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John walked through the door of his apartment. Stopping in the hallway, he held it open for the two nude maids to crawl in after him. Obediently, they followed him to the Couch, stopped in front of him, and remained still until he sent the order to suck his cock to their subconscious. The glassy-eyed, willingly controlled submissives did not know why they felt like they were allowed to move, but they did and did so with the sole purpose he had given them.

A pair of tongues bathed his cock. Claire continued to mutter prayers, dedicated to his awesomeness. Momo was entirely lost in her work. John enjoyed the careless mind controlling life for a little while longer, watching an episode of some anime Rave had recommended while they sucked him off. After the episode, he used their throats to get off, finishing by blasting a load over their faces.

His cock laid, mostly erect, over Momo’s attractive features. “You will do whatever I want, right?” he asked her.

“I obey you, because I love doing it,” the maid responded in that calm yet insane tone only genuine belief in being justifiably broken could produce. “There’s nothing else. I’m just yours. I…-.”

Fingers clicked. “Cleanse.”

“…can’t believe you’ve done this!” Momo immediately snapped back to reality. Defiance rushed back into her eyes, but she remained right where she was. Her breaths brushed over his drenched sex. “You absolute perv! Oh my… Claire, you tell him!”

“I love you,” the considerably calmer maid confessed.

“No, not that… urgh!”

John snapped his fingers again. “Momo, No Lies, did you enjoy what I did to you?”

“Did I enjoy it? I haven’t cum that hard since the Christmas orgy. I hope you do this to me again and again. Fuck, I won’t be able to even pretend to sleep, I’ll masturbate the entire time thinking about what you did to me. I love the Unheard Mind Control combination.” Momo shut her mouth forcefully after all of that was out. “Forget you heard that… I mean, never forget you heard that.”

“Oh, I won’t,” John assured her and snapped his fingers again. “Cleanse.”

“Can you stop toying with me?!”

“Sure, but only if you do what I want you to,” the Gamer said, drumming his erect cock on her face. She gasped and moaned at the humiliation. “Come on, just tell me what you really think of my dick.”

“It’s… it’s pretty good, I guess,” Momo grumbled. “Nice and hard and… orgasmic…”

‘Good enough,’ the Gamer decided and put his dick to her lips. Without any further demands or words, she glided down and got back to sucking him off. Entirely of her own volition. There were no commands in place this time around to let her pretend this was anything else than her taking the invitation.

John did not employ further hypnosis. It was so much sweeter to have that in his back pocket, to be employed for maximum effect when he elected to. Besides, it gave him a bit too much control. Used too frequently, the novelty would quickly wear off.

After humiliating Momo a bit more, John decided to move to the spa area. “You do realize that I have work to do, yeah?” the chancellor asked.

“You can leave at any point,” the Gamer told her, gesturing at the door they had just walked through. Momo mumbled a bunch of embarrassed and cursing words.

Meanwhile, Claire wrapped her arms around John’s left arm. “I will take perfectly fine care of Master in your absence, you are under no obligation to stay,” she guaranteed.

“Grmbrlrlllrr.” Momo’s highly interesting selection of bratty noises continued to grow. She turned around and shouted, “I’m checking my phone, I’ll be back in a moment!”

“God bless her big heart,” John hummed.

“I don’t think she has a heart. Whatever she has is not big enough to truly comprehend how great you are though.”

“There’s a lot on her mind.” Leading the way past the changing area, John stepped into the large rain shower. A preliminary rinsing before the bath was downright necessary, otherwise their bathwater would have been tainted quickly. Not a big issue, all the baths around here constantly cycled in new liquid. It was nice that the only water bill around here was a daily mana cost. “Besides, shouldn’t you get back to Nia?”

“Hmmm, no, I think I deserve to stay here with you, John.”

Turning her around, the Gamer hugged her from behind. Inappropriate when it came to disciplining her, but he had not intended to send her away from the start.

John was having the time of his life, just standing in the middle of his excessive shower and fingering Claire while cleaning her. Having a wonderful, slender woman like her at his fingertips was raw satisfaction. Moaning his name, she pressed her back against his chest. Slender fingers glided through his short hair.

Entering the shower quietly, Momo stepped through the artificial rain. Her long, now unbound hair turned into a nearly invisible layer on her fair skin. On her face, the distinction was clearest. A red blush made her glow adorably, as she hugged John from behind. The petite touch of her breasts made him smile. “Nothing to say?”

“No work, no,” Momo responded.

John let her get away with that answer. Once he had gotten his fill of Claire, he switched over to Momo and scrubbed her down with his hands. He had made a beautiful mess out of her, but nothing beat the opportunity to kiss her on her pretty lips. The two maids soon returned the favour, rubbing every last bit of his body up and down, until he was clean enough to move on to the bathtub.

They entered one of the smaller bathtubs. That was to say, they entered a bathtub that was still above what 99,9% of households even conceived of installing. Length wise it was pretty normal, two metres. The width and shape were what made it unusual. One side had a nice curvature to it, perfect for two people to sit nuzzled up against the third in the centre. There was modern back support and water jets along the sides. It would not have been a Gamer tub if it did not double as a jacuzzi.

John took the spot in the middle, Claire and Momo got on his left and right, and the hot water began to pour in. A relaxed sigh accompanied the rising warmth around him. Muscle fatigue was difficult to acquire, with his body, yet it felt nice to take a hot bath after such a thorough lovemaking session. Claire kissed his neck and giggled happily, while Momo massaged his manhood with long, slow strokes.

“You’re being really forthcoming right now.”

“Tease me too much about it and I won’t,” Momo threatened. “Kiss me again.” With a firm pull, John moved her lips to his and claimed them. Not that anyone outside his harem would even dare covet this adorable administrator. Such advances would only end in rejection or, if they became too pushy, disaster. “Good man,” she whispered to him.

“Someone got more obedient after the hypnosis,” the Gamer observed.

“There’s literally nothing left you can do to me to humiliate me more today.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“I will translate: yes,” Claire chimed in from the other side. “How about you test whatever you want to do to her on me first though? I volunteer.”

“How about you two repay me for what I did to you by catering to my every whim for the rest of the day?”

The Gamer’s counter offer made Momo roll her eyes. “Wow, how creative,” she said, drily. “What else are you going to ask from us? That we fall in love with you, suck your dick at least one hour a day, and scream your name every night?”

“Also breeding,” Claire threw in there.

Momo raised an eyebrow. “You’re joining the baby craze?”

“I mean, I thought that option was out for me when I… you know, the whole thing.” Claire gestured at herself. “Since I’m in a way better place and this magnificent, divine, gorgeous, delicious rod will be capable of giving me a product of our love, why wouldn’t I want one? Might as well put these birthing hips to use.”

“…You do raise a valid point,” Momo said, a hand gliding over the curve of her butt and to her thighs. The motion was mildly obscured by the water jets that kicked into gear at that moment.

John put his arms around both of them and pulled them in. “Is that a breeding request?” he whispered to the fairy maid.

“Just keep a space open for me at the bottom of that list… my beloved John.” Momo gave him uncertain puppy eyes alongside those three words. A stark contrast to the continued stroking of his cock.

“Those are dangerous, dangerous words,” John warned her. He shivered when Claire caressed his neck and left ear with her loving hands.

Between their careful adoration, his thoughts and will melted into a puddle. He sunk a little deeper into the water, eyes closing. The stroking of his cock eventually stopped. Instead, Momo massaged his chest.

“Room for two more?”

“Oh my God, yes,” John mumbled, not even opening his eyes. Water splashed and fell as the two additional women caused it to partly cascade over the edge of the tub. The only space available was on top of him. Laughing and lounging, the four maids exchanged updates on the day between each other. John enjoyed the privilege of being there and being the centre of their affection.

When he did open his eyes, he was greeted with the dream sight of four white-haired maids gazing back at him. Green, white, and red eyes, plain love written into them. Small and broad smiles, all parting to say the same thing in unison, “”I love you, John.””

John took a deep breath and swallowed the forthcoming tears of happiness. Better to put his arms around all of them and hug them as best he could. “I love all of you,” he returned as much of their love as he could. Sweet nothings were exchanged back and forth.

Twenty minutes later, John was back in the living room with his four maids. Everyone wore one of his shirts and cute panties. To wear any legwear himself would have been a bother, so John only put on a shirt. They looked like they were having a very special kind of sleepover – although it was way too early in the day to make that kind of call.

The Couch was even better for their close-knitted cuddling than the bathtub. Sitting in a semi-circle of leather-clad cushions, John now had the two draconic maids to his side. Momo and Claire were layered on top of him. The former continued to be incredibly touchy. Her embarrassment had cooled off and now she was unashamedly lovey-dovey.

“I knew there’s a reason why I don’t leave you for any of the cool rumours I pick up,” she said. That was lovey-dovey for her. “You have such a beautiful jawline… I could kiss it for hours. And you taste so sweet. I love your cologne.” That was actually lovey-dovey.

“You can thank Nathalia for that one again when she comes back,” John whispered. In the background, some superhero movie was playing. It was just background noise that they paid attention to between their conversations.

“Report: I looked into properties,” Beatrice informed John. The timing was odd, she just brought it up. An explanation was swiftly provided. “I had my initial fill of cuddles.”

“Makes enough sense.” The Gamer stretched, the hug pile getting slowly undone. Shifting, the Couch assumed a shape that let them sit comfortably closer to the table. Momo and Aclysia claimed his thighs as their seat, Claire hugged him from behind, and Beatrice moved slightly to the side. The passive maid fetched the laptop that controlled the TV and then logged into a data storing website. Eventually, she opened a portfolio that contained a list of properties.

“A good amount of land is on sale. It is cheap, relatively speaking. Most of them are empty lots with no current infrastructure.”

“Filter those out,” John instructed. Building entirely from scratch was a possibility in principle. However, because he wanted to build on the mundane side, he had to keep up some appearances. He could explain coming in with a harem with enough Charisma and a clarity of principle of wanting to stay isolated from the neighbourhood. Being a ‘rich kid’ who did this farm as a hobby project, he would doubtlessly get scoffed at by some of the stubborn locals. With some justification, he expected. Every neighbouring property not properly kept was an opportunity for pests to breed, as far as farmers would be concerned. From what John heard, hogs were a massive issue in the southern state farming areas.

Besides needing initial shelter, John did not have the timescale involved to have internet, electric and water lines installed. Building materials and licensing were things that Abyssal connections and the sheer wealth he had access to could take care of. It would still be helpful to be close enough to a city that such things could be delivered within a day, but not so close they actually noticed much of the city activity.

After listing those prerequisites, the selection of land on sale got much smaller. “Could we maybe settle somewhere close to hot springs?” Momo asked.

“There are those in Oklahoma?” John asked. “Huh. Yeah, sure, we can try that.” That narrowed the selection even further. There was no such luxury as a hot spring directly on the property, sadly, but they could keep it relatively close and make it a three-day trip at some point. They narrowed it down to nine properties in the end.

The maids looked at him expectantly.

“We’ll make our choice in the evening,” he told them. “When everyone is here.”

“With all due respect, Master, this choice should be yours and yours alone,” Aclysia told him. “This will be your project, your vacation. Simply decide what your heart tells you.”

The Gamer was about to disagree, but the continued, insistent gazes from the three beautiful women around him convinced him otherwise. They were right, for the most part. He would put up a teleporter anyway, so anyone not enthused could leave whenever they wanted. After some more map scanning around the potential properties, the obvious choice presented itself.

It was a property south-east of Muskogee, near a tiny town called Braggs, by the Arkansas River. It was isolated nicely, had several reserves and wildlife management areas around it, and a highway ran through. What really made it perfect was that one of those wildlife areas was called Sour John. That was a sign to the Gamer.

“Alright, choice is made,” John told Beatrice, who bookmarked the property and then stood up.

“I will make the necessary arrangements.”


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