite his earlobe. John was ordering his counter offensive when she stopped, eyes glued to his neck.

There was no need to ask what she was staring at. She loosened her hug only to trail two fingers up and down the left side of his neck. At certain points, the tingling trail was interrupted by numbness. “Do you-… do you still not hate me for this?”

“No,” John answered leisurely. He pulled at her until the resistance broke and pressed her back against his chest. “Any particular reason you felt so vulnerable today?”

“No,” Eliana mumbled into his neck. She smelled of dirt, fire and strawberries. Training with the other him and Nathalia would do that. Underneath that was something else.

John gave her a couple of inquisitive sniffs. Now that they were no longer in immediate danger of a panic attack, he noticed it. “Lavender?” he asked the blueish, pale woman.

“Do you like it?” she asked, rubbing up against him. “Felt like trying something new.”

“I do. It suits you.”

“No, it fucking doesn’t, it’s a calming scent. When am I ever anything besides a hyperactive, annoying pain slut?”

“I’ve yet to meet a pain slut I find annoying. I’m rather endeared by them, really,” John said, as if he was thinking out loud. “But I do like lavender on you.” Gently, he nudged her until he could look at her face again. He held her by the chin, tugging at her lower lip with his thumb. The excited trembling returned immediately. Her lower body wiggled under his hand, animating him to return to rubbing the cheeks of her round rump. Every centimetre he explored painted a picture of her wide hips and the meat gathered there. She really was thick in all the right places to be a mother.

For all the appeal her body had, it was her eyes that enraptured John. Those orbs of amethyst, shaped like fragments of glass artfully reassembled into perfect spheres. The dots and lines of gold within surrounded the black circles of her dilated pupils.

“Lavender suits you,” John whispered. “It suits your colours and you soothe my soul.” He tilted forwards, until their foreheads met with a tiny knock. “To protect you gives me purpose, my dear broken angel. I wouldn’t exchange it for anything in the world.”

Eliana licked the tip of his nose.

John burst out laughing.

While he threw his head back, he could physically sense the increase in Eliana’s body heat. Half in amusement, half to prevent her from squirming her way out of his embrace, he delivered another smack to her butt. A loud moan underlined his laughter. Possessively, he clawed into the backside. In her embarrassment, it was nice and firm, betraying just how much of that juicy behind was marbled muscle and how much pleasantly yielding fat.

“Why did you do that?” John was still chuckling as he asked.

“I DON’T KNOOOOW!” Eliana’s scream made his ears ring. Her furious blush was too adorable and John just had to topple her over. “Eeeepp!'' The surprised cry came just before she bounced off the fluffy, leather-clad cushions of the couch. Her arms opened. Hands pushed against his chest, then against his own. While they wrestled, her legs did not once loosen. Her crotch, notably swollen under the black barrier between them, continued to rub against his manhood.

John paid as little mind to that as possible. He was too focused on taking advantage of Eliana’s readiness to let him win. Any wrestling between her small, womanly frame and his Olympian, male physique was bound to end the same way – if only because the pretty little psycho loved it when he pinned her wrists above her head.

No sooner had her hands been still than John mashed his lips on hers. Passionate little gasps mingled with the smacking sounds. Eliana curved her back off the couch, attempting to press her medium sized breasts against him. With how close they were already joined further down, she had considerable success. The softness under the leather top was seductive – as seductive as all of her, from the insecurities to the godly powers.

Wanting more of her, needing more of her, John reached down. He found the metal ring between her mounds. A few turns and a gap opened momentarily in the circle, effectively unclasping the bra at the front. John yanked it aside and soon did the same to her thong. A short respite from the pressing of her pussy against him, then he was in contact with her moist heat without any barrier.

They groaned into the kiss, the touch enough to share a shiver. Suddenly pulling back, John left Eliana with a needful gasp. “What should I take from the closing enchantments reacting to my magical signature, hm?”

“I love you,” Eliana whispered, her voice so dreamy and adoring that it made John’s heart swell.

“I love you too.” He fished another chocolate strawberry out of the nearby box, placing it between his teeth. Eliana eagerly received it. It was just a bit messy, for them to take their halves in a short kiss, but who ever minded kissing strawberry juice off the lips of such a lovable woman? “You have to loosen up a bit,” he whispered to her.

“Don’t fucking want to.” Eliana’s almost absurdly thick thighs squeezed him even tighter.

John hummed and wondered how to persuade her to give him the space to angle for a proper thrust. There was the easy way, the playful way, and the patient way. Otherwise known as choking her, teasing her, or just waiting her out. John decided on the middle path today.

He backed away a bit, to get a full view of her. Her body slanted downwards, falling from where she held onto him to where her shoulders rested on the couch. Her hair was a circle of white around her head, turning azure after a handspan in a swift transition between the two colours. That ring where white turned blue created a broken halo around her head. The way the black of the couch interrupted had an odd resemblance to the way the golden lines crossed the rings, although that was certainly John’s pattern-seeking brain assigning more beauty to her than she had even naturally.

‘The beauty in my eyes is the only beauty that matters though.’ John put an index finger on her forehead and chuckled when she went cross-eyed. Always strange how the eyes alone could transform a gorgeous face into a goofy one. Even stranger that it would only take quivering brown and fluttering lids to transition this into a face of pure bliss. “Say, can you unravel a mystery for me?”


“Is the whole cross-eye thing something you put on for me?” John had learned a lot about female pleasure since his porn-watching days and the greatest lesson was that no one could agree what was exaggerated and what wasn’t. Of course there was exaggeration in porn, a whole lot of it. The disagreement was more over whether it could actually occur if the sex was good enough, rather than staged.

“You think I could fake that shit for so long?” Eliana responded, perplexed.

“Valid counter-question, but I’d still like an answer. For my paranoia.” John’s finger trailed down to the tip of her nose.

“For me it just fucking happens, but when we had a girl talk about it, Jane confessed she started doing it because she saw it in hentai and eventually it became an actual habit,” Eliana responded, and John nodded. He had that talk with his girlfriend before, so that second part wasn’t surprising. All of his girls would fall somewhere on that spectrum. Well, most that hadn’t taken to it naturally likely did it because he loved that orgasmic expression. Something that hadn’t started naturally could certainly become second nature.

“As long as no one is faking their orgasms,” John said and traced his finger further down. Playfully, Eliana caught it between her teeth. Furrowing his brows, he added a second. Immediately, Eliana opened her mouth wide instead. Her tongue worked the digits, inviting him deeper inside. He obliged. Even if Eliana lacked the kind of orgasmic throat Lydia and Nightingale had, she liked it when he claimed the hole with his fingers. Shivers ran through her when he massaged the base of her tongue. By the time he pulled them back, she was writhing underneath him. His cock was almost as drenched as his fingers, her pussy sliding back and forth along its length. He grabbed her face, squishing her adorable cheeks. “My naughty girl.”

“Tshank youh, Mashtahr,” she slurred past her distorted lips. He released her and went further down. Over her sensitive neck. Past the bump of her collarbones. Down the road of her cleavage. When he arrived in the depression that marked the transition from ribcage to midriff, he curved left and up. In a terribly slow spiral, he ascended the soft mound. Her thighs quivered and loosened, then tightened intensely when he gave her nipple a flick. “I’m such a fucking freak.”

“Because of this?” John pinched the nipple and twisted. Biting her lower lip, Eliana nodded. “Might be a bit freakish, but I told you what I think of pain sluts, my lovely little masochistic breeding sow.” An intense, audible breath followed the complimenting insult. Slapping her tit, he coaxed a second of them from her. He cupped it, leaned down, and pulled with his teeth instead. Eliana almost dropped from his hips – almost. “God, I can’t wait to see how these look when you’re lactating.”

“If you ask me instead of some abandonment-issues-inducing-shithead, you can have that right the fuck now,” Eliana reminded him. To induce lactation must have been one of the easier things to do with her magic.

John was tempted. So tempted, he needed to give it a full ten seconds of thought. Then he shook his head. “I want to see that as your belly grows,” he said.

“Give Rave her riiiiings,” Eliana whined. “Please, John, I want to hold Damian in my arms already…”

“How do you know your egg will be a boy? It’s the sperm cell that brings in the second chromosome, the egg is always one of the two X.”

“I just know… did you know that billionaires have a way higher chance to have sons? It’s 65% sons,” Eliana rattled that down.

“Huh, no, I actually didn’t know that,” John confessed. When it came to anything related to pregnancy, Eliana was an expert among experts at this point. He had even found her talking to Aclysia at one point about changes to the dietary plan once the breeding happened. Something about certain nutrients being easier to absorb by the foetus. “Know what I do know though?”

“Wha- ahhhnn,” Eliana gasped when he finally sunk into her ready cunt. He was just a few centimetres in when her legs constricted again. He was pulled all the way into her quivering quim. “Oh… Master…!” she gasped, her casual talking tone replaced with the moaning of his submissive cocksleeve.

John bowed down to her ear and whispered, “I’m working hard on the rings.”

Her eyes sparked with hope.



that's probably because that's how it's spelled in his language, in my own language, french it is written foetus.


Well that was absolutely adorable! You're really teasing the rings, I can't wait to see how that goes