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John just followed business as usual on Friday, letting the unofficial start of the festival pass him by. Then, around ten in the morning on Saturday, he held the opening speech for the official event. It was a fairly boring speech. He could say with confidence that this was not related to his current condition since he hadn’t planned it to be that exciting. It was basically just a summary of the past year of developments around Fusion and announcing the Mark of Heroism.

After that, John retreated to the back rooms. “Good work out there, Mister President,” the chief organizer of the event department greeted him. Behind stood a considerably more tired, pissed looking man with deep bags under his eyes. John was amused whenever he saw that man, for a bunch of reasons.

Despite being of practically mundane nature, with magic potential so pitiful his aura could barely be seen even by John, he absolutely thrived in the Abyss. That man was a doer through and through, having worked his way up the department just by competency of his decisions. No magic, no superhuman strength, just coffee, sweat, and annoyance. He was so attentive, he had even figured out Claire’s spiders.

Which was not too difficult because they kept biting him. The man, called Hank, did not like John and that was fine. John, for his part, deeply appreciated Hank. What he represented, to be exact, not the person himself. Hank was bitter, pissed, and tired at all times, out for money and power. He was a born government agent. Personally, John had a distaste for individuals like that. However, Fusion needed them and that someone like Hank, who was so weak by Abyssal standards, could rise to a high rank in the government apparatus through determination alone spoke to the system operating as intended.

“I just have to speak; the good job was done by all of you.” John bowed his head to the gathered crowd of construction workers, electricians, sound engineers, and whatever else was necessary to keep events running. The gesture of respect endeared him to most people in the room and at least appeased Hank. “Now, I know the coming three days will be hectic for all of you. There is more ground to cover than any before, more activities, and thus a lot of things can go wrong. I have set the Sentinels to obey you for the next three days, so if you need people out of an area for a little bit to fix stuff, feel free to use them. I trust that nothing annoying will land on my table.”

Nathalia stepped up from behind him. “If it does, you answer to me,” she threatened, her eyes consumed by a lava-like glow.

John blinked a couple of times and peeked over to the rest of his harem. None of them spoke up against Nathalia. Some of them, the typically more obsessive members, particularly Aclysia and Claire, were even glaring in support of the goddess. It clicked near instantly what was happening here.

As much as John had assured them that he was doing fine, his harem was now viewing ‘stress’ as ‘danger’. In other words, if someone was causing undue work for him, that was a form of damage. Of the many wonderful words that could be used to describe his harem, ‘protective’ was certainly one of them. They had entered wars with him, fought eldritch abominations for him, and so threatening a bunch of officials was just a logical extension of what they did when it came to keeping him, their precious man, safe.

John couldn’t even criticize them, he would have done the exact same if he thought undue stress was causing any of them psychological harm. However, in this case, it was unwelcome.

“Calm down, Nathalia,” he raised his voice and she growled, even as she took a step back. The gathered workers exchanged concerned glances, almost certainly for their safety. Empathy was easily found there. Who wouldn’t feel concerned when almost 20 of the world’s strongest women were threatening them?

John scratched the back of his head, considering how to deal with this situation. This would cause rumours of some kind, it was inevitable. Depending on what he said, those rumours would be different. If he just left, they would probably vanish the fastest, but they would also contain some bad comments about his women, Nathalia specifically.

‘Just go with the truth… or most of the truth,’ John thought. He couldn’t quite tell them he was feeling a burnout approaching, that was the quickest way to have the entire nation treat him with kid’s glove and he would blow a gasket if they did that. “You have to excuse my girls. I’ve been under a lot of stress recently and they’re trying to help me relax by taking the workload off me. I trust all of you to come to me if anything is really urgent.”

That dispersed a lot of the tension in the air. People were a lot more forgiving of worried spouses than random anger. Most of the haremettes realized what they had done wrong and averted their threatening stares. Only Claire continued to look like she was about to hypnotize the lot of them into mindless drones. The Mesmerizing Perk of the vampire maid wasn’t quite that powerful, but she could have tried.

“Alright, I’ll let you get to it now. Last thing I want to be is in the way when something happens,” John joked and got moving. Something may have happened if he stayed for too long. Once outside, Nathalia approached him.

“I will not apologize for what I did,” she began in the tone of someone too prideful to do something they knew they should have. “However…” There was the magical ‘but’. “…I regret that you had to confess to your stress.”

“It’s alright.” John wrapped an arm around her. “This is actually not too bad. News of me getting a bit stressed needed to get out at some point, or the one-month vacation would make everyone think something terrible is happening.”

“Or that you’re up to no good and want to cause trouble in the neighbourhood,” Lee added.

“People will think that anyway.” John chuckled. “If Richard announced a one-month vacation, no matter the context, I would think he was planning to do something big. The biggest surprise would be him actually taking a vacation.”

Lee let out a mocking sound, while tackle-hugging him. “Look at you, causing paranoia all around even while you’re planning to put your feet up.”

“It’s what I do. Well, one of the things I do.”

“What other stuff do you get up to?” the gamer’s girl asked.

“Hmm, this or that. Kissing cute sassy woman is up there.” John suddenly pressed his lips on hers. He was greeted immediately. Lips parted, tongues found one another, and they made out for a few seconds. There was much reason to continue. Problem was, they were in the back area of the workers’ segment behind the stage and their large group would truly be in the way if they didn’t keep moving. “Another thing I do is take cute girls on dates.”

That grabbed everyone’s attention. A festival came with many an opportunity to make a few memories. The agreement that John would take several of them out to have some fun in small groups, perhaps even only him and one of them, had been struck without anyone saying anything. The question was who the Gamer wanted to have his dates with. No, the question was really in what order he wanted to have the dates. Two days were enough time to give each of them an hour or two. All actual work was getting done by his Creator Double.

“Let’s get back home first,” he told the eager crowd. They made their way over to a teleporter that John had placed in this backstage area for the duration of the event. It was just easier for him if he didn’t have to walk to and from the Guild Bank to hold his speeches. The crowds made every walk two to ten times longer.

Back in the apartment, John had intended to have a quick harem talk – quick enough that getting his pants off wasn’t even worthwhile. Then Gnome hit him with a pair of big puppy eyes and suddenly he had her bent over the back of the Couch. Funny how that happened.

While he was giving Gnome a casual pounding, he talked over his plans for the day. “So, Lydia is coming over tomorrow, which means that I’ll obviously have my date with her when she has time. I also will meet Maximillian later today, anyone want to tag along for that?”

“Ya gotta bring your best girl when ya meet your best man.”

“…Not sure if you’re making another gay joke or if you are prophesizing who will have that job at my wedding.”


“Should have figured,” John sighed. He took a little moment out of the conversation to bow down to Gnome’s ear and whisper a couple sweet nothings to her. The easily embarrassed cuddle rock let out a sweet song of ‘Uwu’s and moans. “God, you’re adorable.”

“Th-ahnnk youuuu…?” Gnome half-shouted. Her eyes dashed over to all of the haremettes and then she moaned even louder. Their gazes got her off. Voyeuristic-Exhibitionistic little thing that she was – even if her exhibitionism specifically was limited to being seen by other haremettes.

Two more thrusts, and he came inside the earth spirit. Gnome pushed her nicely shaped posterior against his waist. The cute little apple bottom had enough meat to it to be a wonderful cushion. The inside of her tight, oddly smooth cunt tightened completely around him, like walls of mud with a polished surface. All of it trembled and vibrated around him with each spurt into her insides. Mana and the Perks both caused the season elemental immense pleasure, putting a final orgasm at the end of the chain he had fucked her into.

Once he pulled out, Gnome decided to lay down on a segment of the Couch that conveniently extended for her. John decided to sit down. An immediate contest for his dick began and ended with Nightingale as the victor. In terms of having a conversation, that was the second or third worst result he could have gotten.

“Jesus Christ.” John used the Lord’s name in vain, but if he was as forgiving as priests liked to say he was, he would have forgiven that particular sin. Nightingale had his dick down in her throat near instantly and stayed down with absolutely no issue whatsoever. The folds of her throat-pussy massaged his erection from all sides, while the harpy looked up to him with her amethyst eyes, love and veneration reflecting in her eyes. When the lady of the night sucked him off, he was the one who felt like a god.

Momo loudly cleared her throat. “Before Nightingale sucks your soul out through your dick….”

“Which she very well might,” John groaned, then moaned like this was the first blowjob he ever received. Nightingale took the compliment and started to move in tiny ways. She had only gotten better since joining the harem. Sleeping in his bed presented her with a lot more practice opportunities.

“…right… Anyway, date plan? Jane gets you when Max and his fiancé are around, Lydia gets you tomorrow, any other special occasions?”

“Since we’re on the topic of… my soul sucking songbird…” John took a deep breath and regained most of his composure. “I would like my date with Nightingale before the end of Sunday. Right before I make the announcement of her becoming a Patron God of Fusion.” There was a nod between his legs. “Otherwise, no special preferences.”

“I want my date today,” Nathalia demanded. “I have to deal with my brother tomorrow.”

“Right…” John managed to sound displeased despite the fact that Nightingale, in about two minutes, had not raised her lips more than three centimetres from the base of his cock. Reason for that was less Tilgun himself and more that he reminded John of a whole slew of people he expected to run into during these festivities.

The Fusion anniversary was a big deal for the Federation, its members, and its allies. Several people of import had announced themselves, others he expected to show up when he least wanted to see them. William was around and had been allowed to hold a speech on the main stage on Sunday morning. The leader of the Golden Rose had at least not sought an audience. Moira and Rave were having another duel, a public one this time around. That probably wasn’t going to be part of his day. He may end up watching it.

Thoughts were paused by Nightingale really trying her best to suck out his soul through his dick. She succeeded in part, as he pumped a massive load down her stomach. As the spurts grew lesser, she gradually glided upwards, until his dick popped out of her mouth. “Thank you for the meal, Master,” she purred.

“You have become exceptionally lewd,” John told the lady.

Elegantly, in stark contrast to the strands connecting his dick and her lips, Nightingale cleared her black mouth of her oral love juices and then raised a wing in front of her mouth. “It is difficult to resist such a pleasurable activity.”

“You got that fucking right, so make room!” Salamander butted in and then wrapped her tits around his dick when she had secured the position between his legs. “Oh yeah, that’s the hardness my puppies are looking for,” she cackled, completely swallowing his dick In her cleavage.

As wonderful as her magma melons were, a tit job could not compare with a blowjob. They were just on two different levels of pleasure, completely limited by the sensations related to texture and tightness. It was a lot easier to concentrate, therefore, which was helpful at the moment. “I’m not actually booked for any official events other than the closing ceremony, so we’ve got a lot of time,” he thought out loud. “Guess we can just run around and enjoy who or what comes our way to the best of our ability.”

John looked around the room, wondering who he should go on a date with first under these circumstances. Rave, Nathalia, Lydia and Nightingale, those were the only four with somewhat set dates. Besides who he went out with first, there was also a question of how many at a time. To have it be a date, three was the typical limit. Above that, John was spread too thin to talk to all of them and the conversations splintered into various groups, defeating the purpose of a date.

John came to a conclusion after only a bit of thinking. There was one haremette who both had the most to gain from attending a festival and who needed some additional assurance of his mental state, lest she turn into a hyper-protective mass murderer. “Claire, I’ll go out with you first,” he told her.

“Really?” the vampire maid went from happily sitting to ecstatically perked up. “I’m first? Thank you, John!”

“I think it’ll be nice for you to see this many people having a good time,” John explained his rationale for picking her first. “Plus, I don’t entirely trust you with crowds.”

“That’s so mean!” she responded, laughingly.

“You fell in love with a mean man.”

“No, I fell in love with the perfect man. Anyway, can someone else tag along?” The question surprised John mildly. A few weeks ago, that would have been odd. Since Claire had become less aggressively obsessed through training and attention, such events were not that odd anymore. “Couldn’t have one of your sides getting cold, Master. That would be the worst.” There was no sarcasm in that sentence.

John considered for a bit, then nodded. A good opportunity for Claire to bond a little more with one of the haremettes and double dates like this were always fun. After some consideration, his choice fell on someone that Claire didn’t usually get a lot of chances to interact with outside the home. “Lee, you want to come with us?”

“Hmmmm,” the dark-haired, young girl hummed teasingly. Arguably, she was the youngest member (by age) of the harem. The Artificial Spirits and elementals were a bit of an odd case when it came to how old they were, with inherited memories and such complications. “No, I think I’ll break up with you.”

“Oh no! Guess you will have to move back in with your parents.”

“Wait! I change my answer, I’m yours forever… or until I’m done with my degree.”

“Alright, I’ll just call up the colleague quickly and tell them to keep you in thesis hell for twenty years.”

“You would not dare!”

“You have any idea how much fun it is to fuck you?”

Lee rolled her eyes. “Typical, just cares for my pussy.”

“And the sassy attitude.”

“You are the absolute worst, loving me for my looks and my character.”

“I know, right?” John turned his gaze to Salamander. “Hope you aren’t feeling neglected.”

“You can keep fucking talking as long as I get to keep playing with this hot-ass cock,” the apocalypse elemental responded with a giant grin. “I’m living fire and even I think this dick is pure heat. Good thing I love you for your looks and your character, stud.”

“The horror,” John laughed and leaned back, letting Salamander’s service take him over the edge one more time. He quickly cleaned his dick afterwards, then he, Claire and Lee headed to the door. “I’ll let you know via Harem Comm who I want to meet next, in about an hour,” the Gamer told them.

“Have fun!” Rave waved the harem’s goodbye.



wasn’t endflame salamander’s tier 4 evolution? thought she was an apocalypse elemental now