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‘Yeah, that seems about right,’ John thought, reading through what the patch would hit. ‘Not sure why she’s being so hostile in the text though.’

“Can that fucking BITCH stop nerfing your ass?!” Eliana answered that question for him. “It’s so fucking frustrating to see you grow fucking weaker!”

“Well, she’s nice enough to do it bit by bit,” John defended Gaia. “Besides, Artificial Spirits are unreasonably cheap for what they provide. If I was a game designer, I’d be whacking myself with the nerfhammer too.”

“I still fucking hate it,” Eliana grumbled.

“You can. How about you distract yourself a little bit?” He grabbed his dick and moved it back towards her lips. Submissive instincts made her open wide and soon she was entirely distracted by bobbing up and down on his manhood again. Under the table service remained a favourite part of his job.

There was nothing much to be done about the patch. That it diminished his effectiveness at grinding right after he spent over two weeks knee-capped was annoying. Nothing worse could be said about it. His Skill gain was slowed, which also conflicted with his need to get Artificial Spirit higher. Annoyingly, the patch did not seem to address his current issue at getting his threshold for contracts higher.

‘To be fair, the current system is serviceable in that aspect, I just hate waiting,’ the Gamer thought. There was a lot he had to just wait for at the moment. For the Artificial Spirit Skill to max out. For the patch to conclude. For the Mother of Air to then give him the Quest he had been teased with. ‘Not that I don’t have things to do.’

John scanned over the document in front of him. It was the latest in a series of outlines of the events during the upcoming festival. It would be a pretty grand event, starting unofficially on Friday (meaning that the private stands would already be open) and officially covering Saturday and Sunday. The cause for the celebration: it would be one year since John announced the existence of the Fusion Federation to the world.

Everything he had to say on how far they had gotten, he kept for the speech he would give on Sunday.

Important was that this festivity lived up to or possibly even exceeded the standard set by his birthday last year. Fusion had more funds and the Guild Hall more people/space. More importantly, John did not want to give the press fodder to write articles that supported the theory that he was unhealthily egomaniacal. Making a festivity for the entire nation lesser than one for his birthday certainly would have given them ammunition.

John reached under the table and forcefully grabbed Eliana by the hair. Dictating her pace for a little bit, he eventually emptied a load down her throat.

‘Maybe I’m a bit too concerned about what the press will say.’ John let go of Eliana’s head. A disappointed groan reverberated in his cock. The sensation was soon superseded by her getting back to work. ‘Then again, being concerned has kept my approval rating absurdly high. Which probably has more to do with the economy continuing to soar ahead than anything else.’

John’s once truly absurd popularity of about 90% full approval had since dipped to 85%. While that did annoy him, slightly, the explanation for that was simple: the Lake Alliance had joined the Federation. With it came the opinion of the people towards John. Unsurprisingly, their thoughts of him were less positive than the national average. Emrik certainly didn’t help that, by being a continuously localist voice as Speaker of the Commons.

‘A constant thorn in my side,’ the Gamer sighed and leaned back, meeting Eliana’s amethyst eyes. The texture of her irises, like shattered glass, one could lose themself in. The golden rings and lines, the few remaining dots, they only made it further interesting. Constantly, the lines in one eye reverted and the dots in the other became lines. Eliza and Thana were sharing their body in near constant harmony, but they were not the same person yet.

“What do you think we should do during the celebrations?” he asked his current cockwarmer, not for the first time. “Aside from a public breeding show.”

It took five seconds for his cock to pop out of her mouth. “No fucking idea, it’s your stupid ass festival.” Eliana stained her face with precum and saliva, letting his dick glide over her gorgeous face as she bowed down to give his semen-producing facilities a loving smooch. That wasn’t quite enough for the little pervert. Before John knew it, he was privy to the rather unique sensation of the entirety of his sack being contained in Eliana’s mouth.

He wasn’t sure if he liked it. It wasn’t a sensitive area in general, any sort of play with his balls was for pure psychological gratification. To that end, seeing her keep them in her upper hole was quite satisfying. The problem was that the inside of her mouth was hot and the presence of her sharp, sword-breaking teeth alarmed instincts that he could not consciously suppress. Before he could work out which of the aspects he found more important, Eliana went back to worshipping his dick the traditional way. Her tongue glided up the underside of his shaft, on the way to the tip.

“Seriously, no ideas, and you make me choose between sucking your fat fucking cock and some stupid ass festivity that you will over plan with your thirty-centimetre wallet anyway, you prideful semen dispenser.” Eliana was about to get back to work proper, when she froze for a moment. “Someone is coming.”

“Ah, well, everyone in this building knows what I’m about.” John watched Eliana shrug, as much as her heavily confined arms allowed that, and then get back to sucking him off. As a properly trained comfort hole, she primarily kept him all the way in her throat, to make as little noise as possible. Twenty seconds later, someone knocked on the door. “Enter.”

In came a suited up, dark-haired dwarf. Dwarves in suits were an interesting sight at all times. This particular one wore a pair of shades, a black tie, and a number of bejewelled rings on his fingers. Even more atypical for his kind, he was cleanly shaven, revealing a cleft chin. Except for the rings and his species, he looked like the almost stereotypical image of a secret agent.

To his credit, that was exactly what he was. Closing the door behind him, the dwarf approached the table. From his perspective, he only saw John in his regular shirt. He had the decency to put that on, at least, and with how close he sat to his massive desk, what was going on in the leg compartment was hidden. It was still blatantly obvious because Eliana kept moaning in little ways.

The dwarf did not even raise an eyebrow, indeed knowing what his employer was about. “Mister President,” he greeted with a respectful nod and placed an envelope on the table, sliding it across, “we have concluded our full sweep into the affairs of the Free Party.”

“Anything I should expect to find in here?” John asked, while grabbing the envelope. He unsealed it and went through the hand-written report. In a world of technomancers, a secret service had to go back to traditional ways to assure intel remained hidden. Nightfall was only starting a secret service, but John’s paranoia had served to lay some pretty clear guidelines to operate on from the start.

“We have found strong and easily proven ties of the party leadership with Malique, sir,” the dwarf summarized.

John’s eyes flew over the pages. Between his high cognitive abilities and his perfect memory, even speed-reading allowed him to gain total understanding of everything on the pages.

Malique was a former member of the Free Party, Fusion’s anarchism party, which largely wanted to return to the unshackled state the majority of the nation was in before John came along. Obviously, John had his issues. He was a freedom loving American, but he knew that there was such a thing as too much freedom. Namely, there was a necessity to limit what people could do so they didn’t limit each other in a more consequential way.

Slavery was the classic example. John didn’t believe in intervention in the free market. Some would make the argument that complete labour liberation included the liberty for people to sell their entire life. Thus, slavery should be legal, as long as people sold themselves into it willingly. John, who knew that all people (him included) were prone to making bad decision in the moment, did not support even this ‘reasonable’ variety of slavery because the long-term consequences were too intense. Obviously, something like slavery by capture or birth did not even have that point to defend itself.

A less common, but nevertheless true, example were road laws. People having to obey speed restrictions, traffic lights, and the large variety of signs people had come up with over the years were individually restricting. Without them, however, traffic would become such an uncoordinated mess that no one would get anywhere. In that sense, speed restrictions actually allowed people to arrive in places quicker – especially when it came to inner-city areas. That example put aside safety concerns for other participants in the transportation network.

John painted himself as… nothing in particular, really. He had his strong, classical liberal leanings. That being said, he didn’t care to hitch his horse to one particular ideology or another. He had his principles and that was all that he needed. ‘To be fair to the general party members, they have to cooperate to get things done,’ thought the President-for-Life.

In any case, he was opposed to the anarchist party and they were opposed to him. In the first place, its members were people that had joined Fusion peacefully, only to then try and undermine it from within. During the prestige loss John had suffered after he had lost to the Order in New Libraria, one of their members had finally decided to mount a full-scale rebellion. Attacking the Island of Servitude was a bad idea at all times.

Metra and Aclysia had smacked that down swiftly. As a rebellion, it didn’t even qualify as a historical footnote. Historic text would summarize it as part of a ‘series of unrests’ during that one-week period, no doubt.

Important was that the Free Party had shown their hand and all John needed to outlaw their party and disallow its leadership from ever standing for office again was more evidence. He tried to not get in the habit of persecuting his opposition. Considering this was opposition to the entire Federation, the case was slightly different though.

The second door, the one that connected John’s office to that of his chancellor, opened. “You could at least take your dick out of Eliana’s throat for long enough to bring me the documents,” Momo complained and approached the table. Wordlessly, she took the report from John, folded it up, and stuffed it back into the envelope. She didn’t have to double check the contents. “Good job, Dargar.”

“Lady Siena did most of the work,” the dwarf admitted.

“I wonder when people will catch up on the fact that having meetings within the Hudson Barrier makes things really easy for me.” John stretched toward Momo’s butt and got his hand slapped. Laughing, he pulled back. “Alright, you give that to Metra.”

“Why? I can do this myself.”

“Because you shouldn’t do everything yourself and someone of power has to help in those arrests. Oh, and… actually…” John fell silent, his thoughts racing whether this was something Claire should be part of. He wanted her to gather experience with the civilized way they dealt with traitors around here, but he was also afraid she would claw their throat out. “…never mind, Claire isn’t ready for this.”

Momo let out a long sigh. Seldomly, one could be heard being this frustrated about giving work away. “Fine, I’ll give it to Mat.”

“Fantastic. Dargar, you’re dismissed. Take a few days off before your next assignment.”

“Thank you, sir.” The shaven dwarf lowered his head and left the way he came.

John leaned back, a pleased expression on his face. That was one major thorn in his side dealt with. Sure, Emrik and certain other parties were a pain, but at least they agreed that Fusion should be maintained. In terms of the remaining extremist parties, there were Project Shield, the Wrath Party, and the Crowning Party to keep an eye on.

Project Shield was all about law and order and for forging a strong, central, hegemonic culture for Fusion. While John was all for Fusion developing its own culture that tied the various member guilds together, he did not support a central approach for that, especially not in the form of dictates on what local areas were allowed to produce in form of art. While the vitriol these people had in their rhetoric was a tad worrying, they were not powerful enough to dictate discourse. As an additional voice in the parliament, they were useful. The problem would arise if they ever went from ‘a state preferred culture’ to ‘a stated preferred race’ in their rhetoric.

The Wrath Party was one step down from the Free Party. What differentiated them from complete anarchy was a certain militaristic outlook and a ‘might makes right’ attitude. While their distaste for central apparatuses did make them a minor issue, they were even less influential than Project Shield and similarly useful for providing a different perspective to the discourse. Just because they were extreme didn’t mean they didn’t have good points.

The Crowning Party was the one of these three least likely to make any problems. They wanted to dispense with the ‘pretence’ of the republic and just put a crown on John’s head. Because they could hardly force him to do that, all they could do was argue the benefits and prepare the country for the unlikely case he changed his mind on this. They were only a problem if John agreed with them, but then they weren’t a problem because they were on John’s side.

What was a potential issue was if they decided they wanted to crown someone else. Competitors with John were, within Fusion, difficult to find. Most of them were part of his harem. Potentially, one of his children may become a target of such aspirations one day. That was, however, at least two decades away from being an issue.

“You sure you want to leave?” John asked, blatantly staring at Momo’s ass as she marched back to the door. The sassy maid didn’t even give him a response, just closing the door behind her. “Guess it’s just you and me again,” the Gamer noted, looking at Eliana. The blood mage did not look like she was listening. Her face was red and her eyes rolled up in her skull. John had to grab her by the hair to pull her up and give her an opportunity to breathe.

Some cocksleeves were a bit too eager to please.