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Sometimes, a confession of love put everything in perspective. A relationship was forever changed, misunderstandings cleared up, certain traits of the other person viewed from a different angle. When it came to John and Delicia, the three words had no impact in the way they treated each other. There was a change, of course there was, but it was deep under the surface. They still cuddled, they still did their straight man routine, and Delicia still loved bouncing on his cock.

“You’re such a lewd little slut,” John said.

“Oh nyoooo, such disa-ah-proving words,” Delicia moaned. Repeatedly, she thrust her ass back against him. “I’ll totally take you seriously onnn-hnn the topic of perversionnnn. Apparently, I got soooo much less eeexperieeence than youuuuu!”

John took two handfuls of that jiggly ass of hers, dug deep into the firm jelly, and simply ignored her teasing. Pounding her until she could no longer complain in any way sounded like a much greater idea. A swift spank had her howl at the ceiling. Minutes later, she lay twitching on the floor, his cum oozing out of her agape cunt. John placed her in one of the smaller tubs instead, so she would be a little more comfortable while she recovered.

‘Did not even need to increase her sensitivity. She’s still not quite used to what I can do to her.’ The Gamer went back into the basin, where a good chunk of the harem had reconvened. A chunk that included Hailey.

Who did not mind. As a matter of fact, she had been glued onto Delicia’s swaying tits and his abs the entire time the smug maid had been bent over the edge of the basin. She had not quite moved to masturbation. Not yet, anyway.

The second John was settled back in the tub, he was subject to the usual wrangling. Lydia was given the position on his right immediately. There clearly was a deal going on, to let the queen catch up on her bonding time. For the left and his crotch, there was both a race and a wrestle. Gnome won out when it came to his side, Metra for his crotch. An adorable brunette on his side and the lips of a breathless wolf woman around his cock, John sighed in satisfaction. Lydia demanded a kiss through a bit of nudging and soon got what she desired.

“Here I thought you weren’ gonna be all lewd in front of me,” Hailey called out. As much as she could, she followed the bobbing of her fellow blonde’s head under the rippling surface.

The warmth of Lydia’s ruby red lips was missed the moment they separated. John investigated between Lydia’s butt cheeks and did not find a plug in the usual place. “This is about a quarter of the way to ‘all lewd’.” Caressing Lydia’s hips, he turned to place a number of loving pecks up Gnome’s neck.

“Ya fucked a gal comatose and now ya getting’ an underwater BJ by ‘nother one.”

“Yeah, that’s just my average relaxation,” John responded with a knowing smile. The thing was, he wasn’t lying. He was not so out of touch that he didn’t realize this was unusual though. “The really lewd stuff doesn’t start until there’s five of us involved.”

“That or the bondage gear,” Claire threw in.

There was a bit of annoyance on Claire’s face, due to having lost the race for his cock. Upon noticing his hungry eyes, that annoyance faded and she entirely concentrated on making herself presentable. The longer he stared, the more excited she became. His obsessed vampire was trying to compete with Lorelei when it came to sensitivity to eye-fucking, it seemed.

“Aren’t you gonna be spent if ya keep on cummin’ casually?” Hailey asked.

“Oh, I’m never spent,” the Gamer told her. “And I mean that literally. The only way I can run out of seed is if I completely starve myself. In theory. Never tested it.”

“…Harem just got a whole lot more reasonable,” Hailey drawled. “Fun trick, anythin’ else I should consider on the sex front?”

John was still staring at Claire. The vampire maid had put her arms behind her back now. Squirming, she wordlessly moved her lips. He could read perfectly what she wanted to say, ‘Ravish me, Master.’

“Hmmm, might as well show you something,” he said and raised his left hand. He snapped his fingers and every haremette went rigid. “Mind Control.” Two words and most of them relaxed.

Hailey looked confused and mildly alarmed. “…If this is where you reveal your dark secret, I’ll be very disappointed in who I thought you were,” she stated.

John gave her a disarming smile. A smile that she must have understood as sinister, as it only made her look more alarmed. His expression got serious. “Just a playful choice of words on the hypnotic suggestion,” he explained.

“You aren’ makin’ me feel better while tellin’ me you engage in the devil’s way, John,” Hailey told him. If she hadn’t sat opposite of him, she would have inched further away.

John shut his mouth, due to Lydia raising her hand. “Let me guarantee you that mind control is not involved in this harem. Dominating magic exists, albeit it is rarely of any lasting and behaviour caused by it is generally identified as robotic,” the queen explained. “His hypnosis works like mundane hypnosis, with only the reward structure being of a more potent calibre. All his hypnotic suggestions only have a grip on behaviour if the person consents to it. The command should have affected us all, but most of us do not care to put our entire autonomy in his hands.”

“Only most of it,” Eliana stated. “Fucking love being strung up, but I just can’t fucking keep my thoughts still enough for this kind of kinky shit.”

“He could’ve hypnotized y’all to think that.”

Lydia crossed her arms and stared challengingly. “You think me of such a weak will?”

For a few moments, Hailey returned the queen’s gaze. Then she surrendered and averted her eyes. “Point taken. So, what was this about?”

“Just wanted to demonstrate one of the lewder aspects of our life. See, Claire here is the only one present that reliably succumbs to my Mind Control hypnosis. How about my hypnotized maid gets behind me?” John furrowed his eyebrows when he heard two disturbances of the water. One was Claire, the other was behind him. Turning his head, he saw Delicia climb out of her tub on wobbly legs.

“Wa-wawawawhat is happening?” the shortstack stammered, her face bright red with desire. “I’m moving on my ownnnnnhhhnnggghh!” Arriving behind him sent a rush of rewarding pleasure through her that nearly had her collapse, alight as her curves still were after the recent pounding.

John’s eyes opened wide and he smirked sadistically. “Now who is even more submissive than I thought?” He reached up, weighed one of Delicia’s tits in his hands. “What is happening, Delicia, is that the hypnotic commands I told you would be transferred to you just took hold.” His hand traced down to the Lover’s Will mark. “Because of this, if you remember.”

“Of course, I remember, I have a good memory, if you remember!” the startled smug maid responded. “I never did this hypnosis stuff!”

“Whether you did it or not before doesn’t really matter, only if you want it to affect you or not.” The Gamer giggled and then told her, “You’re incapable of being sassy for now.”

“Yes, I am… no, wait, I wanted to cuss you out for being pretentious!” Delicia put a hand in front of her mouth. “Ohhhh, your hand feels so nice on my boob, can you massage them every day for the rest of my life? I’ll let you. I’ll let you because it feels great!”

“Not because I should be thankful I get to touch your tits?” John asked, his glee ever-growing. Susceptibility to hypnosis on Delicia’s part was a kink he had predicted. Submissiveness, desire to surrender to authority, compatibility with the maid lifestyle – all pointers to the ability to give all of her autonomy to a person she trusted. Really, the only hurdle that could have existed was the degree of surrender of thought the mind control command demanded. It was what prevented Aclysia and Beatrice from following in the footsteps of now 3 out of 5 maids.

“Reeeally not makin’ the convincin’ argument this ain’t real mind control.” Hailey’s drawl ripped him out of his thoughts. Alert as before, she was not. Suspicious, she remained. “Is this somethin’ you enjoy?” The question was aimed at the other haremettes.

“What you must understand is that our tastes are varied.” Lydia acted as spokesperson in Rave’s absence. “Most of us fall broadly in the category of submissives. They are happiest when John is in control. That ranges from John having the command over the bedroom all the way to getting all movement restricted and treating oneself as a lowly toy for his satisfaction.” Lydia put an arm around John. “Personally, I am one of the rather tame women in John’s harem, ignoring particularities with my body. John understands what we enjoy.”

“My primary concern is always the satisfaction of my partners,” John said sincerely. “I wouldn’t even attempt to mind control these two if they didn’t get off on it. Similarly, I might spank Scarlett until she can’t sit the next day, but I wouldn’t do the same to Lydia here.” He was tempted to say more, to keep talking until Hailey looked thoroughly convinced.

Instead, he fell silent and let the country gal ruminate on this. This was another topic where she had clear moral quandaries. With a mundane upbringing, it would have been weirder if she just accepted the scene. John had done this out of horniness. To call it a mistake because it hadn’t gone the way he wanted, he would not have gone that far. Hailey had to learn about his hypnosis at some point. Better to clear this up early.

“Purely pragmatically speaking.” Hailey jumped when Siena suddenly appeared next to her. The midnight elemental was on all fours, her face shoved up to the ear of the country gal. “If he wanted to control you via the power you contemplate him having, he could have kidnapped you. Bound you. Messed with your mind until-“

“Siena, behave,” John interrupted her.

“You can be such a fucking cunt,” Eliana cussed out her friend.

The encounter left Hailey at the edge of visible panic. That was a stark reminder of how easily those she currently surrounded herself with could have done with her however they wanted. “How do I know this ain’t all part of some sick game?” she asked.

“The absolute truth of the matter is that you can’t, until you’re so strong that none could control you,” the Gamer responded in soft and clear words. “I once had the same problem. I wondered if there was someone pulling my strings. Paranoia still doesn’t let me fully forego this possibility. The problem of entering a world with magical powers is that you also enter a world where these magical powers can be used on you and that is terrifying. We call it the Abyss for a reason.”

“She could’ve been stalkin’ my every move and I wouldn’t ever know it,” Hailey mumbled, staring at Siena.

A flash of guilt rose in John’s heart and he had to close his eyes to not show it. That was exactly what Siena had done, on one occasion. That he felt responsible made no sense, he had only been informed after the fact and still disapproved of it.

“I did,” Siena confessed before he could contemplate if he should have done it first. The midnight elemental crossed her legs. “Once, not all the time.”

“Why?!” Hailey was understandably outraged. Metra raised her head from the water at that point, this discussion had become too serious to taint it with ongoing eroticisms.

“For the same reason you are currently panicked,” Siena responded, her eyes narrowing to slits. “Understand that I love my John dearly, that he showed me a life not filled with violence and constant disappointment. There are ways to fool even us, difficult as they are, and ways to hurt him beyond a knife to the gut. I stalked you without his knowledge, did not report to him what I saw, only confessed recently that I did it at all. It wasn’t the first time I did something he has disdain for and it won’t be the last, because I am willing to cover our flanks by means he deems immoral. He trusts you. I trust and verify.” Siena’s tail broke through the surface of the water, then slammed back down. “Condemn me for this, if you wish. I understand, but I would do it again. Would you not, if it would soothe the doubt at the back of your mind?”

Hailey had no response to that, and retreated into pondering. Much as John hated it, Siena did make a compelling case. When trust did not suffice to calm one’s doubts, what was one to do? Take immoral action or commit to the uncertainty? There was a reason why one of the primary tropes for private detectives was that of spying on cheating spouses. John himself had used a hypnosis, strong beyond what was mundanely achievable, to extract information before.

“Do you trust me?” John therefore asked the one question that mattered the most here.

“I want to,” Hailey responded in the middle of her thoughts. “You’ve given me plenty reason to… it’s just that…”

“When there’s the potential of absolute mind control involved, every action becomes suspect,” John finished the sentence for her. “If you want to, I’d understand if you just want to leave now. Be it this bath or this place altogether. Sleep on it. Get some distance. Alternatively, if you think I’ve earned that much, I can show you what I actually can do in terms of controlling people. Maybe if you feel it first-hand, that will help you put it into perspective.”

“Do you… even need my approval?” Hailey asked.

“Not for all of it. Not as weak as you are now,” John responded truthfully. “But I want it. I won’t make you do or answer anything you wouldn’t want to.”

“Okay… I trust you… I hope I don’t trust you because ya make me.” Hailey pulled her shoulders back and sat there with newfound confidence. “Hit me.”

“First and weakest mind influencing ability is one based on incentive. I can give you a command that promises pleasure as its reward. Hailey, stand up.” The words rung faintly with magical power, not notable by anyone besides the most sensitive and the targets of the spell.

Hailey furrowed her eyebrows, as she was hit by the effect. Instinctively, she knew that she could easily resist, just as she knew that the reward was simple, physical excitement. “That’s all?” she asked, the spell relaxing.

“It’s a sexual ability,” John explained, staying serious despite how laughable that sounded. “I got and use it to reward behaviour during sex that I like. Technically, it also rewards dominant women when I beg, but I don’t like begging. Second, also only used during sex, is the hypnosis. The trigger is a snap of my finger, followed by a command word or phrase. You can only be affected if I put you in a trance before or if you have one of these.” He pointed at Delicia’s Lover’s Will mark.

“Ain’t that the physical manifestation of your love or somethin’?” Hailey asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Look, our love is not a purely spiritual engagement and we don’t pretend it is.” The Gamer allowed himself a moment of levity, pinching Gnome’s nipple and listening to her delectable squeal. “Third is where we step into actual mind control.”

With routine movements, John removed one of his contact lenses. Hailey took a deep breath when she saw the milky brown of his ruined irises. “What…?”

“I told you I have scars myself,” the Gamer stated grimly. “Hellfire, nothing in the Abyss, nothing we have found, can fix it. My eyesight is dependent on a simple yet potent spell called Possession. Contrary to its name, that is not what is part of the mind control I’m talking about. Possession only allows control of objects without souls.” Index finger raised a bit further, John pointed her at the contact lens. “This is what I’m talking about.”

“No, stop for a moment, John… you’re blind?” Hailey sounded hurt at the revelation. Hurt on his behalf and perhaps hurt that she had only learned so now.

“In the physical sense, not in any way that matters,” the Gamer assured her. “We can talk about it later. It’s not something I like to talk about.” He put the contact lens back. “And I want to take care of this first. Ready?”

“Ready as I can be.” Hailey pulled her shoulders back a little further. How John wished he could have stared at her tits instead of subjecting her to what she clearly hated.

Hypnotic Gaze activated and suddenly the country gal relaxed. It was unnatural in just how thorough it was. Her arms dangled, her head slouched to the side and her expression went from tense to vacant. There was no way for her to resist him. Not with her mundane Stats. Discovering her ability as an engineer had not yet trained her in any actual magical capacity. All she had were two good hands and a brilliant mind. Not one resilient to his or anyone else’s outreach.

“Stand,” John gave her one command and Hailey sluggishly rose to her feet. “Sit,” he said, only so she wouldn’t topple over when he returned full control of her body to her.

Hailey snapped for air and flailed her arms. Actions the wilful part of her mind no doubt had attempted to urge her body to do, made possible again. She backed up against the wall of the tub, trembling all over; she reached up to her hair, ran through it, as if trying to reconfirm her existence by moving in any way at all. “That was… terrifyin’!” Her voice was a high-pitched mess.

“Yes and I hate using it,” John said. “This was the… third time I used this ability in a serious manner. Understand that it is limited in three ways. I need to have eye contact, the control does not last, and your power allows you to resist it.” He gestured towards the vampire maid next to him. “Claire here can mesmerize, to similar effect. It’s stronger in a raw mathematical sense, but I don’t think it will make a difference to demonstrate.”

“Imma…” Hailey gulped and grabbed the edge of the tub. “Imma go… back to my cabin… I’ll see you when… if I have figured out what…-“

“Nothing worse than being a prisoner in your own fucking mind,” Eliana growled deeply, her voice shifted towards a more wolfish tone. “To be confined in the darkness, incapable of controlling the form one is born into, with nowhere to go. We understand.”

The significance of that ‘We’ was lost on Hailey, as she left behind the hot springs.


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