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“Hmmm, what’cha hiding?”

Rave circled around the arcvolt elemental. Whistling non-innocently and sweating to a comedic degree, Sylph averted her eyes. Wherever the feline Lightbearer’s face was, she looked the opposite direction. It was like watching a cat prowl around a piece of cover that a rodent had taken shelter under. Then again, a bunny was more accurate in this instance.

“N-nothing, totally nothing,” Sylph said, her whistle collapsing into ineffectual, nervous blows of wind out of her puckered lips. “Whatever would I, Sylph, have to hide? I never hide anything. I-I’m the most trustworthy of trustworthy trustees.”

“Yeah, sure you are, airhead,” Salamander chimed in. Blades of grass whispered and bent with each impatient wave of the tip of her tail. “Show the goods, girl! You are fucking hiding something!”

The harem was gradually crowding around the arcvolt elemental, each intrigued by what they were about to see. Last to arrive were Hailey and Scarlett, the two of them strutting over from the workshop. Both were wearing coveralls, albeit Hailey had unzipped hers. The top half of the red item dangled around her shapely hips, leaving her upper body exposed, save for the red and blue leather bra she was wearing. She had definitely taken to those and to the way John marvelled at her tanlines. Also, her boobs appeared ever so slightly bigger these days.

“Y’all got back quicker than I thought,” she greeted John with a wave.

“We got lucky,” John put it simply. He had expected them to spend time until the day of the tornado, at least. Instead, it had been an affair that was 90% driving and 10% doing the task. “Lydia isn’t coming, by the way.”

“What? Awwww, then I have to keep the stuff secret for so much longer!” Sylph blabbered.

“Ya ain’t keeping any stuff secret from me,” Rave immediately called out the air spirit. “What’cha hiding?!”

“Ah, no, my preciously guarded secret!” Sylph took a surprised step back, positioning herself in front of John and the gathered harem. Harem plus Hailey, John should think. After the recent visit to Highway 69, that particular courtesy felt all the more unnecessary. “Alright then, since you are all eye-fucking me already, I suppose I might as well reveal it all to you.”

Sylph took a deep breath. Dramatically, she spread out her arms, and bunny ears suddenly popped out. With them came the tail, albeit only John could see it. That was, until Nia blocked the view.

Having teleported as quickly as instincts allowed, the Maiden of Null was scratching those big spoons of fluffy green and warm pink with expert hands. The ears bent under the soft touch. Sylph giggled, tilted into the motion, then giggled some more. All the while, the other haremettes took in what had transpired.

The least pleased reactions were that of Nathalia and Scarlett, both of which just raised an eyebrow at the new adorable features of their fellow member of the harem. Most fell in line with Rave’s reaction, which was a prolonged ‘Awwww’. Nia remained the most positive of all, giving the cute ears all the patting she could.

John paid most attention to the other four elemental girls. Salamander appeared amused, more than anything else, neither impressed nor unhappy with the idea that such a minor transformation would come to affect her as well. Undine was strictly silent, the conflict she had over contacting her Mother still superseded what benefits she could draw from it. Gnome steadily stepped closer, until she joined Nia in rubbing the fluffy ears with deep appreciation.

“That’s it?” The single question from Siena made her feelings on the matter clear. “I anticipated a showcase that leaves a greater… impression.”

“And I didn’t expect I’d be the smallest woman around again today!” Delicia loudly burst into the conversation.

“Ears don’t count!” Sylph immediately shot back. “How dare you, how double dare you, you second smallest small girl!”

“Oh, ears don’t count, huh?” Delicia raised both hands and shook her head. “No, no, no, that’s just awfully convenient, now isn’t it? You are so privileged to be able to rewrite the rules as you think appropriate.”

“I decide what’s appropriate in my segment of the harem, I am queen of the smols.” Sylph repeatedly nodded to herself. “None of what you say may faze be, fellow babbler, for you have no power here! I am the smallest, the cutest, the bunny eared.”

“I love you,” Nia said, rubbing her plain faced head against the green fluffy spoons.

“Besides, I can just do this!” The ears suddenly disappeared and Nia let out the saddest cry John had ever heard from her. Immediately, they came back. “So checkmate, alchemist!”

“Sure, sure,” Delicia said, with a mild, smug smile on her face. “Whatever lets you sleep at night.”

“Is this truly all there is to it though?” Undine gently tugged on one of Sylph’s ears. “A minor change of our appearance?”

“Nothing more is needed,” Nia insisted.

John clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “While there’s no directly apparent Stat benefit, we haven’t run any tests yet. So, I think we should do that. Gnome, Lee, if either of you could? Just a plain field with walls would do.”

“Sounds like you’d get that done faster,” Lee said to the season elemental.

The group marched over to a bit of the property that was, so far, unused. With one stomp, walls shot up around the perimeter, surrounding them all with solid rock. Hopefully, that would prevent any stray lightning from striking anything John cared to keep intact. “Alright, Sylph, first question: any instinctual idea of something that changed?” Elementals typically had an inkling about what all they could do, courtesy of what they were.

“Yep!” chirped the air spirit in confirmation. “Give me some targets, give me some targets, I wanna demonstrate!”

A couple of rough, swift esoteric gestures on Gnome’s part and pillars of stone rose from the ground. John protectively got in front of Lorelei. Scarlett dragged Hailey to the back row. “We don’t want to be in the first row for this shell test,” the technomancer warned coolly.

“Alright, let’s see, let’s see…” Sylph took two dancing, twirling steps forwards. Blue radiated from her, as ambient light and as electricity that crackled over her skin. The fur on her bunny ears rose in jagged clumps, like a layer of the world’s softest thorns. She stopped, only to bounce on the spot. “…This feels interesting, very, very interesting…” her voice had a strange echo to it.

A crackle of interweaving lightning was left in her wake. Sylph slammed into the closest pillar. Rather, the energy surrounding her did. Although John had difficulty reacting to her movement, he could perceive her. Where the aura of electricity crashed into the solid rock, it was torn apart before Sylph’s fragile form could follow.

Hopping with large skips, Sylph stopped only to compress like a spring against the vertical wall opposite of where she had started. A spark, she bounced diagonally, then charged with maintained speed towards the second pillar. Shards of rock were scattered outwards dozens of metres. Siena’s tail smacked aside a stray shard that would have otherwise embedded itself in Lee’s abdomen.

The electrical aura around Sylph consolidated, until she was entirely covered in cascading lightning. So dense and fuzzy, it appeared like a gown of blue and bright green fur. Only her face was untouched, amber eyes glowing with elemental power.

Dense energy melted a hole through the solid stone as she threw her fist towards it. The pillar itself remained intact; her one punch had travelled clean through, leaving a boiling mess around. Sylph came to a stop. Excess energy travelled past her fist. It unloaded in a screaming cone of magical voltage, carving Lichtenberg figures into the dirt and the walls.

After only a few seconds, it was over. Sylph hopped back to the group, a skipping stone in the form of an adorable girl. “That was fun!” she declared.

“Hmm.” John rubbed his chin, analysing the situation. Blasting apart rock pillars, at their stage of power, was hardly impressive at all. What was notable was the control over her movements and discharges that she had displayed. “Seems like you got better at hopping around, which fits.” Sylph preened when his hand landed between those adorable ears of hers, patting her head with great enthusiasm. “Also looks like you built up concentrated energy as you kept moving?”

“Yeah!” Sylph confirmed, a precious, big smile on her face. “Motion feels super great! I’m unstoppable when I’m not stopped!”

“Truly a great source of wisdom,” Delicia giggled.

“It appears then that these additional transformations grant us useful boons of the supportive variety,” Siena stated.

“It’s not as much as a full Tier upgrade… b-but it would still help John if we got them,” Gnome added and turned her eyes to her sisters. “Siena, Undine, I know you two have problems with your Mothers and I wouldn’t want to force you…” The season elemental stopped there.

“But?” Undine spoke the word they all heard anyway.

Siena sashayed over to the brunette. The two were of practically identical heights. Standing across each other, they stared into each other’s eyes. “Say it,” the shadow spirit demanded.

Straightening up as much as she could, her chest swelling with a deep breath, Gnome let the tension escape herself with a single self-assuring, “Umu,” before getting to the points. “…but as your leader, this is confirmation that this is worth our while,” she said firmly. “Undine, your situation makes hesitation justified and we’ll have to talk exactly if it’s worth the risk. Siena, you have nothing holding you back. Your Mother is kind, at least to you.”

It was rare to see Siena be the one to avert her gaze first. “I cannot forgive her for leaving me shackled and alone, even if it was for my protection,” the shadow spirit mumbled.

“You do not need to forgive, just do what is good for those you currently care about,” Gnome spoke softly and embraced her sister in contract. Tail wrapping around their waists, Siena swiftly reciprocated. The two were chest to chest. Gently, the earth spirit stroked the midnight elemental’s back.

“I’ll oblige…” Siena muttered and they slowly separated. “What about you?” she asked Undine.

The slime girl’s eyes were closed, her chin lowered. Her lids opened just a tad, letting show the wrestling of golden and red light that shone from her irises, the only lights to her deep blue appearance. She pressed her lips together. John took a step towards her, ready to console her in whatever way she needed. “I kept a secret.”

John came to a halt with an audible stomp. “What?” The sharp question silenced every bit of chatter, wiped every smile off every face. First, he glanced over to Eliana, Siena, and Claire. Even those three were surprised by this. Wrestling down his anger with stoic discipline, John continued, calmer, “What did you keep secret?”

“Juniel, do you remember her?” Undine asked.

“The tainted ice elemental that partook in the mess of fighting elementals when we upgraded the Guild Hall to Tier 4, yes. The very same that we requested would try to talk to the Mother of Water to see if she was willing to apologize or at least give an explanation for her rash attempt at cleansing you,” John summarized, more for everyone around than himself. “What did she do?”

Undine’s eyes continued to flicker between red and gold. “Exactly as you asked. I received the answer months ago.” Finally, her eyes stabilized, as red as the setting sun or blood on snow. “Mother apologized,” the abysstide elemental hissed, “said that her concern for the realm should not have outweighed her concern for one of her own, but that it did. That the frustration overcame her, until she could no longer control. That the ebb and flow of the plane surges and wanes her emotions.” Black ooze drifted as gooey tentacles from Undine’s skin. “And I hate her answer!”

Hailey, Lee, and Lorelei each took swift steps back, as Undine’s emotional outburst manifested in the ground around her soaking with liquid shadow and ice cold water. Only Scarlett, of those that could be concerned about their safety from such actions, stood calmly where she was, and placed a cigarette between her lips. “Calm down,” the redhead said calmly.

The water spirit whipped around, her body turned into a living cascade. Of shapely curves, only elongated arms and a nightmarishly distorted face remained. Undine screamed in the face of her friend, her crystal clear voice turned into a siren’s shriek.

Scarlett lit her cigarette and took a slow huff. “You only hate the answer because you understand it.”

“Yes.” Undine laughed grimly. “Of course, I do! How couldn’t I?! I’m surrounded by reasons to feel the same.”

“Are you right now?”

Undine turned her distorted form towards Salamander. The black and golden eyes of the fire spirit were laden with disappointment. They said more than John could ever have. Abruptly, the gold returned to the abysstide elemental’s eyes and her form collapsed into a puddle. It took ten miserable seconds for her to reform herself, sitting on the ground.

“I hate my Mother, because the first time I met her she ripped me apart,” Undine mumbled and leaned into the arm John put around her. “Everyone tells me I’m like her. The more I learn about her, I fear they are correct. Can I at least hold onto this grudge?”

John shook his head. “No… no, that’s not you, Undine. Not the you that I would want you to be…”

“I knew you would say that…” Undine squeezed his hand. “Can you forgive me?”

“This is far from the worst secret you have kept.” The Gamer ran a hand through her hair. The water parted around his fingers like silky strands. “This is your decision. I want you to trust that I advise what I think is best for you.”

“I… do not want to hear what is best for me,” Undine pulled her legs closer to her chest. Sylph put her chin on Undine’s knees. “And what words of wisdom do you have for me?”

“Come on, we both know I’m not the wise girl around here. I can only tell you that you’re overthinking it. Overthinking it a whooole lot,” Sylph responded, quiet and calm. “So, what if you’re similar to your mom? You’re still our Undine.”

The abysstide elemental laughed, three crystal clear notes of joviality. “Yes, I am…” Undine faced Gnome. “I’ll do my best, leader.”

“That’s all I can ask,” Gnome nodded.

“Now, now, let’s go to the bus and sit around and eat cookies!” Sylph immediately turned the mood around. “Come on, you want cookies right?”

“Cookies do sound fantastic.” Undine and John rose to their feet together. “I’m sorry for making a scene,” she whispered to him.

“You can make as many scenes as you want, just don’t keep secrets like this, please,” the Gamer pleaded. She nodded weakly, but they both knew that this would likely not be the last time. Everyone had their flaws and wrestling with them was often an issue of a lifetime.

All together, they went to the bus. For about thirty minutes, they just chatted and stuck together. Hailey chatted with Siena and Undine, caught herself up on the parts of their history that she did not know about. Sylph and Delicia were in a back and forth. Cookies were munched, words exchanged, a good time had.

John stared at Sylph. It was the bunny ears. The novel factor inflamed his lust something fierce. With nothing else distracting him anymore, his Libido urged him to action. He was not alone in this either. The mention on Sylph’s Observe that he had seen earlier was manifesting in a gradual rise of an intense blush. John was not the only one whose lack of distractions was unshackling a desire.

“Soooo, you all know how I am super horny all the time?” Sylph asked, her voice breathy from the underlying moans. “I’m REALLY super horny right now, like… it’s getting really hard to think.”

“So it’s a day that ends in Y? When can you think anyway?” Salamander joked.

“I… hmmm.” Sylph cupped one of her tits and leaned back in the couch. A deep, throaty moan escaped her. “Sallyyyyy, speaking is… too horny to do thaaat.”

“Oh shit.” Salamander got up and Sylph plunged two fingers into her pussy. Casual masturbation was a common sight in the harem, but Sylph not chattering while she did it? Now that was alarming. Disappointed gasps filled the room while the air spirit masturbated with sloppy, feverish motions.

“Guess Sylph goes into heat now,” Rave purred. “Alright, everyone, let’s give tiger some space to fix her up.” The haremettes quickly followed the recommendation. It was tradition that a woman got some solo time whenever they garnered additional power for themselves anyway, especially when a physical change was attached.

Soon, John was alone with a heatedly self-pleasuring bunny girl.



I really want to see at least some revenge against the mother of water.