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“Alright, so, who wants to be where when?” The question reached the gathered haremettes, which were all those that had not gotten their dedicated date time yesterday. Everyone else had already left, to unclog the room, to go after individual responsibilities, or to make connections with the many visitors down below.

It felt beyond odd to be hosting Romulus without seeing him personally. That being said, John was proud of his girls for making connections. It was a manifestation of them being more than his cumbuckets – much as they liked to pretend there was nothing else to many of them during private hours. They were, all in their own right, Abyssal elites. Whether they were capable of reaching that status only due to the Lover’s Will mark or not, they did all wield tremendous power. Their close connection to him made that not only individual but also political power. Forging the right bonds meant they could lift considerable weight off their shoulders, or pursue personal goals without his involvement.

Several of the haremettes that would have benefited most from international relationships were present at the moment. That was an odd way fate worked out. Momo, Lydia, Scarlett, Nightingale and Beatrice, those five were considerably tied in politics or economy. The other three haremettes, Nia, Metra, and Lorelei, were not nearly as interested in the happenings downstairs, nor did they have any reason to.

“If I may,” Lorelei spoke up first, “I would… like to attend the fight between Jane and the Warden.”

John pulled up the schedule on the large television. The Interface Skill let him do such things easefully. Scarlett rolled her eyes when he gave her a smile. “Amateur.”

“Quite so,” John immediately ceded that point. He still had to move his singular ‘avatar’ in the technical realm to each individual letter input to trigger the writing. It was quicker than typing, just barely, and a long shot from the practically instantaneous way Scarlett could make text appear on devices.

The duel between Moira and Rave was set to happen in the early afternoon, at 14 o’clock, roughly seven hours from now. John put her in for that time slot. “Anyone else have special wishes?”

“Statement: I wish for a solo date.”

“A rare wish from my Bae, I will honour it,” John said, and smiled at the passive maid. She sat across the table, in a casual outfit. It consisted of a white shirt that managed to be both loose and too short to cover the white-horned woman’s midriff. With it she wore a deep green, pleated skirt and white shoes. All of those were actual articles of clothing. Sometimes, his Artificial Spirits liked to wear those.

“Want to go with me?” Momo suggested to Lydia. “Get it done first thing in the morning?”

“That would fit my preferred schedule,” the queen confirmed.

John had a date with Lydia relatively recently, as much as the gala had been filled with other happenings. That being said, he would have preferred a single date with Momo, to repay her for all the hard work she did for him. If she wanted a duo-date, then that was her call, however.

“Slot me in right after them, then,” Scarlett stated with a dismissive wave. She acted all dismissive now. That would change later, when they actually were on their date. Perhaps not outwardly, constant complainer that she was, yet she wouldn’t be more than three metres away from him at all times. They had been through this song and dance before.

Nightingale was slotted in for the evening, around 19 o’clock, as that was right before her speech. That only left Nia and Metra to be pushed in the remaining, open time slots. “Lydia and Momo, Scarlett, then Lorelei, Beatrice, Metra, Nia and finally Nightingale,” John read out the order, according to schedule. Since there were no further questions, he then headed out with the first pair.


John was walking over the bridge leading out from the star fort with a woman in each arm. To his right was Lydia, who had donned a quite daring summer dress that showed off a nice bit of cleavage and whose skirt barely extended halfway down her thighs. It was of a similar deep red as her copper hair. To his left, Momo wore a similarly, if not even more, daring outfit. It was a white top, mostly covered by a slightly smaller variation of her poncho, that was open at the front (making it more of a tiny cape, really). What was scandalous about her outfit were the denim shorts she was wearing. An eye-drawing piece at the worst of times, stretching over her fat ass, it became barely fit for the purpose of even counting as cover.

Among haremettes, Momo scored number six in terms of butt by size and second in terms of butt size compared to height. Only Siena overcame her in that regard. Momo had chosen that fate when she adjusted her body in their time apart and was now locked on it since the monstergirlification had taken her free transformation away. No one had ever complained about that fact.

“You know literally everyone will look at you two, right?” John’s hand had already found its way to Momo’s butt and squeezed. 80% of what he was feeling was just pure, marvellous, naked backside. Only his thumb laid on top of the denim.

“I have extra cover,” Momo defended herself, firefly wings fluttering. The semi-translucent black-white appendages were about as obstructing as coloured glass. Yes, it did break the visual somewhat, but everyone still knew what happened on the other side. John’s hand slid a little closer to her crotch. “Can you control yourself?”

“Not really,” John responded. Momo groaned, Lydia sighed, they both suddenly put an arm around his back. Just like that, the Gamer was demoted in terms of who dictated the direction. Rapidly, they made their way to the Mana Storage. The primary purpose of that Building was what it said on the label, but, like all of the fantasy structures the Guild Hall enabled him to put down, it had a bunch of rooms. Unlike other Industry Buildings, there was nothing to show off inside them, so they were not bothered by visitors.

They swiftly found an empty, isolated place, John was shoved into a chair, and fifteen minutes later he had two dates in a fantastic mood and a lot more self-control.

“You can act as frustrated as you want, but I know you wanted that too,” John called them out.

Momo glanced off to the side, while Lydia elected to just drink several gulps of the palette-cleansing water they imported from Florida. Helpful both for hydration and to make sure John only tasted her when they had their inevitable kisses during the ensuing dates.

They headed back out and just walked. Walked, chatted, and watched the people around them. “It is terribly noisy,” the sassy support said.

“You getting burned out too?” John asked teasingly.

“No, I just don’t like crowds in general,” Momo responded. “And don’t joke about your condition!”

“Last I checked it is my condition, so I can treat it however I want, please and thank you.”

Momo let out a series of grumbles, containing the words ‘stubborn’ and ‘stupid sexy’ repeatedly. “Lydia, support me!”

“I think our love is handling himself quite amicably,” the queen responded and pressed a kiss on John’s cheek. Unlike Momo, she could do that without getting on her toes. “It is a difficult matter for you to admit weakness. I’m grateful that you do so in front of us.”

“My deepest layers, for you and you alone to see,” John whispered back. The confession lost a bit of its meaning, considering ‘you’ was ‘the harem’ and not just her. If Lydia had been one bothered by this change of scope in intimacy, they wouldn’t be walking together right that second.

“Urgh,” Momo made her frustration vocal, then headbutted his shoulder. That was surprising and adorable with how ineffective it was. “Whatever. I don’t care. Dumbass.”

“Really sounds like you care.”

“I hate you.”

“No, you don’t.”


“How would you feel if I casually called you ‘cunt’, hm?” John teased her, while holding her incredibly close.

“Like you would honestly tell me what you value about me,” the fairy support sassed back at him. “Would be a nice change of pa- Do not dare!” Momo swatted down the hand about to snap its fingers. “You will not!”

John snorted with amusement. She sounded so comedically angry that her tone almost resembled a Dalek. There were a couple of steps of silence, and John drastically changed the topic. “Do either of you have a wish to go anywhere? Any suggestions?”

“Midnight Forest?” Momo suggested.

“I would sooner shave my hair,” Lydia denied, her tone dry and lifeless. Perhaps it was her stoic nature, or perhaps the fae just hated that she embodied metal (which actually would have made their acceptance of Momo’s leadership rather odd). In either case, Lydia and fairies did not get along. Not even a little bit. Whenever Lydia entered the Midnight Forest, she was placed in some obfuscating mazes until she was ready to leave. Typically, she only went there because others did. Scarlett was similarly unwelcome.

Her comment did create another question though. “You do take pretty thorough care of your hair,” Momo remarked.

Lydia ran a hand over her carefully woven braid. “It is of importance to me that I remain universally well-maintained.”

“Would be easier with shorter hair,” John joined the topic.

“Do you wish to see my hair reduced to Salamander’s buzzcut?” The question caused John to attempt to visualize it. Fundamentally, she still looked good, but she didn’t have the kind of biker attitude to really rock that look.

“No, I think you and braids are a match made in heaven. Just trying to tease your rationale out of you.”

“You will find no logos attached to this situation, only pathos. I prefer my hair long and therefore I wear it long. I could present you with reasons of femininity or grace. Such are, merely, explanations for an unwavering preference.”

“That is fair enough.” John turned his head to Momo. “Want to tell me why you have long hair these days.”

“You already know.”

“Do I? Hmmm, I must have forgotten.”

“Oy, no lying.”

“I do not lie.”

“You can’t even forget how many spanks you gave all of us today. You probably even keep an individual tally!”

John smacked her butt and thought ‘9.’ He kept that tucked away in the corner of his mind that she couldn’t peer into. Upset, she stared at him, trying to decipher whether he had just done that to tease her for her statement or if he was actually keeping track. “Do remind me anyway,” he demanded. She mumbled something barely audible. “What was that?”

“…wanted… girly…”

“Still can’t hear you.”

“I wanted to look more girly! Urgh!” She peeled out of their walk-hug and aggressively strutted ahead of them. The joke on her was that only got John a fantastic view of her backside. Those denim shorts really didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Every hard step she took had all of that bubble butt jiggle like a pudding dropping out of its packaging. After getting ten metres ahead, she turned around and shouted. “DICK!”

John slightly turned his head, smiling at one of the few other people passing them by. They were on the inner ring of the Guild Hall, the only reason to use this path was to get away from crowds or for sightseeing. Tapping her heel, Momo waited for them, and attached herself back to his side. A cute little ‘harumph’ was all that was left of that incident.

“How about we have a little picnic in the Newman Shire? I know a few remote corners that no one should be using.”

“Of course you do, you made the place!” Momo declared.

They did exactly that. John had packed a few lunches after breakfast. Picnics would have been on the menu in some capacity and definitely would be for a few other of his partners. For this date, they eventually reached a grove between three of the artificial, small-scale mountains of the Newman Shire. There, they lavished, laughed and loved for almost two hours.

The time just flew them by.


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