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John’s annoyance at this teen dragon for first ignoring him, then visibly showing interest in his woman gradually calmed down. The former was largely appeased by the hurricane dragon knowing better than to misstep again. For the second, it was done once the causing hormones were out of his bloodstream. In the first place, the lust for Nathalia had only offended John because the dragon had been so open about it.

To have a harem was to be familiar with the sensation of other people wanting what he had. It was understandable that they would. To that end, John had long since stopped caring if someone desired one of his women. The problem came in when someone acted on those desires. Not because the Gamer had any distrust that any one of them may be swayed by a stranger, but because to even attempt flirting with any one of them was direct disrespect of his position. John did not have a lot of patience for being disrespected, particularly this kind.

After all, what was more important than his harem?

Giving the teen dragon a rundown on the Abyss was a prolonged affair. John had recently given a similar talk to a certain country gal. Certain differences had to be applied. The dragon had a much easier time comprehending and accepting the magical parts of the Abyss. Reports on the social structures that awaited him outside and the difference between the mundane and the Abyss, he had a much harder time accepting.

By the end of the conversation, John was not sure whether the hurricane dragon believed that the protective measures John had described were in place. What he did do was follow instructions by his better. That had to be good enough for the moment.


As a matter of fact, it was good enough. The system recognized that, if nothing else, the young dragon was no longer going to be a threat to the mundane world. There would be no follow-up Quest until he went and sought out Tempesta.

‘I’ll have to do that after we get back to the farm,’ John thought and dismissed the window. “Now, I can give you a couple of options,” he addressed the dragon again. “I can simply have Nathalia show you how to travel the space between Illusion Barriers and let you fend for yourself. If I ever hear you get up to something terrible, I’ll personally take care of you, but otherwise you’re free to do as you please.”

Partly a lie. If he was going to settle down somewhere in the depths of Indonesia and terrorize some local Abyssals, John would be hard pressed to find the time to take care of it. Whatever happened, the Gamer doubted he could be made responsible for the actions of a hurricane dragon though. That was, unless the second proposal was accepted.

“Alternatively, I set you up with a place to stay. Live sheltered in my capital, learn about the world, and eventually make your decision to join Fusion permanently or move out into the world when you’re wiser.” John put his hands into his pockets. “Either way is fine for me. I was tasked with seeing you survive the foolish mistakes of a newborn, not to see you thrive. I’d personally recommend the latter though.”

“I will follow your recommendation,” the young dragon said, his head still lowered. Almost, he looked cute. Almost. “How will we move if I cannot leave this space without getting eliminated by this Gaia, however?”

“I have my ways,” John responded.


“And don’t you scratch my windows!” John jokingly threatened the dragon. The serpentine creature was lying on top of the roof of the harem’s bus. It was longer than the dragon and broad enough for its rest to be relatively comfortable. Aside from the lack of proper handles, it was a surprisingly apt solution. John had feared he would have to improvise something else.

“I will attempt my best… I would make one request, before you retreat into this moving space?”

“Go ahead?” John asked, intrigued what the dragon could want from him.

“You call each other by individual titles, by names. What is mine?” the teen dragon wanted to know.

Observe had not told John, so he could not give a true answer to that statement. “Names are a thing our parents give us, in the usual case. Nathalia, how did you come to yours?”

“Someone called me Nathalia, I liked it,” the dragoness responded casually. Arms crossed, she turned her gaze to the sky and inwards. “I cannot recall who it was… all that must have been remarkable about them was this string of syllables.”

“Oh, oh, oh!” Sylph manifested next to John. “Let me fly next to him, I’ll bombard him with names until he finds one that he likes! I’ll keep him entertained during the drive too! It would be terribly boring if he just laid up there. Plus all the wind, urgh, so annoying.”

“He’s a hurricane dragon, you’re an air spirit,” John said drily.

Nathalia inspected her nails, “Annoying is apt.”

“If she’s getting on your nerves, just tell her and she’ll leave you alone. Right?” John directed that last word towards the chatterbox herself.

“I have manners!” Sylph complained and suddenly zapped up next to John. Her lips were right next to his ear, her chirpy voice deeper than usual, almost as sultry as Siena’s. “Let’s keep our next time until I have Mother’s blessing to further cement my status as greatest concubine, hmm?” She rubbed his neck with smooth fingers. “And I could not resist riding your cock if I were stuck in a room with you for several hours. You know the torment, right? Right!” Her voice suddenly snapped back into the usual tone. “You’re just so sexy when you do anything, a girl wants to have her fun.”

John kissed her on the lips. Electricity tingled softly between his cheeks. Moans were muffled between their moving mouths. Sweetness and sweet, spring fragrances filled his taste and smell. “So does a man,” he whispered, after breaking the kiss. “What more beautiful thing could you even turn into?”

“Mom will find something, she’s the smartest, bestest of them all… also threesome with her will – be – awesome!”

The Gamer hummed thoughtfully. “I don’t know if I should…” he said. He had just recently made the decision to not eat outside his house, so to speak, and this would be a clear violation of that decision. Most of his harem had met the choice with minor approval. It had not been the end of the world to any of them that he very rarely had fun outside them, yet he knew that those that cared were that little bit happier for it.

“Oh.” The same gears turned behind Sylph’s head. She moved her head to one side, then another. “Hmmm… Mother of Wind is so hot and I think a threesome with me and you and older me would be great but I do actually like that you said that… What does a Sylph do between funny sexy times and supporting wholesome principled times?”

“You can’t make the decision for me,” John reminded her.

“Ah! But I can, totally can, pull you in my direction, and I am persuasive, very persuasive, especially when it’s just the one time with you know who, Mother of Wind, rare privilege, very rare privilege!” Sylph pushed air through her loosely closed lips. “Brrrrrah, brrah, brrrrrrah… Hmmm, the decision is worth that much more when you don’t take what so many others want even though you could, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” John simply responded. He knew that she was right. About everything that she had just said. If a haremette pushed him into pounding one of the strongest entities of all of the Abyss, an entity that basically looked like an older version of one of the haremettes he was so deeply in love with, then he would fold. It was only a question of how much pressure was applied.

Sylph on her own probably would not have succeeded in getting him there, but if she got a couple more haremettes to be permissive… well, then he would inevitably help himself. Which was exactly why John needed them to not let him. The change was worth nothing if it crumbled at the first given opportunity.

“It would scratch a special itch if we had that threesome,” he confessed to her. “But I have you. Anything beyond that is just a distraction. I think I don’t want to be distracted anymore.” He caressed her cheek. “I have so much already, my heart is full of love. I should keep it to those that fill me with it.”

Sylph silently stared at him for several seconds, her face plain. Then, her typical smile bloomed on her lips. “Aren’t you a charmer?” she asked with a giggle. “Okay, okay, no threesome then. Haven’t we come a long way, you and I, hm?”

“Quite so, my adorable chatterbox.” He gave her another peck on the lips. “Now, don’t get too much on our guest’s nerves.”

“Roger, roger,” she responded mechanically. “I’ll be on my best behaviour!”

With that, she zapped away and John was left outside the bus only with Nathalia. His eyes found the dragoness smiling brightly, like a diamond that had been cut and polished with care beyond genius. “Never would I have thought I would ever find myself in approval of a diminished sex life,” she stated. “Yet, with you, I have cut myself two times. Restricted to all but one man, now restricted to all but a few women.”

“Twenty is not a few,” the Gamer laughingly chastised her.

“We both know our scale differs.” Nathalia grabbed him by the hand and dragged him into the bus. Swiftly, he was brought to the bed. “Everyone, over here!” Nathalia demanded. “Beatrice, you too!” She shouted loud enough that the driver heard it before she started the car.

Confused, the haremettes one by one arrived in the bedroom. “What’s the deal?” Rave asked, for everyone. Even those with a mental connection hadn’t followed along with this.

“John just refused an invitation to sleep with Tempesta,” Nathalia told all of them, pride swinging under her voice. The dragoness crawled into the bed and cuddled John. His face got pressed between her tits, before he could get his own word in. “A primal force of nature in the body of an admittedly gorgeous woman, turned down by the man that only wants us.”

“Did he now?” Rave purred and also got into the bed. Soon, he felt her index finger lovingly scratching him behind the ear. Each little motion made tingles spread down his back. “So ya really sticking to that promise, hm? Only harem girls now?”

John managed to turn his head enough to speak clearly. “As long as none of you shove me between a woman’s legs, I shall prevail,” he joked and earned himself a flick to the bottom of the nose.

“Sincerely, right now,” Rave demanded. “Aclysia, what do ya think of this?”

“It must be said that Master deserves every woman that he desires,” Aclysia put first a statement she held true for a long time. “However…” she started, then stopped to get on top of him. “…I would be amiss if I did not say that my adherence to the adage weakens as the harem grows. Master, if you truly wish to stay true to us in body as you have in mind, to us and only us, then I would approve deeply.”

‘I was wrong,’ John thought. Not three words he was used to confess to himself. The fact that he had kept the option to sleep outside the harem hadn’t been a minor thing – at least not any longer. ‘I didn’t account for how much they care for each other. Each time I sleep outside the harem, I’m not spending that effort on any one of them. As many women as I claim as mine now, when is there ever a time one of them doesn’t deserve some special attention? They all knew that.’ “I really should have dropped it earlier.”

“Maybe,” Rave purred and kissed his neck. “We didn’t press ya on it, now that we’re here though… so ya really skipping out on that threesome with Tempesta?”

John beheld the many faces around him, crowding on the bed. They were adorable, gorgeous, they were the people he cared most about in life.

“Absolutely,” he responded firmly. “I’m yours. All of you are what matters most in my life. If me giving something up to make all of you happier is a possibility, then the course of action is clear.” He graced each of them with a smile. “I got so much beyond what others would settle for. As long as all of you are happy with it, I can still add more to our family. There’s no need to hold onto fleeting physical intimacy when I have all of you.”

A unified wave of swooning sounds went through the harem. Whether they were just approving hums or outright adoring moans, the approval was still universal. The haremettes were deeply satisfied with his answer, with the fact that he was keeping his lust to each of them and each other. What little lesbian ventures they had to give up in return did not matter in the slightest. They felt like he did, after all.

“Let’s make sure you never regret that decision,” Nathalia whispered and possessively shoved Aclysia off John. Immediately the dragoness straddled his hips, smiled down at him with the desire to lead and reward. “You will not leave this spot during the drive back.” She turned to the rest of the harem. “Decide amongst yourselves who will be next, I will have him for ten minutes.”

And John did, indeed, not leave that spot for the entire drive back.



Probably a good idea, nobody wants her adding president fucker to her list of titles.