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John had not yet excluded the possibility that Hailey was playing him. He was, however, certain that she was not playing him for her own gain. If she was souring her relationship with her parents, then only because he had the tools to make sure her parents would still be around to be annoyed with her for another decade. If all she had to do for that was act available, then this course of action was perfectly reasonable.

That being said, John deemed it more likely that she was genuine all around. Hailey had impressive willpower, a sharp wit, a gift, and a mundane upbringing. A set of factors that perfectly explained how she was behaving around him. It had taken him, who had wanted it from the start, three weeks to even pose the harem question to Rave.

Even if Hailey wanted this, deep down or actively, she must have been overwhelmed by the choices available. Rather than let that put her in a panic, she sorted things out one after the other. First she had wanted to understand the Abyss, then her abilities, then him, and now she was tackling the question of her future. It was a methodical approach. ‘Dare I say, one proper for an engineer,’ the Gamer thought.

“New girl still on your mind, hmm?” Delicia teased him. The shortstack was walking next to him, somehow the only one to keep up as he led the way. They had just crossed the bridge that led onto the peninsula. It had been about an hour of walking so far. Another ten minutes, and they would arrive at their destination.

“Is it written all over my face?”

“Everything is always written all over your face, it’s hilarious!” the smug maid stated with a giant grin plastered over her adorable face. “You thinking about these right now, aren’t you?” she asked, squishing her tits together. It almost caused them to pop out of the tight summer dress she was wearing.

“To be fair, I have a lot of insight from this angle,” the Gamer told her. No matter where he stood, the full depth of the shortstack’s cleavage was always on display. He turned his head slightly, observing Hailey have a conversation with Metra at the back of the group. “Sorry that I didn’t give you at least a few weeks where you enjoyed being the new girl in the room.”

“Psh, like I need that.” Delicia waved off. The hand wandered right in front of her mouth, holding it there in a scandalized gesture. “Oh, oh are you really sorry? Bwahaha, look at this awkward nerd, thinking I need some special time!” She slapped him on the back. Repeatedly. “You’re funny, very funny!”

“I get the feeling you are saying I am mockable, not funny,” the Gamer pointed out, annoyance sneaking into his voice.

“Whaaaaaat? Noooooooo.” Delicia’s sarcastic response was as obnoxious as her deriding smile. “Come on, stud, you’re usually soooo smart when it comes to social stuff.”

“As a matter of fact, I am,” John insisted.

“Yes, such a smart boy you are. Give paw.” She raised a hand demandingly. He stared at it with contempt. “Don’t be like that, give paw, give paw,” Delicia insisted.

“Careful, you’re dealing with a very hungry man,” John warned her in a dark tone. Goosebumps visibly formed on her arms, settling quickly.

“Oh no, whatever will you do?” Delicia laid it on extra thick. “Like those small hands of yours intimidate anyone. You aren’t even that tall either. Probably wouldn’t even be able to lift little me if you weren’t an Abyssa-ahl!”

She cried out when he proved her wrong. Part of her mundane disguise was that Delicia acquired a weight reasonable for her size, which made her one of the lighter haremettes even with her assets. Lifting both her and her backpack, John carried her along like a bag of cement. A very squishy bag of cement. After two dozen metres, he put her back down. “There!”

“Big deal!” Delicia immediately continued to sass him. “Very impressive. Maybe you’d be better at carrying stuff if you didn’t spend all day pushing women down, just a suggestion.”

“Maybe I will just bench press you,” John returned.

“Mhmmaybe you will, if I am that nice,” Delicia responded smugly. That broad smile she usually wore when they were bantering like this quickly diminished as she took a look around. “You know, I’ve been wondering this before, but what are these for?”

John followed her gaze and quickly identified what she was talking about. There was a massive trench in the forest. Its width was immediately eye-catching in a forest otherwise this dense. What marked it as clearly machine made was its length. It continued for hundreds of metres in either direction. A line carved into the landscape. They were odd to see on satellite images and no less odd in person. One moment his view was blocked by trees, the other he had a corridor to the horizon.

“I am not sure, actually,” John responded. “Remains from discontinued or replanned road projects, maybe? Means by which firefighters can move quickly in the case of a wildfire? Means to prevent such wildfires from spreading too far? Simple lumber harvests? Those would be my theories.”

“Aren’t you useful?” Delicia asked teasingly.

John grumbled, basking in the annoyance. There were two kinds of brats one could appreciate. The kind whose insults just ineffectively bounced off and those that were annoying in a good way. Delicia was definitely the latter. The constant mild frustration was oddly satisfying.

They marched the rest of the way, one throwing insults and declarations of self-aggrandizement and the other letting his annoyance rise further and further. Because it was largely inflated, it was easy to wrestle back down when a woman hastened over to John. “Mister President!” she greeted him with a slight drawl to her voice. “A pleasure for the real you to finally arrive.”

“Miss Greenich, I assume?” John asked and extended his hand in greeting. “Or is warden more appropriate?”

“Linda will do.” The warden took his hand and shook. Her hand was slightly wrinkly, as was her weather-tanned face. She wore a deep green uniform and a hat with a bright red band wrapped around it, perhaps to make it easier to spot her from a distance. Her brown hair showed signs of greying. The deepest wrinkles were around her eyes, emphasized by her smile. “I once more want to thank you kindly for the patronage.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for – and John will do. I’m here as a civilian,” the Gamer introduced himself.

“In case he didn’t mention it, we’ll be cleaning up after our own mess,” Delicia spoke up, her voice calm and collected. The tone she struck reminded him of Aclysia, in a pleasing way. “I swear we’ll be leaving the houses cleaner than we found them.”

“We would be much obliged.” Linda let out a relieved breath. Even if she was happy to host him, she was understandably not eager in cleaning up after his mess. Especially when substantiated rumours made his messes out to be very sticky. “As per your request, we don’t have any other visitors at the moment. It’s just y’all and my family.”

“Appreciated,” John said and looked around. “I assume they’re back in your area?”

“Or out patrolling. We still have a job to do,” Linda explained.

“Speaking of job,” John turned his head. “Lee, you’re on duty.”

“I still can’t believe you’re selling me like this!” the gamer girl shouted back and jogged up to Linda. “Yes, hello, Lee Magus, heard I’m to make some barriers into Protected Spaces?”

“Would certainly save us some trouble in the future.” Linda tipped her hat.

“Undine, Gnome, if you would accompany her, in case she needs any help,” John requested from two other haremettes – which appeared in their human disguise next to him. The choice was because their elemental expertise may be genuinely useful at what Lee was there to do as part of their payment. It was also there so she would be protected in case John had miscalculated.

While those three followed Linda north, John and the rest of the harem marched over to the cabins. Hailey swiftly approached him. “You tellin’ me this entire place is run by Abyssals?” She must have connected the dots, between the conversation and the lack of precaution John took when it came to the two elemental girls manifesting.

“Yeah,” he responded and expanded on his explanation, when Hailey’s stare urged him to “She and her folks are a clan, of a loose description. They’ve been using this park as their territory for the last three generations. There’s a family at the core of it and other Abyssals are often invited to evade the slaver types, who were pervasive in most urban areas of the US until recently.”

“Lemme guess: Tulsa?”

“Probably, I can’t tell you exactly. I took this area over after the Order came through. You’d have to ask Lorelei where exactly the most criminal activity was going on. In any case, after the area was pacified, Linda and her people decided to open up shop to Abyssals, expanding their business from renting out cabins to renting out the Illusion Barriers they’ve been putting up.”

Delicia suddenly grabbed John’s right arm and grinned at Hailey. “One of which is an underground hot spring. Can’t wait to soak in that, a girl like me deserves the best skincare of all times.”

“You have metal skin,” John pointed out drily.

“Which ya should be thankful for.” Hailey smacked her own neck and checked her palm. “Damn bloodsuckin’ varmints.” The proximity to the lake certainly made mosquitoes more of an issue than John would have liked.

“We’ll be sleeping on the Abyssal side, that will keep us unbothered during the night at least,” he said and stopped at the centre of the small ‘village’ of cabins. Once there, he raised his hand and entered the local Illusion Barrier alongside everyone else.

There was basically no difference when it came to the immediate environment. There was still no one else around. Illusion Barriers that had no one inside them either collapsed on exit or faded away over a week or so. Linda or someone else of her clan would have been obligated to sit inside this one to keep it up, if it hadn’t been for Jack and Jake being around. The Gamer had sent his doubles ahead last night, to make sure everything was in order when he arrived.

Lee would fortify it into a Protected Space later. That would keep it stable on its own until the current economic demand for Fateweavers relaxed enough that someone else could come out here and refresh that situation – or until John wanted another hot spring vacation.

“Alright everyone!” He raised his voice, causing the chatter of the haremettes to come to a stop. “As you know, they don’t have accommodations large enough for all of us at once. So, we will be splitting into three camps. I’ll be inside each of them, so don’t worry about your cuddle time.”

“One must always worry about cuddle time!” Sylph cried out, after poofing into existence. “Cuddle time is the third most important time of day, after gummy bear time and lewd time!”

John just ignored her; it would take a while to get through the announcement if he responded to his beloved blabbermouth. “With me will be Jane, Aclysia, Nathalia, Eliana, Lorelei and Delicia. With Jack will be Gnome, Salamander, Undine, Sylph, Siena, Lydia and Beatrice. With Jake will be Momo, Nia, Metra, Scarlett, Lee, Nightingale, and Claire. Anyone have an issue with that distribution?”

There were none, no serious ones anyway. A couple of sarcastic, “Urgh, I have to stay with you?” style exclamations shared between good friends, nothing else. There was no effective difference between the hims in the different cabins. Cliques within the harem weren’t so tight that breaking up the place they were staying would cause any distress. As for the distribution he had chosen, it had loosely been based on join order. A maid being a necessity in each of the cabins had broken that up somewhat. As for Delicia, the latest addition, being in his cabin: that was a sign of blatant favouritism. While it made no effective difference what body she interacted with, it made an emotional one. Mostly on his end. He much preferred using his true body to do important things.

Before they separated, there was one more matter to clarify. “Hailey,” John turned his attention once more to the country gal, “you’re welcome to join in any of the houses, but it will get loud.”

“Yeah, I ain’t ready to be cramped in with y’all yet,” Hailey responded in a happy tone. “I’ll be stayin’ in a cabin of my own – prolly that one.” She pointed at the one furthest away from the cluster of three where Jack and Jake were currently waiting. “That aside, I do owe y’all a response: I don’t mind if y’all get a bit naughty around me. A bit. Don’t lemme sit alone in an orgy.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Rave promised. Then, they all scattered out to their respective cabins. The harem marched in one direction, Hailey in the other. They would be meeting again soon. “By the by, tiger, do ya still have the tracking enchantment on her?” John’s girlfriend asked him when he fidgeted with the key to the cabin.

“No, I dismissed that over a week ago,” the Gamer responded. “No need to invade her privacy like that anymore. If any more kidnappers were on her, they’d have struck already or realized they were engaging in something too risky.” The key slotted into the lock and John turned. It would be the only time he was unlocking that door during their stay. He tossed the key into his inventory, to hand it back when they left. Jack did the same, Jake gave his to Momo.

The cabin was indeed rustic. The walls were a single layer of rock and mortar. The ceiling was an exceptionally simple construction of wooden beams and a thin top. Inside was a bed barely capable of holding two people, a couch on which three could sit, an armchair, a large fridge with a small kitchen, electronic lights, and a fireplace. The tiled floor had a nice cool to it, after John took off his shoes.

“Sweet fucking stop,” Eliana groaned and put herself flat on the floor. One after the other, she kicked off her boots. “Nathalia, that was so fucking hot what you did to me earlier.”

“Of course you would enjoy that.” As she walked towards the fridge, the dragoness mindlessly threw her clothes in Aclysia’s general direction. The maid was busily running around the place, grabbing not only the clothes of those two but those of everyone. Stripping was the near universal constant in the room at that moment. Delicia helped along, until John called her over.

“I want someone to cuddle.” John pulled her down into his lap. Greedily, he yanked down the top part of her summer dress. Before her enormous tits were done jiggling, he already had his hands on them. Sensitive nipples were teased.

“Can’t be without me for ten minutes, hmmm-mhmm?” Delicia smugly moaned.

“Eliana, I want to put my feet up,” John continued his demands. The tired, short girl reacted to his words as if he had just injected her with pure caffeine. Rapidly, she got on all fours in front of him. Soon, his heels rested on her back and she got busy panting. Soon, the smug maid in his lap became a smug maid bouncing on top of his lap, his cock deep inside her. Nathalia was munching on what John’s doubles had put in the fridge earlier. Rave sat down next to him, Lorelei took the armchair, and Aclysia, after having taken care of the clothes, walked over to the bedroom.

The obvious and anticipated issue with the cabin was that, even separated into three groups, there was no sleeping space available for all of them to share. They could have brought the bus, parking difficulties solved via magic, to fix this issue. However, John did want to enjoy these cabins and for just two days, alternative solutions could be found.

In this case, the alternative solution was loading up their inventories with the necessary tools to spawn in additional bed space. Aclysia, Beatrice, and Momo, across the three different cabins, were currently busy turning that one small bed into a segment of one massive one. That would still be a bit cramped, but the harem was used to cuddly sleeping conditions.

“Yes… yes… yeeeesssss!” Delicia cried loudly, dropping down on his cock one last time before receiving his seed. Gyrating her hips, she giggled, while pleasure-driven shivers ran through her. “Gotta hand it to… your cock…” Delicia’s walls twitched around him. “…It’s a pretty good one… I’ll keep sticking to it as my only one ever.”

“That’s a good girl,” John hummed and turned her head towards him. Delicia’s eyes were dreamy, lids half closed, when their lips met. Soft and gentle, he caressed her, enjoying the tenderness that followed the release of what had pent-up over the past hour of watching sexy, sweaty bombshells strut up the countryside. “Want to check out the hot springs now or later?"

“Now!” Rave answered for everyone.


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