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John was sitting in an armchair of the Couch, reading the compiled files of what had transpired in his absence. The summary was largely dull. In some months, nothing happened, in other months, everything happened. That was just the nature of history.

Nothing happening on the political side was good news for John. It also didn’t mean that nothing happened in his life. The past vacation had been eventful, as the gorgeous blonde across the table proved.

There was also the matter of Delicia’s tits around his cock. Soft and round, squished together by her hands, the spheres enveloped his manhood fully. Delicia was working with dedicated silence, although that dedication had little to do with the typical maid devotion. Where anyone else of his servants would have been entirely focused on just making him feel good, Delicia was motivated by trying to make him moan.

“Mmh,” he did her the favour, only to get a giggle from the smug maid. “What?”

“You sound sooooo needy,” Delicia teased him. “What would you do without me, hm?”

“What would you do if you had no one to cum on your face?” John asked, moving his e-reader aside to get a view of her. Delicia had decided, rather than swallow his cum, to get covered in it. After four loads, her face was an absolute mess. Cum was dripping from every feature and she kept her eyes wisely closed. What wasn’t on her face turned her creamy white cleavage into a gloriously sticky mess. The depraved sounds the thick lubrication created were especially wonderful.

“In an hour, I’ll have washed your cum off my face, and then I’ll still be cute, gorgeous, witty, brilliant and just the best.” Delicia’s smug grin did not have quite the same impact while cum soaked into her white hair. “You’ll still be a needy nerd.”

John slammed closed the lid of the device and tossed it aside. Giggling triumphantly, the smug brat kept her grin until her lips wrapped around the engorged head. “I like you better quiet,” the dom growled. She hummed something ridiculing. John stood up and clawed at her head with both hands, fucking her throat with reckless abandon.

Groaning, Hailey stretched and opened her eyes. Slowly she straightened up. She locked eyes with John, exactly as he thrust into Delicia’s throat one last time. The masochistic brat spasmed, the orgasmic properties of his seed finalizing what the continued use of her throat had brought close anyway. Even if Delicia couldn’t physically orgasm from her throat, there was enough going on psychologically to make it almost the same. Hypnosis, conditioning, and kinks were wondrous effects of the human mind.

“Am I gonna wake up to that on the regular?” Hailey drawled, sounding rather pleased by the idea.

“Obviously,” John responded and slowly pulled out of Delicia’s throat. Despite her previous attitude, the shortstack did not release his manhood from her lips until she absolutely had to. “How about you join Delicia and I in a quick bath?”

“Definit’ly could use a scrubbin’,” Hailey agreed and got up. She nearly stumbled when she caught onto just how depraved Delicia currently looked. Panting and cum-marked, the fifth maid would have fit into a hentai shot more than reality. “I wouldn’t believe it if ya hadn’t knocked me out… ten minutes ago?”

“Two hours,” John corrected her. “Which, for the record, is pretty short when it comes to deflowering comas.”

“Psh, listen to him, coming up with an actual term for that,” Delicia mocked, as soon as the gears in her brain started turning again. Rolling his eyes, John helped her up and led her towards the bathroom. Hailey followed them, rolling her shoulders. She spread her pussy lips and a trickle of cum ran out of the clenching pink folds.

“Gotta say, I kinda can’t believe I was pounded like one of Franklin’s whores.”

“You think you can even compare me to a regular man?” John shook his head.

“Just sayin’ that I feel fine.”

“You can thank me thoroughly,” Delicia stated. “That was all me.”

“It was all her,” John did confess and brought Hailey up to speed while they all took a quick shower. Afterwards, Hailey got to explore the new bed for a minute. A short-lived distraction, once John revealed why it was him and Delicia, among all the possible combinations in the harem, that were waiting for her to wake up. “It’s time we set up your workshops.”

The announcement caused immediate excitement. Both of the crafters had been bristling at the opportunity to unfold their creative potential. Delicia had been out of it since John had crystallized her soul and Hailey had only gotten to study whatever Scarlett prepared that day. They wouldn’t just be given places to work, they would be given access to the Guild Hall’s resources.

“I’d give you a tour of where your materials come from first, but I can sense that you’re too eager to get started.” John laughed at the two of them. Delicia was back in her usual maid outfit, Hailey only wore her leather top and bottom, with only flip-flops for footwear. A decision she had made after John had assured her that moving around like that in the Guild Hall was acceptable. Eliana did it all the time and Salamander wore little more. If the curvy fire spirit could get away with it, so could the country gal.

“Ain’t gonna get dem tanlines if I ain’t wearin’ this lil’,” she explained her decision.

“You’ll never need to justify wearing little around me,” John responded and then guided them to the teleportation room. One flash of light later, they were at the centre of the Industry District. “Walking is always optional around the Guild Hall… Well, unless it isn’t.”

“Wow, that’s the best explanation of anything I ever heard,” Delicia mocked. “Very much showcasing how big of a deal you are, Mister President.”

“You want your research funds pulled?”

“Every noble I ever worked for threatened me with that.” Delicia smugly shook her head. “I always get my money back when they realize that I am way too good to not give me money.”

“The problem with capable people is that they can afford to be eccentric,” John sighed and looked over his shoulder. “You doing fine back there?”

Hailey had been consistently falling behind, her steps failing to keep up with John and Delicia’s hasty strides. The country gal was too busy rearing her head in every direction, taking in the wonders of the Guild Hall.

They were north of the Warehouse and its many cranes. A couple of cars curved around the white stone road that connected every place of interest in the Guild Hall. Hundreds of people moved around, marching from the southern areas and the Commercial District up to the Canteen or the Industry Administration.

Even though it was the breakfast hour, the number of people that went for grub was dwarfed by the scale of the environment. The forests that separated the Buildings, which loomed large in their individual, impressive designs, and the purposeful stretch of every flawless road must have been an awe to behold for the uninitiated.

“It’s a bit different from the ground, isn’t it?” John asked, when Hailey failed to answer.

“Ya can say that twice, sugar,” Hailey said out loud. She touched the mark on her lower abdomen and blushed softly. “Just realized everyone’ll know I’m one of yours.”

“Will that be a problem?” John asked.

“’Course not – could just hide it if that’s somethin’ that bothered me, right?” Hailey gave him a broad grin. “Just tryin’ to catch up with the changes in my life. Quick pace today.”

To suggest to take it slower would have just been taken as an insult. Hailey’s shoes flopped on the pavement when she rapidly caught up and tapped him on the shoulder. He took the hint and got back moving.

“Ya tryin’ to make me believe that that was the closest teleporter ya got to wherev’r we goin’?”

John snorted with amusement. “Obviously not, I got them all over the place. I just wanted to show you two around.”

“I wanna work!” Delicia shouted. “By Gaia, stop teasing me, let me just dazzle you with my brilliance!”

“Fine, fine,” John sighed and turned around. To march back to the teleporter was quicker than walking the rest of the way. One blue flash, a couple metres, and another blue flash later they were by the Alchemy Lab. “Let’s get you situated then; should be easy to find you a workshop in here.”

The Alchemy Lab was a building that vaguely resembled a European castle from the late Middle Ages. Whereas such castles were typically built with defensive capability in mind, however, the Alchemy Lab was more of an impressive assortment of towers that was in no way suitable for a siege situation. The segmented nature served another purpose. Should anything within the Alchemy Lab blow up, the force would be able to reach open air and distribute quickly. At the same time, if the substances worked with were of the kind that, under no circumstances, should be let out, then individual towers or even floors could be reinforced and quarantined.

For all of its impressive outsides, the insides were vacated. There was the sound of glass and metal clanking. Potions brewed in large containers that partly peeked out of the stone walls. All of that was automatic activity, created by the activities John had set the facilities to. “Your queendom,” the Gamer said and opened his arms wide.

“All of this?” Delicia squeaked excitedly and peeked her head into one of the nearby doors. “Ooooh yeah, baby, a Sourpatch Catalysator!”

John made a clueless gesture in response to Hailey’s questioning gaze. Under their watchful eyes, the shortstack went on a swift exploration, zooming with superhuman speed from one room to the next and taking stock of what was around. When she started to slow down, the Gamer raised his voice.

“What you see around are instruments the Building has created. To take them out of it will cause them to disappear in a short amount of time. If you need to buy anything else, you can use our Guild Bank account to buy things. If you’re too gracious with our money, I’ll be switching you to an allowance.” John stopped and let Delicia return to him. “Similarly, you’ll have full access to the Warehouse for the time being. You can access stuff anywhere in the Guild Hall via the console. Use what you need – within reason.”

“Roger that,” Delicia nodded solemnly and then hugged him tightly.

The sudden and intense affection hit John unprepared, but he was an experienced harem owner at this point. His arms closed around her in turn. Stroking her back, he asked, “Any reason you’re feeling clingy?”

“Just rewarding you for letting a girl have her dream job,” Delicia mumbled into his chest, then separated. “Alright, I’ll have something interesting for you by tomorrow!”

John hummed, wondering whether that was a joke or one of the many ideas she had brewing in that head of hers were going to come to fruition. He would have to wait and see. For now, there was a second workshop he had to set up.

“Getting you situated won’t be as straightforward,” John confessed, after he and Hailey had left the Alchemy Lab. “We don’t have a general engineering Building, though I guess the Circuit Factory will be the closest to what you need. Want to take the quick route?”

“Nah.” That simple word made them spend the next half an hour walking. The scale of the Guild Hall was easily forgotten when one used alternative modes of transportation on the regular. John was happy to have the extra time to spend with his new haremette. Few words were spoken in that time, as Hailey was too busy looking around and breathing in the atmosphere.

Unlike the Alchemy Lab, the Circuit Factory was in full use by several dozen people. That was still miniscule compared to the capacity of the Building. The floors had the green colour of a motherboard, while the walls resembled the metallic design of a computer case. Both were only the foundation of a building whose aesthetics screamed both sci-fi and magic.

“…This got about a third of the stuff I’d like to have,” Hailey confessed. They were in the largest of the many automatically assembled workshops inside the Circuit Factory. It was typically reserved for people that John directly supported, which meant that only Scarlett or her high-class engineers could use it whenever they needed to build something with materials from the Warehouse. At all other times, Thorne’s own workshops were equipped either just as well or better.

“Not surprising.” John scratched his chin. The Circuit Factory was specialized in the production of, well, circuitry. While Hailey had put together such parts, they were only segments of the larger projects she had been following. To keep her in these facilities alone was to waste her talent at all aspects of the engineering process. Similarly, to put her in the Foundry was to limit her to such crude work as welding and forging. “Actually, do you forge?”

“Not a lot, honestly didn’t have the arms for it.” Hailey pinched her left bicep. It was larger than the average woman’s, or at least the average western city dweller’s, but she did truly not look like she could swing a hammer or generally lift metal tools for hours on end. “This gonna change as I get more magical tho’, right?”

“It definitely should,” John confirmed. “Not that it has an influence…”

Options had to be considered carefully. Unlike Delicia, Hailey would be working next to a lot of people if he put her in the Circuit Factory or the Foundry. This would be a problem along two different axes. One, Hailey was not as powerful and sturdy as Delicia, making her more prone to getting hurt by malicious actors. Second was that, once word got out they had an engineering Latebloomer, interest in Hailey’s work would skyrocket. It was only a matter of time until research would attempt to get stolen.

With the Alchemy Lab, research could be put on lockdown tightly. The few other alchemists that used the facilities were easily locked out. They provided nothing of true value to Fusion. Either they would be told to open their own shops or, if sufficiently talented and trustworthy, they could join Delicia. The Buildings Hailey would be working in were frequented by contractors and freelancers. Suspicious movement would be much harder to spot.

Hailey did have the inbuilt spy protection in that her creations were borderline impossible to comprehend as they got more ambitious. Still, it was best to keep her work on lockdown. If not to keep it from being copied, then at least to keep it from getting used. “Alright, different plan,” John decided. All of that had gone through his mind in less than a second. “We’ll build you a workshop in the Palace.”

“Ya sure?” Hailey asked.

“You’re one of my haremettes, so you only get the best,” John declared.

A location was quickly chosen. The star fort that served as the foundation of his Palace had plenty of space. They chose one of the eastern points, hollowed it out, then filled it with all manner of tools. John and Hailey spend several hours browsing the Abyss Auction and on the phone with Scarlett, ordering every last tool Hailey could need. While all of that needed to arrive, John put together the basic facilities.

On Hailey’s wish, it came together as a sort of mixture between fantasy workshop and industry hall. Some rooms embodied one side more than the other, and everything was built with practicality in mind first and aesthetics second.

The heart piece of it all was a relatively small room, barely larger than the average garage. Tool racks and shelves stacked with containers lined the walls. Both were empty, until the orders arrived. A single window allowed daylight in. The glass was ever so slightly tinted, to disperse the rays and keep them from creating any blinding reflections.

Many a piece of furniture stood on the hardwood floor. Potential surfaces for Hailey to leave future projects in the middle of assembly. John could not really make rhyme or reason out of the placements of all of these things, nor why she wanted all of this illuminated by a really standard looking lamp. However she worked best was right by him though.

“Hmm, this is nice,” Hailey said and ran her hand over the top of a workbench. Fluidly, she turned around and planted her ass on the tabletop. She leaned back, until her hands could grasp the opposite edge, and angled a leg so her heel sat on the table with her. “Ain’t got much to do right now, do we?”

“Not really,” the Gamer responded quietly. The wanton undertone in her sharp eyes told him exactly where this was going.

“Wanna break in my workshop by poundin’ me on every surface?” Hailey grinned at him. “Just for the experience, o‘course.”

“You will not be able to walk after this time,” John warned her.


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