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‘Why do I even have to write this?’ Lee whined inside her mind, while staring at the lines she had written over a month ago. The whole dissertation thing had been spawned from her father’s mind. The Magus Academy wasn’t yet formulated or big enough that he gave all students a streamlined process to follow. There was vast overlap, of course, but there was still enough wiggle room for everyone to get some personalized attention by the teachers. Lee recognized the advantage of that, making sure every student’s weaknesses were addressed. Lee also recognized that it made it more difficult to hide in the corner and rely on her good memory to make it through the tests.

Ignoring just how much she loathed how pretentious scientific writing sounded, she corrected typos on her way to where she had left off. When she reached that point, she wrote ‘The’ and stopped.

Tapping on the buttons of the keyboard, without pressing them, Lee stared at the page. Her mind was blank, her every part unmotivated. There were so many more fun things to do than write about the difficulties of uniting Fateweaving and Mobile Barriers.

Lee leaned back in the gaming chair, groaning loudly. Over and over again, she read the final lines of her current work, trying to spur her mind into a continuation of that tale. All she managed was to bore herself. The more bored she got, the more aware she got of the minute movements of the air over her naked skin. Absent-mindedly, her hands trailed down her curves. She only noticed when she rubbed the wet nub of her clit.

‘Well… since I’m already horny…’ Lee thought and reached for her drawer. Since she had first mustered the courage to order sex toys online, there had always been something in reach. The collection had expanded when she had hit 18, then further grown when she discovered the John Newman line of toys, and nowadays was just ludicrously large due to her access to the Sex Dungeon.

Lee grabbed one of the small vibrators to start with and pressed it against her clit. It softly buzzed, making her bite her lower lip and gasp while she browsed her porn collection for something to watch. The benefit of sharing her man with a number of exhibitionists was that she was rarely out of inspiration. None of the videos were public, they were all for the eyes of other haremettes only.

On the screen, John was pulling tight the last few bindings, immobilizing Eliana completely. Lee pulled her legs up, to emulate the position of Eliana’s legs as best as she could. She imagined John’s hungry gaze, a memory that came easy to her. Hastily, she pulled the dildo shaped after his cock out of the drawer and aligned it with her wet entrance.

The silicone penetrated her with disappointing difficulty. Unlike the shaft in the video, the toy did not self-lubricate. Neither was it as hot or hard as she knew his cock to be, especially when he had one of them bound up like that. “Master!” Eliana cried in the video.

“Master…” Lee mumbled, working the dildo in and out of herself, letting the overflow of her pussy juice get it nice and slippery. “Mhmmmaster…” she panted and put the vibrator aside. She needed both hands to even approach the pace and force with which he used her fellow masochist. Masturbation was so completely unlike getting pounded by him.

Tongue stretched out, she did her best to remember him fucking her throat. The phantom feeling added to the joy of self-pleasure. Her hips trembled, rising softly from her gaming chair.

The seat tilted backwards, snapping her out of her enjoyment. She managed to shift her weight back forwards. She groaned, the moment ruined at the point of climax. Eliana’s eyes were rolling up, while their Master was clasping her windpipe with his strong hands. Lee turned up the volume, letting it dominate her apartment in a way only having one’s own space allowed. She stumbled over to her bed, laid down in the disorganized sheets, and got back into it.

“Master…” The single word always got her hot and bothered. Each time she used it, climax was nearby. In her mind, John was bowing over her, running his thumb over her sensitive lips.

“You know what would really please your Master, little fawn?” the projection asked in that deep, domineering tone. She pleaded with her eyes to let her know. “If you got back to the work you’re putting off.”

Lee clenched her eyes closed a little more, chasing away the guilt-tripping version of her fantasy. She replaced it with one that just growled and thrust right inside her, matching the pace with which she moved the facsimile of his cock in and out of her. She vaguely followed the intensity of the grunts from her speakers, tried to smack herself when he spanked Eliana.

When orgasm approached, all of that was forgotten. All that mattered was the desperate relief. Her hips shot up and she moaned deeply to herself. Harder and faster, she moved, until her muscles went lame. Her mind wiped away the fantasies. Only the pleasure of climax remained.

Breathing taxed, she lay on the bed. Eyes lazily wandered to the door. Part of her wished that John or any of the more dominantly minded haremettes would burst in and force her to feel good for a little longer. On her own, however, the excitement in her blood eventually simmered down. The moans in the air went from wonderful proof of ecstasy to just noise.

Lee eventually managed to swing her legs out of bed. She stepped on a discarded piece of candy wrap that must have missed the bin. ‘This place is a dump,’ she thought and looked around her room. She had never lived in clean conditions and never cared for it either – until she had gotten to the standard of living Aclysia and the other maids provided. ‘Alright, do something productive!’ she told herself, switching the background sound back to electric.

She was supposed to work on her dissertation, but the state of the room was long overdue for cleaning. Lee grabbed her wastebin and filled it with all the little bits of trash that had been scattered about the room. Once she had gotten all she could see, she put the wastebin outside, for one of the cleaning slimes to pick up eventually. That it was 90% used handkerchiefs she did not have to care about. All of her housemates knew what she was about and visitors did not usually walk down this corridor, if they were allowed on the second floor at all.

About an hour of dusting, vacuuming, and changing her bedsheets later, Lee nodded at herself. The previous discord had been replaced with something she would not be ashamed to show her mother. A vast progress, with which in mind she sat down at the PC.

Back at her stared the dissertation document. Defiant, Lee cracked her knuckles and proceeded to write two whole sentences. Then her stomach growled. “Riiiiight, eating,” she acknowledged out loud and glanced between the document and her kitchen. “Can’t work on an empty stomach,” she reasoned and then got back up.

Obviously she could not keep writing while the pizza was in the oven, the empty stomach was too distracting. Instead, she put on a Youtube video to watch while she eyed the timer. Once she had the pizza, she kept watching. After she had finished with the pizza, she could hardly close a half-finished video. Just watching it on its own was too dull though, so she opened Steam and started a round of Slay the Spire.

The video ended before she was through with that. She had just enough self-discipline not to put on a new one, as she finished up with it. Then, she was hit by the sound of a message. ‘Got time for a few games?’ it read.

Lee eyed the clock. ‘Eh, sure,’ she thought and put on her headset. Without responding to the message, she hopped into the usual call. “Waddup?” she greeted the other four people in the call.

“Not much, how about you?”

“Same, if you can believe it.”

“Oh, I can be-Lee-ve it,” someone else chimed in, to the general groans and amusement of everyone else.

They were in the queue before she knew it. Lee’s gaming buddies’ only real commonality was that they were Abyssals. That and that they were relatively young, but that was just a fact of most gaming groups. Some were barely even Abyssals, living on the border between magical and mundane. Others were, like Lee, students of Fateweaving that she had met on campus. Yet others she had no idea about. They could’ve been the kids of important Abyssals or average middle class people.

Once they were in a game, Lee quickly forgot about the file still open on her desktop. All that mattered was the coordination of their team. Frustration and glee came in waves, as was usually the case with online games. One game turned into two, turned into six.

Lee yawned and stretched, checked on the clock and announced. “Alright, I’ve gotta go.”

“Let me guess, your boyfriend?” one of her buddies asked. “Weaksauce that you prioritize love over videogames, honestly.”

“Shut up, dude,” Lee shot back. “You only say that because you can’t land one.”

“Two things can be true at once.”

“Yeah, that you can’t find a girl and that you’re addicted to videogames.”

“Not sure I want to hear that from you, miss procrastination. When was the last time you cleaned up your room?”

“Uhh, two hours ago, actually, my dude, so maybe you can shut the fuck up?”

“Hmmmm,” the guy hummed thoughtfully. Lee could practically hear him tapping his chin. “So, what responsibility did you dodge that you were motivated to clean your room?”

“Get off her case, man,” another one jumped in.

“Or what?”

Lee sighed, as a small argument broke out between the two guys. She wasn’t quite sure what it was about men that some of them felt the need to defend her at every corner. It was kind of flattering, but she felt oddly isolated from the group at the same time whenever it happened. While her unwanted defender and reasonable critic shot little snipes at each other, Lee received a text message from one of her fellow girls in the group.

‘Just jump out now, Josh’s been overprotective all day,’ Lee read out in her head. She rolled her eyes and did as advised. She had learned a while ago that it was easiest to just get out of dodge when these situations unfolded. Eventually the guy that was being disruptive would either learn she had no interest in him or they would be kicked out of the group for some other reason.

Much as she liked her general circle of gaming buddies, they were much less important to her than they used to be. To start with, she’d been happy to just not speak to anyone for days on end, that was her definition of a perfect vacation really. The little circle she had half-joined, half-made was there for when she felt like playing with known quantities rather than the terror of random teammates. Even they exhausted her socially over time though.

John and the other haremettes just didn’t. She could hang out with them for an entire month with no break and be just as happy as she was at the start of it. Actually, she was typically happier if they were around. Which was why she wanted to get back to John’s apartment in time for dinner.

As she moved the cursor to the shutdown, her eyes fell on the document symbol. Her stomach sank and she shifted around. Dragging the document back up, she stared at her progress for the day. Two whole sentences. She had not gone out on a hunt for new sources, had not drafted anything for the structure, and barely written anything.

But now it was too late in the evening to do anything about it. She was tired and there was a bunch of girls and one guy waiting for her to be around.

That was, by every measure, more important to her.



The skill of being able to procrastinate by doing other less annoying tasks is basically the only reason I have ever done anything.