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“Could you not?” Siena hissed.

“To be fair, she came onto me!” John defended himself, hands raised. Even if that was the truth, for the most part, the midnight elemental grabbed his collar with clawed hands and growled at him. It was a massive waste to use her sensuous voice in such barbaric fashion. It did get the point across though. “Your mother is exceptionally nice.”

“You – will – not – invite – her – to – this – harem – again,” Siena said very slowly, darkness rising off her grey skin in thin swirls. If she didn’t hear what she wanted to, she would Unleash and start carving those words into his flesh, that much John was certain of. “I shall not share you with my mother, you enchanted fool.”

“I dunno, she sounds hot,” Rave chimed in. “Don’t like the part where you’re tempted to cheat on me though.”

“To be fair to me, she is shadow incarnate,” the Gamer reminded her. He had, of course, told all of them everything. No desires he had would he keep from his harem, even those he was ashamed of. Especially those he was ashamed of. If he couldn’t air his dirty laundry with them, then who could he confide in?

Plus, credit where credit was due, he had not given in to those desires.

“Help me set him right!” Siena demanded of everyone else. Her eyes eventually got stuck on her best friends in the harem. “Will I have to be the sole voice of demand here?”

“He didn’t promise her the fucking kid so… Yup, fuck you,” Eliana responded with a giant grin on her face.

Siena’s tail whipped down on the long coffee table, shattering the glass surface in an instant. Most reactions were shocked, Aclysia growled, John sighed, Beatrice cheered. “Finally, the scratched table can be replaced,” she declared with joy.

“Okay, sorry,” the Gamer apologized and made Siena look his way, before growling at Undine. “I’m just messing with you a little. You know how the harem functions, yeah? No new additions unless everyone approves.” He combed through Siena’s pitch-black hair. “Even if she wanted to, I could not let her join without your approval.”

The midnight elemental took a deep breath and let go of his collar. With her agitation disappeared the crystal claws and the edge around the spade-shaped tip of her tail. When she spoke, her voice was weak and quiet, “Do not tease me on this.”

John’s heart sunk in his chest when he realized just how much Siena feared her mother could destroy the current state of tranquillity within the harem. He hadn’t seen her this fragile, this much out of her depth, since he had slapped her during the Five Days War. He had come to deeply regret that then and he deeply regretted it now, with the only difference being that he didn’t need time to simmer on it.

“I took this too far,” he whispered to her. “Please forgive me.”

Her hands slung around his back and he held her close, continuously stroking through her hair. The Mother of Shadow may have been the most attractive being in existence, but if she could not hold him like Siena did at that moment, if she could not lay in his arms like this, then she had nothing to offer him beyond a moment of fun.

That was never worth surrendering what he had with Siena.

“I love you.” Siena tightened her hug. Holding her, John made sure all that fragility he made her feel was repaid tenfold. As confident and sadistic as she usually was, it was easy to forget that Siena was damaged in her own way. It was no wonder that she, Eliana, Undine and now Claire found solace in each other. They understood each other in a way only the damaged and the outcasts could. John understood them all too. His suffering had been less than what each of them went through, be it by their own fault or imposed by tyrants, but he had lived through his own personal hell for several years.

He knew the difference between teasing and bullying. That made it all the worse that he had accidentally stepped over it. “Sorry about that,” Rave said, joining the hug. Siena did not let go of John, but her tail wrapped around the leader of the harem. “Alright, no accepting Siena’s mom into our little band of crazies, y’all got that?”

Universal agreement, even from Aclysia, who was busy cleaning up the destroyed table. That it was part glass made restoring it via Create an annoying process that was not worth it. Not even to bother Beatrice. The burn marks and other scratches it had accrued over its service would be cleared too. Might as well spare himself the time and effort of gathering all the shards and just buy a new one.

Siena audibly inhaled through her nose and finally let go. “Alright.”

“So… uhm… fucking sorry…?” Eliana started, awkwardly shifting where she sat. “You would expect me to know better, buuuuuuut…”

“You’re a dumbass,” Siena told her friend. “However, you are one that I cherish. Take your own advice and banish that guilt of yours; I do not care for this to lay heavily on everyone’s mood.”

“Statement: my immense gratitude. I shall acquire a new table.” Beatrice bowed before the midnight elemental and left the apartment.

Normally, John would have protested against any of his girls working at this hour. This would not be work for Beatrice, however. This would be her pleasure. Probably more pleasure, just because it was such a rare treat, than riding his dick would have been. Which said a lot more about Beatrice and her obsession with interior design than anything.

Also, he was 99% sure she would actually come right back if he promised to give her a thorough pounding. Beatrice, even if she was a dead-pan sass-blaster, was still a thoroughly submissive maid and, like the rest of the harem, a high-functioning nymphomaniac.

Beatrice had the right idea in leaving though, as John’s attention was now being claimed by a swiftly recovering monster girl. “Since you have filled the hole you nearly tore in my heart, my saviour, you should also fill everything else of me,” Siena whispered, her velvety voice returned to its usual, erotic-laden state.

“I suppose I can do that.” John turned his embrace into a grab of Siena’s dump truck of an ass. Rave’s butt was his favourite, but there was not denying that there was A LOT more to hold onto with Siena. Same went for the big boobs that were pressed in his face as he raised the shadow spirit up.

For the first few moments, she was extremely loose. Penetrating her took practically no effort at all, despite the lack of preparation they had taken to get her wet. Emotional conversations were not usually a good prelude to sex, not even in the harem. However, with Siena’s control over her insides and her high Libido, above even the harem average, the situation was different. Each passing moment, the pressure on John’s dick became more intense. Wet folds constricted him, drenched his cock thanks to the circular motions of Siena’s hips.

John was afraid she may be up to her usual tricks and milk him dry with that hellishly manipulatable cunt of hers. Instead, she kept it nice and practically vanilla. The worst of her sadism manifested in the way she kissed him. Occasionally, fangs pinched his lips, which was a level of pain he could roll with no problem.

Siena reduced the relaxed sex to downright cosy lovemaking. They hugged, moved fairly little, and just basked in this increased intimacy of their bodies. A campfire, a blanket, and hot chocolate would have made it even more romantic, but it was too warm for any of that. Although the way Rave and Lee joined him on either side of the couch could be construed as a blanket. From behind, Undine hugged his head.

Eventually, John tilted to the side, giving Undine the space to kiss her fellow elemental even while she sensually rode his cock. Catching his girlfriend’s gaze, he decided to address something else of importance. “Are you free tomorrow, Jane?”

“I could make room, being self-employed and all that jazz. Why ya ask?”

“I would like you to come along for my date with Nightingale.”

Rave let out a thoughtful hum. Raising one arm out of the layers of arms embracing his neck, she tapped her lower lip. “Ja, sure, I’ll tag along.”

Nia stopped for a moment, one of the many glass shards in her hands. After dropping it into the bin Aclysia had brought, she asked, “Is that appropriate? Would she not prefer time alone with you?”

“Normally, as all of you know, that is how I operate for introductions into the harem.” He looked around the group of drop-dead gorgeous women.

Many of them had been properly integrated into the harem after or during a private event. Whether that was a planned date, a spontaneous conversation, or a space deliberately created by haremettes that had left the room for them, it was expected that John got to make the introduction official in a moment of close romanticism. This had only intensified after Lover’s Will gave the entry to the harem a definitive moment.

“The reason,” he continued, “why I won’t do it this time is because who Nightingale is or, rather, what she is. For her, polygyny is the biological norm. She enters a relationship with us.” After exchanging a quick kiss with his girlfriend, he added, “Only appropriate that the first of my harem is there when she joins.”

“Alrighty, you and Rave are on a date with Nightingale tomorrow night then,” Lee summarized the situation.

“Well, I’d like one more of you to come along,” the Gamer revealed. Before further questions could come in, he raised a hand to mark that he was putting the conversation on hold in favour of other urgent business.

Even the most romantic, slow-paced sex was still sex and John was about to burst. A loud smack on Siena’s cheeks echoed through the room, both hands making the entirety of her ass and thighs ripple. Both of them accelerated, lewd cries filled the room, and the haremettes all around that had been watching neutrally started to squirm.

John could see it on all of their faces. In the way Gnome flushed with voyeuristic glee, Salamander and Nathalia began to make out, and Lorelei bit her lower lip, it was written: their bodies remembered just how good of a lover he was. With relentless energy and well-aimed thrusts, he made the shadow spirit bounce.

Each passing second was the beginning of another haremette’s lustful panting. Eliana sat on her hands to keep herself from masturbating without permission. Nia teleported over to Lee and the two fingered each other as they watched it all unfold. Undine, Rave, and Claire tightly pressed together, the slime girl at the centre, getting both of her tits kissed all over. Metra and Aclysia were working the manhood of the Creator Puppet, Jake, leaving the clean-up for a little while. Scarlett masturbated with a cool expression on her face and her nostrils flared. Right next to her, Momo tried to act as if she was still reading, but she rather obviously had a hand between her naked thighs.

Although John had been quite close to release, he lasted for another two minutes and, during that time, made Siena scream louder and louder. “Such a good man!” she praised him, indulging both her dominant side and his pride. “Yes, yes, please me, John. Use that large cock of yours to mess me up. Hmmm, who could ever compete with such a wonderful, attentive toy?” That last word got her a reprimanding spank. John was too busy sucking on her nipple to give a proper response. “Awww, you don’t like being called that? Try shutting me up then. Come on, you can do it. Yes. Yeee-ee-e-eessss!”

Siena’s orgasmic clenching finally brought him over the edge. With one last thrust upwards, his balls tightened and gave the shadow spirit all of the filling she could have asked for. Elsewhere on the Couch, Metra and Aclysia got their faces covered with the fresh cum of his enormous load. Even spread between two women, the ever-thick and large streams of cum were enough to make both of them look like an advertisement picture for a particularly great porn movie.

Refusing to speak a command, John just listened to the various women all over the room rapidly working towards their own climax. Some had reached it before, most had paced themselves to orgasm besides them, and a few were still busy a few minutes later. John let the general excitement simmer down for a bit – which only meant that the room went from a universal chasing of another orgasm to three or four of the haremettes actively engaged with themselves or each other, with a couple more engaging in leisurely self-care. Aclysia got her face clean, by tongues and, when there were only traces remaining, a steamed towel. Then she resumed the cleaning up of the table. Scarlett and Claire joined Metra in sucking Jake’s dick. Momo watched it all with some mild annoyance showing on her face. Certainly, that was aimed at herself.

The sassy maid was currently compensating for her earlier inability to lie by playing the part of the self-denial. Everyone knew it was an act and they all poked fun at her for it. That was what she wanted, not so deep down.

“Can we foc-aaahhsss?” Momo asked, moaning at a very inopportune time.

John snapped his fingers, the entire room was filled with anticipation, then relaxed when he specified, “Momo, your Master’s tongue on your cunt, do you feel it?”

The bookworm’s hand moved away from her crotch immediately. Her thighs parted, as if she needed to make room for him. Although she had just orgasmed, or especially because of that, given the proclivity to multi-orgasmic experiences in this harem, her hips soon rose off the chair she was sitting in. They trembled, on complete display, showing off a twitching cunt that soon clenched with a renewed climax. “Sssstoooooop,” she begged, the psychological sensation continuing.

That it continued was all the proof John needed to do nothing about it all.

“Just take a deep breath,” he told her, with authority. “You can concentrate if you put your mind to it.”

Momo swallowed and slowly managed to plant her butt back down. Still, she twitched sometimes, from aftershocks and the continued loving from the phantom-tongue. Because hypnosis was all based on her believing or intensely wanting to believe what he told her, his statement that she could concentrate despite the pleasure made it so.

It was delightful how suggestible he learned she truly was. Even if she was a brat, John had considered her to be too much of a free spirit to be taken in by hypnosis to the same intensity as Claire. As far as he was concerned, that spoke to one thing and one thing only: that the love she felt for him was truly intense.

“So, that I go on the date is obvious…”

“Then why say it?” Lee got a quick quip in that earned a few chuckles.

“…and that Rave comes along is proper,” the Gamer continued, wanting to get to the point. Even as they were listening, a few haremettes coordinated a ‘shift change’. Siena rose off his lap, making room for Eliana, Undine and Nathalia to give him a comfort blowjob. The dragoness had learned a bit of restraint over the past few months, even if she still decreased his work efficiency when it was her turn on the blowjob schedule. “I’d like you all to pick one amongst you to come along as a third.”

John looked around for volunteers with a huge smile on his face. Truly, this was a heavenly situation. Asking for a fourth member in a group date focused on someone joining his harem, while getting not one but two triple blowjobs. Everyone he looked at was either nude or only decoratively dressed. Pussies were wet, skin of varying shades flushed, and all gazes he met were appreciative of him in their own way.

“Seriously, none of you fuckers are volunteering?” Salamander eventually threw out into the silence.

“Why aren’t you?” Scarlett asked.

“Dunno, doesn’t really get my flame going to be a harem representative,” the apocalypse elemental remarked. “Alright, I suggest the cuddle rock.”

“M-me?!” the season elemental squealed, snapping out of her voyeuristic bliss. “I’m not a… I mean, I shouldn’t… H-how about Siena, she’s also a night… thing.”

“Aww, do you have word finding troubles?” the shadow spirit moaned, having John’s cum cleaned out of her by a very needy Claire.

Scarlett pushed air out of her nose. “More likely ‘thing’ is the proper word for you.”

“It’s cute that you think you can offend me.” Siena’s silver eyes reflected her smile. “Would you like to get a rise out of me, hm?”

“W-way-ah- I ssseeeee it,” Momo lustfully chimed her way into the conversation, “it’s either… either Aclysia or Gnome.”

Undine shook her head, “You also qualify.”

“Pssh, I was out of this for too long to represent it.”

“Oy, you’re still in here longer than me, so you’re totally eligible,” Lee declared. “Because otherwise I’m not and I’d be… dunno if I would be offended, but that’s not cool with me.”

“Alright, you heard it, Lee is volunteering.”

“Wha- No, I was-“ Lee was suddenly silenced by Nia putting a hand on her mouth.

The pariah held the softly resisting gamer girl with one hand and raised the other high. “All in favour of Lee accompanying John and Rave on the date, raise their hands,” the blonde said with a hint of cheekiness in her tone.

Amused, one by one, the haremettes raised their hands. Under the palm, Lee let out the muffled cry of the semi-panicked introvert. Sure, she knew Nightingale. Public gatherings were a different matter. They made her bashful. John was looking forward to it.

“Excellent choice,” he approved.


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