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The bedroom in the bus was cramped. Cramped in the best kind of way. Naked female forms were lying and sitting close, arms slung around each other. Teasing whispers filled the air with a constant note of wanton lust. The mark above their wombs unified these many different women as much as the love in their eyes. Every last one of them knew why they were present, why they had ended up there and why they, for today, formed a circle around the middle of the enormous bed that was still too small to properly contain the entirety of this harem.

Hands explored curves with no regard for decency. There was only the shared desire. Two days overdue, they would have the celebratory orgy that a new addition to this family of theirs truly deserved.

Delicia and John occupied the centre of the bed. He was on his back, she straddling his hips. The front strand of her skirt lay on his lower abdomen. It partly blocked the view of her swollen pussy lips. The tiny wet noises that accompanied each back and forth of her wet labia over his erection reached John’s ears even through the many wanton sighs around him.

With each passing moment, the excitement in the room grew. “Oh, Delicia will have such fun,” Claire whispered. “I want to switch places with her.”

“Patience,” Lydia chastised softly, before kissing the vampire on the lips.

“He’s… he’s man enough for all of us.” Gnome’s statement, made hesitant by gasps of delight, found much agreement. How could any of them say anything to the contrary? They had gathered, after all, to watch him claim another woman with their express permission.

A claiming that was pure formality and that Rave nevertheless insisted on. John had not expected, when his girlfriend ordered all of them into the bedroom, for the harem to get this heated, this supportive. Lust inflamed lust, a raging fire reined in by the understanding that it was all about Delicia.

The shortstack was the only person in the room still wearing clothes. The maid outfit clung tightly to her midriff, the cords of the corset taut and yet only decorations on the skin of the Natural Spirit. Withstanding the urge to pat himself on the back for the design, John followed the shifts of her fat thighs with delight. Other girls had muscle to their legs, to varying degrees, but with Delicia it was almost all jiggle. Like smacking gelatin, they rippled when John firmly grabbed them.

The new maid gasped, delight crossing her face for one moment, before it settled back into a soft smile and a blush. Far from her usual wordiness, the extreme attention and reverence to her new status among them appeared to have tamed her brattiness for the day. “You really are man enough for all of us,” she said in a diligently calm and melodic tone.

“I better be, how else would I deserve this heaven?” The Gamer reached up to her chest, where the white of her chest piece was stretched to the point that little of its wavy design remained. With one firm tug, he pulled the elastic band at the top over her massive mounds. The shortstack moaned, then cried in lust when he pinched one of her nipples and gently twisted.

John indulged himself a little with her breasts. The smell of pheromones drowned his brain in instincts too urging to push back. Twenty horny women created an intoxicating aroma that filled him with the need to prove himself worthy of all of them. He channelled that need into just the one on top of him.

“Turn around,” John instructed Delicia. Blue eyes reflected mild confusion. She would have obeyed anyway, but he wanted her to understand. “I know you’re proud of these and they are gorgeous,” he weighed her giant tits in his hands, “but what I love is this.” Reaching around, he let a hand smack down on her juicy ass, every bit as round as her thighs were thick. “Even your fantastic tits won’t get the ass man out of me – and you have every bit the backside to marvel at too.”

“I’m glad you love all of this fantastic package, Master,” Delicia purred in her smug way. Grinning, she turned around, soon back to grinding her cunt against his erection. Now, with a smile over her shoulder and her ass thrust out for his viewing pleasure.

And what an ass that was, even covered by the back of her skirt. Delicia was the only one of his maids that wasn’t bottom heavy and she still had one of the biggest bubble butts in the harem, relative to her minute size. Hell, if he put Rave and Delicia side by side, he was certain Delicia’s would win by a small margin. Such immense size was not John’s measurement of perfection, yet he could not deny the vivid rush of bliss that he was struck by upon seeing it.

Delicia asked a single question, “May I lose the skirt, Master?”

“For someone who uses that word sparingly, you certainly know how to pronounce it properly,” John gave her a backhanded compliment.

“I learned from the best.” Delicia winked over to where all four of the other maids were tightly knit together, watching their newest member prove herself in a redundant and most exciting manner. Sexual compatibility was the last thing the shortstack needed to prove. The ‘proper’ order had been all messed up and John did not care in the slightest. Who needed a rigorous protocol when dealing with individual beauties?

“Lose the skirt,” John finally gave the order and she responded with that one confirmation that had established itself among the maids.


The tips of the skirt were quickly drawn towards the lower edge of the corset. Left behind were garter belt and stocking, digging softly into the squish of her legs. That was, at the sides. Due to how much she thrust out her ass, a pair of straps dug sinfully into her bubble butt. A little smack to the side of her hips amounted to little, tensed as her magnificent cheeks were in this position.

With no remaining patience and no reason to make this time a slow one, John grabbed her by the hips. Delicia laughed anticipatingly. She moaned loudly. The tip of his cock aligned with her lips. Both of their sexes were already drenched. “Master,” she gasped, when he pulled her over his cock. Bit for bit, they became one. Her tight folds parted with inviting difficulty around his girthy shaft.

One plunge and the shortstack took the rest of him inside. She threw her head back, shouted voicelessly at the ceiling and quivered. Her short, white hair trembled at the tips. All of her tension unloaded with a single laugh. “You think my dick is funny?” the Gamer asked, faking offense.

“No, Master,” Delicia responded in a calm purr. “Being one with you just makes me so -ah- happy.” Little whispers of approval surrounded them from all sides. Appreciation for Delicia’s graceful behaviour and their man’s body reached his ears in equal measure. Softly, the alchemist rocked her hips back and forth.

Little cries continued to flow from her lips, like notes on a music chart, following the symphony of her mutual desire. A second actor softly made her way out of the ring of haremettes. Rave crawled the little space towards Delicia. Framed her face between her hands, turned just far enough that John could see both of them in their profile.

“Welcome to your new life of shared love, Delicia,” Rave purred and then pressed her lips on those of the maid. Glossy pink mashed on a more modest light colour. Passionate, demanding, the leader of the harem was determined to make this kiss as memorable as the first one. After half a minute, she backed off, leaving Delicia more blushing and panting than before. With a smirk and a wink to her boyfriend, she backed off.

Aclysia was swift to take her place. “Do not forget to serve,” she softly chided her new assistant. While leaning in for her own claim of Delicia’s lips, the weaponized maid grabbed Delicia’s ass. Fingers dug deep into the now thoroughly relaxed backside. Up and down, the black-horned servant directed the shortstack. The pace was steady and slow, meeting the demands of John’s hard cock and the kisses that followed.

Third was Nathalia, who firmly grabbed Delicia by the back of her head. Domineeringly, the dragon goddess kept the new maid’s chin pointed up and fondled her tits the entire time. John felt the folds around his cock grip tightly. So tightly, that he groaned, in unison with Delicia’s muffled cries. The first climax overcame her and ebbed away. “You will entertain me a lot during our shared eternity.”

Nothing to say, Eliana just hugged and made out with Delicia. The two short, submissive women shared the heated quiet in the room. John smiled at the way they tightly pushed their bodies together, rose and fell as if they were both riding his cock. They separated only with great reluctance.

Sheepishly, Gnome approached. “…I’m glad to know that you’re one of us,” she said firmly and made her mark on the ritual. Trying her best to be the leading party in the kiss, the season elemental mostly succeeded. Her hands brushed over the sides of Delicia’s corset-covered waist, and squeezed her tits firmly and shortly, before making room for the sixth.

“Waddup, new sis?” Salamander came in hot. Three words and she almost tackled the shortstack. Only reason why Delicia didn’t topple over backwards was the apocalypse elemental’s tail wrapping around her waist. Tits against tits, as much as their height difference allowed, they both moaned as their sensitive nipples were stimulated by the contact. John could feel every rub of the perky crowns in the twitching of Delicia’s folds around him.

“My turn,” Undine’s crystal-clear voice whispered, nudging away the overindulgent fire spirit. Elegant, the abysstide elemental took the chin of Delicia. They shared a few moments of gazes. John partook in the water spirit’s senses, by her invitation. The shortstack’s mouth was slightly open, her eyes dull with lust, and her breath anticipated her mouth to be sealed again. Which, inevitably, it was. Undine claimed what was the harem’s, what owned Delicia as much as Delicia was a part of it. A short kiss, compared to those that had come before.

Sylph dashed over the moment it was her turn. “Mwah!” she pronounced loudly, the smacking of her lips after she had kissed Delicia’s shoulder. “Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!” She repeated, placing kisses all over Delicia’s body. “You’re so perfect. Well, a tad bigger than me, so not super perfect. Hihihi, I talked you out of being the shortest and we all know shortest is bestest!”

“I could be… shorter… whenever I wanted,” Delicia panted, a bit of her cheekiness shining through the debauchery.

“Audible gasp, that’s illegal! Blasphemy! I better shut you up before you say more of anything unreasonable!” Swiftly and dorkily, the air spirit made sure their lips met. Almost the exact same height, they truly were chest to chest. From John’s angle, Sylph almost disappeared behind the much curvier shortstack. “Mwah!” she pronounced one more time.

“Another one among us…” Momo brushed a strand of hair behind Delicia’s ear. As quiet as possible, moments before their lips met, she whispered, “…it is quite nice, actually.” Holding her fellow servant in her arms, the supportive maid kept it quick and intimate. The hug grew a little tighter when Delicia came the second time during their kiss. A muffled moan ended in a yelp, when John smacked her butt with desired intensity.

Lydia was tenth, marking the halfway point of his haremettes. What a stunning crowd it was, filled with so many beauties, each eager to have a taste of their newest member. Disciplined and orderly, the royal leaned in quickly and lingered with sensual appreciation. Opening and closing slowly, their making out was a delight to behold. Never one to overstay her time, she backed off when it was proper. The non-definitive rhythm continued.

Moving the regular way, Nia came crawling over. “You are loved,” the pariah spoke, a bit oddly in the situation. The three words caused quite a shiver from the shortstack, who answered the kiss strongly. Distantly, John felt the touch of Nia’s fingers on Delicia’s clit. The rubbing intensified the moans and made the shortstack orgasm for the third time.

When it came time to move, Nia let Siena take the spotlight. Gracefully and yet so filled with beneficial maliciousness, the shadow spirit’s tail coiled around Delicia’s neck. The previous gentleness had left their impressions. The sadistic clenching made the shortstack practically orgasm again within the minute. “We will have so much fun together,” Siena whispered, biting Delicia’s lower lip while fondling her tits and ass until that orgasm became a reality. “Yes, lose yourself on John’s cock. That’s a good girl,” Siena purred and then let Metra take over.

“Let’s be good girls together, sex slaves for Master.” The blonde berserker babe grinned, then raised an eyebrow at Delicia’s stammered, shouted confirmation. “Too far gone for words already, hmm? Well, our king does always know what he is fucking doing!” Greedily, Metra devoured Delicia’s lips, swirled the tongue of the new maid that was practically degraded to only reacting. The riding continued and John’s pleasure built slowly. Deliberately, he manipulated the pace with his hands on her hips. It would have been unbecoming to cum before the greetings were through.

Scarlett moved in. With no words for someone barely capable of listening anyway, she simply kissed Delicia once. It was a short kiss. For a moment, it seemed she would back off with just that much, before finding the alchemist’s lips again and again. “I do love this harem. You’ll do great with us,” she said something after all.

“Comment: I hope you continue to annoy Master in all the right ways,” Beatrice stated when it was her turn. Then, she kissed Delicia with a mixture of robotic stiffness and expert lovemaking that truly clashed with one another. As stiff as her motions were, the swirl of her tongue was fluid, the teasing of Delicia’s nipples deliberate. Smacking the shortstack’s ass for John, she made Delicia cum again. The times between the orgasms grew shorter and shorter.

Lorelei approached with the reverence of a nun. Even though her crawl was sultry, it had the same measured deliberation of a traditional ritual. “May we please the blessed Gamer together, sister,” she whispered, before leaning in for a chaste kiss. No tongue, only love, only lasting a few seconds, before she backed away and added, “This union will bring us all purpose.”

“I’m… really looking forward to spending more time with you,” Lee tried, and failed, to live up to the words of the others. Soft chuckles around her made her blush. She spotted John’s approving smile. Dorkiness was a charm of hers, why should it not show at this time? Sighing, Lee showed what she had learned in her time in the harem, through kiss and caress.

Penultimate, Nightingale crawled towards her friend. There was much she could have said and all of it was said already. “I love you, now more than ever, my friend.” The harpy kept it short and sweet. When they kissed, they did so deeply. Mutually, their tongues extended. Nightingale moaned into the efforts of her friend. That they took longer than those before, no one complained about. They were given the time necessary to ride out this finalized shift in their relationship. There was no going back, not even potentially, now that Delicia was as much marked as Nightingale. What once was awkward now was a source of mutual enjoyment. Together, they came. Delicia had learned thoroughly how to exploit the sensitive mouth of her friend.

Nightingale made room for the last member of the harem to come in. Claire’s red eyes sparked with mischief. Roughly, she grabbed Delicia’s head at the back, pulled her by the hair until her chin pointed at the ceiling. Long and deliberately, the vampire maid licked up the exposed neck. “As one of Master’s women, you can always count on my love,” Claire whispered, a bit of crazy swinging in that voice. It did it as much for John as it did for Delicia, both of them groaning in unison before Claire pressed her lips on that of the newest addition to the harem.

Barely had Claire backed off, that John let the building desire of the past fifteen minutes of kisses take over his mind. The urge to dominate informed his actions. He grabbed Delicia by the back of the neck, and toppled her over. Without pulling out, he put her prone underneath himself. Delicia’s head was turned, a lewd smile plastered all over her face as she mouthed a breathy, “Yes.”

John backed off as much as he could, without letting go of her neck or pulling out completely. With his free left, he smacked her ass one cheek after the other. Repeatedly, Delicia cried. Oh, how sad it was that she lacked the capacity to see the imprints of his hand on her rippling ass. How delightful that he could continue and continue without risking the pain to become too much.

“Yes… Yes! YES!” Delicia cried repeatedly, until her eyelids fluttered and her grin was turned further agape with pleasure. The spanking and the cock stretching her inside had pushed her over the edge, it seemed.

The ring of haremettes around returned to their whispers. “Our new sister is a masochist like me.” “Fuck, John is such an intense man.” “Such power in every thrust.” “Just watching makes me so… so… ah….”

While the women gasped his praises, four of them returned to the centre of the ring. Delicia was trembling and giggling, a brat broken before she could ever be bratty. John followed her glassy eyes to the four maids that now surrounded them. “It is customary to cry my John’s title when spanked,” Aclysia told Delicia. On all fours next to her, the black-horned maid practically begged to serve as an example. SMACK! The clap echoed through the room, followed immediately by a throaty cry. “Ah! Master!”

“I take credit,” Beatrice, on the other side, boasted. It was indeed something she had started and something she now demonstrated as well. “AHH! Master!” the white-horned maid screamed, her big bubble butt bouncing from the impact of his flat palm.

“It is an interesting enough custom.” Momo, her face bright red, lined up next to Aclysia. She whimpered for a little bit when John only glided his hand over her round butt, without delivering the smack she so clearly craved. Then, he pulled back, and for a moment delight showed on the bratty maid’s face. “MASTER!” she shouted, when the spank echoed in the room.

“Any custom that gives an excuse to shout Master’s earned title is great!” Claire joined in, taking her place in the row next to Beatrice. She had to wait for just a moment for John to lean all the way over. Then, the fourth spank in a row filled the room. “Mhmmmaasteeeeeer!” the vampire maid screamed, pussy juice trickling down the inside of her thighs.

“What a serving of good girls,” John hummed, delighted at the scene. To make the picture complete, he pulled Delicia’s ass up. She rowed up on all fours among the other maids. Five fat asses surrounded him. Whether they belonged to the big titted shortstack, the two decently equipped dragon maids, the petite vampire or the flat fairy, all of them had round, pale butts to die for.

John would have loved to give all of them the spanking they craved, but he was at the edge of what he could sustain. Focusing only on the one that this gathering was about, he grabbed Delicia’s hips and pounded her hard from behind. Tits smacked together, creating claps almost as loud as the smacking of his hips against her backside.

Each impact was a ripple that went through her sinfully fat ass and made her scream. “MASTER! MASTER!”

“He’s so much more than your Master,” Aclysia whispered into one ear.

“And you are a servant of multiple descriptions,” Beatrice whispered into the other.

“”Scream them,”” they demanded, together.

“MASTER! MASTER FUCK YOUR CUMDUMP! PLEASE FILL ME!” Delicia screamed, grinning with mindless bliss over her shoulder. “I’m yours… I love you, I love you so much, I’m so happy I was so horny for you and got to fall for you all the way. Pound my round butt until you cum inside my pussy!”

“Now that’s unbecoming,” Momo mumbled. “Telling Master where he should cum.”

“Your whole body is his, isn’t it?” Claire chirped. “Good maids are good cocksleeves, they offer all they are.”

“”Offer all we are,”” the twin maids echoed the sentiment.

Delicia spasmed all over, another orgasm hitting her hard while the messages of the maids battered against her lust-crazed mind. John could see it in her eyes, the effect the words had on her. Already so eager to please, Delicia gobbled the lesson up more readily than all others of maidhood. “I… Mashtehhr…” she slurred, clawing her left ass cheek to reveal both the holes down there. One was glistening and twitched around the cock that spread the swollen lips, the other puckered and tight. With tongue hanging from her ready lips, she continued to speak, “I ahm Mashtahr’sh maihd, ushe ahny hole you wish.”

“Good girl,” John hummed. How he would enjoy breaking her again and again in the future and how he enjoyed that this introduction orgy had her elevate what lay beyond that breaking. Staring at each of the three holes on offer in turn, the Gamer made a quick decision. Anal virginity was something he often kept for a special occasion and this was special enough for his horny mind.

Slipping out of her cunt, he realigned himself with her back entrance and started to push. Cock drenched, he easily pushed inside. Easing past the tight grip of her sphincter, he quickly forced himself all the way inside. With her, he had to be so much less careful. When he slammed against her ass, Delicia screamed out loud. There was nothing but pleasure in her voice.

What usual grace period he gave his girls, he ignored, and he went straight to the same pace he had pounded her pussy with. Delicia grunted animalistically and thrust her hips back at him. Left and right, her face was turned, by the maids around her that pulled her into sloppy, multi-way kisses. Only so she could profess to her new station did they let her take breaks. “Cocksleeve… maid… shervant…” she slurred those and many other words, between orgasmic screams.

“Fuck,” John gasped. His cock was rearranging her insides – in the only good way that could be used. The backdoor that only existed for sex in a Natural Spirit, it was hot and tight around him. A different flavour of heaven from her spasming folds. It was, finally, too much.

Slamming one more time against the massive rear of the shortstack, John let the pleasure wash over him. His cock tensed. Electricity rushed up his spine. His field of vision was filled with dancing lights. Then, his cum rushed out from his shaft. Spurt for spurt, he painted Delicia’s insides white.

“Ah, how blessed,” Claire moaned, just as Delicia’s head flew upwards. She screamed at the ceiling, while squirting all over her thighs and the sheets.

John smacked Delicia’s ass, in the middle of their joined orgasm. “MASHTAHR!” she screamed. Another spank, the same result. Another and another, each intensifying the spasming of her body, until she was as tense as a bowstring. Pulling back just a little bit, John thrust against her ass and pumped one more massive spurt of cum into her. Then his orgasm began to subside.

He pulled out and all the suspension was gone from his new maid. Delicia collapsed, both holes agape. Giggling, she kept spasming. The laughter stopped when she crossed eyes with Aclysia. “You are not done until Master says so,” the first maid purred, a bit of an edge to her friendly voice. “You are to serve him today, your privilege for joining and your responsibility.”

‘God, I love it when they do the domming for me,’ the Gamer thought and grabbed Delicia by the hair. Rough, he pulled her into a kneeling position. The pain of being pulled along seemed to make her tremble all the more excitedly. “Your responsibility is to serve,” John reinforced what his head maid had said. “My cock is still hard. Use your mouth.”

He let go of Delicia’s hair and she immediately dove for his crotch. Lips parted wide, she took the entirety of his manhood in one go. The other maids formed a tight layer around him, while the lesbian engagements all around escalated under his approving gaze. Cock getting sucked, tended to by his most servile women, and with the rest loving each other, John truly appreciated the wonder of his life.

This was the best way to celebrate a new haremette.


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