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The blue light ebbed away and John found himself in the Fusion Administration. Everything was the same as it had been yesterday during the inspection, which meant that there were a couple of choice differences to the layout of his office. To start with, the teleporter no longer led directly to his office, but instead to a small room that connected his and Momo’s offices. Accordingly, the western door led to the room of the chancellor and the eastern one to that of the president. A third, southern door led to a small wellness corner that contained an only slightly above average bed, a small kitchen, and a bathroom. It had been a bit of a bother to leave his office whenever he needed to pee.

Worse than his own need to use the bathroom had been the rare case when someone on blowjob duty had a full bladder. Because they were, at best, naked and, at worst, covered in his cum, they were definitely in no state to run around the hallways in search of the nearest unoccupied bathroom. Consequently, they needed to teleport back home, use the toilet there, and then come back. That wasn’t a terribly long trip, but it was still a break that John did not want in his daily service.

Especially because a certain part-feline girlfriend always seemed to draw out her trips until he was about to climax.

Having a bathroom around at least shortened the edging period Rave inflicted on him. The bedroom in there allowed him to crash somewhere if ever he needed to pull an all-nighter again or if the day was so relaxed that he could have some proper action instead of getting blown under the desk.

As for the offices themselves, there were a couple more changes. Momo’s office had been increased in size, following her request to have a couple more shelves installed so she could turn her office into a proper archive. John’s stayed about the same, with one additional shelf where the foldable bed had previously been. Because the back wall was already set back a couple of metres from the extension of Momo’s office, he had decided to use the extra space to install a balcony. The window had been replaced with a glass door (also operating as a one-way mirror to prevent prying eyes from spotting the debauchery/state secrets within).

John could already hear the clacking of keys and an annoyed voice through the western door. Having left the house before breakfast, the newly appointed chancellor had been working since she had departed from the morning shower orgy. Although he was tempted to burst in and give her some additional loving, he was certain enough that she would end up in his office at some point during the day.

‘If I interrupt her workflow, she’ll just get mad,’ the Gamer thought, while the teleporter activated again behind him. Out stepped Metra, who had the first shift of the day. Toned body on naked display, the deliciously tanned blonde stretched. Her pussy was still wet from the events of the morning and a trickle of John’s semen ran down the inside of her thigh. “Ready to get working?” he asked.

“There is nothing better to do, my king,” the First of Wrath responded with a grin and they walked to the eastern door.

Inside the president’s office were three desks. Two were made from glass and fairly minimalistic, so John could see the entire body of whoever was working on them. One would be primarily used by Beatrice, whenever she had time between her finance ministry oversight to act as his secretary – which was surprisingly often. The other was either for the haremettes to entertain themselves whenever he was not available to be sucked off (he did have to concentrate sometimes) or if anyone ever became his second secretary. There was certainly enough work to justify the additional help.

The third desk was the monstrosity John worked on. It was the battleship equivalent of office equipment, a hulk of wood and drawers, with enough leg space to fit up to three horny nymphomaniacs. Right now, he had only one with him and she got ahead of John.

Halfway down to the floor, Metra looked over her shoulder with her typical tomboyish smile. Her ass was raised, her left hand held onto the edge of the table, and her eyes spelled out an invitation. Once by the table, John gave her a clap on her round butt.

“We have no time for another quickie,” he told her.

“Your loss,” she responded, still in a good mood. She got under the table, John into his chair, and once he had rolled close enough, her reddish-brown lips gave his balls an inviting kiss. From already half mast, his cock rapidly rose to full erection. “How enticed should I get by this?” she asked, while kissing the base of his dick.

Usually, the answer to that would have been ‘totally’, but it wasn’t a coincidence that she was the first one on duty today. “We’ll see in a minute, hopefully,” the Gamer said and started with the most important tasks of the day.

It was the third day of the new year, a Thursday, and John had a number of calls to make. Over the holidays, a great many negotiations and other contacts had been put on ice. Most of the time that was a decision on his end, sometimes that of the negotiation partner. Usually, the person without urgency paused talks as a power move.

In the case of the Sons of Odin, John was halfway convinced that they did it purely to have more hours to party. If he had learned anything about the Scandinavian guild by now, it was that its make-up was very colourful. The individuals in charge of its varying operations certainly had their oddities and didn’t care to hide them. It was refreshing, but it also slowed down talks somewhat. Getting into contact in the first place had been difficult.

At this specific time, there was nothing unusual about the fact that the talks were paused further. His call was answered by a recorded message letting him know that the recipient was currently out to eat. Given that he was trying to talk to someone fairly high up the hierarchy, the lack of replacement was understandable.

“Alright, can’t reach them right now.” The Gamer put down the phone and looked down at Metra. “I’ll try again after I get some other stuff out of the way.”

“What’s the next item on the list?”

“Calling the Golden Rose,” John answered with a sigh. He wasn’t looking forward to this. There was bound to be conflict, which his own actions had certainly made worse. Regardless, he didn’t regret what he had done, only that he had to talk to William in the first place. “Let’s see who picks up, because if I had been sent to Beatrice whenever I called the past week, I would redirect to whichever secretary I have out of spite.”

“Just hang up if they do that, what the fuck are they going to do? Invade?”

“Honestly, I might get the guy to that point if I keep going.” John punched the number into his wireless office phone and leaned back.

“Let them come.” Metra grinned with grim determination, then put on a more pleasant expression when John placed a hand on her head. Her tongue extended past her sultry lips and she licked up his hard shaft.

Just as her lips wrapped around the glans, someone picked up the phone. “Hello, honoured Gamer?” A soft and intensely feminine voice greeted him. She sounded just a tad nervous and also anticipating.

“Lorelei,” he responded happily, “I did not expect to hear you.”

“The Lord Protector has deemed it fruitful to our talks if I were the one to greet you.”

‘I may have to raise my opinion of the man,’ John thought. “I certainly appreciate the chance to talk to you again.”

“Thank you, honoured Gamer.”

“John, Lorelei, you should call me John.”

“It would… not be proper to do so – especially in an official capacity.”

“Well, I insist.” John realized he was flirting with a high-ranking member of another organization, while getting his dick eagerly sucked by an ancient weapon that was respectfully keeping her efforts at a casual level. ‘God, I love my life,’ he thought. “If it makes you uncomfortable, we could spend some time together. You know, to grow a bit closer.”

“I… would be elated, honoured John,” the seer found a middle ground. “I have been fondly remembering the last time we spoke. I certainly wouldn’t mind if-“ There was an audible clearing of a throat in the background. “Excuse me, I must stay on topic. Would you be willing to finally come to discuss the aftermath of the Death Zone and the future of our guilds?”

“It is about time,” John agreed and he heard Lorelei let out a relieved sigh. “If nothing else, I will be happy to see you.”

“I…” Lorelei started. He could practically hear her blush. Then he heard a series of clacking sounds that indicated the phone getting taken by someone else.

“In the Lady’s name, John Newman,” William’s deep voice echoed from the speaker, “I have offered you a negotiating partner that would speed things up, could you stop obfuscating diplomatic efforts with your sinful attempts at seduction?”

John was tempted to do two things. One, to make Metra properly suck him off to overpower the fact that he had an older man shout into his ear and, two, to point out that he was far outside the realms of attempts already. To give credit where credit was due, the Gamer bit back his contrarianism and replied, “Fair enough. I promised to meet you in person. Would you accept it if we held the meeting in Springfield?”

“Certainly. How many soldiers will you bring?”

“None,” John responded immediately. “Why? Should I be worried, William?”

“Don’t be unreasonable,” the Lord of the Golden Rose scoffed. “We would never hurt an invited guest. We have honour.”

“Then I won’t need guards. I will bring my harem though,” John told him. “For official reasons, I need you to agree to Nathalia and Eliana coming over.”

“Eliana?” William sounded confused.

“…Right, you couldn’t know. Eliza and Thana have melded far enough that their personal overlap made a new name necessary.”

There was a long pause. Doubtlessly, William was mulling over inviting two goddesses, particularly those two goddesses, to his territory. While Krieg and his circle of balance keepers would punish Fusion if those two partook in any kind of offensive outside of guild territory, that was little good to those who were wiped out by the initial attack.

“Swear that you visit without violence in your heart,” William demanded.

“I swear,” John responded earnestly.

Again, there was silence. If John, almost two months back, had decided to act dishonourably during the battle of New Libraria, his word would have had no weight. His better judgement had pulled through at the time and the reward for that was an acknowledging grunt. “Even if you live in debauchery, your promises can at least be taken seriously.”

“Thank you,” John responded in a mockingly chirpy fashion. Before William could react to that and kick off a back and forth between them, he said, “I expect to stay for a couple of days in Springfield and it’s quite the drive… I also have a binding engagement on Monday… not to mention a number of things to sort out…” the Gamer mumbled these things while looking at his calendar, “…would it be alright if I aimed for the 16th?”

He halfway expected William to respond that two weeks was an unreasonable waiting time. Instead, he heard an authoritative, “Wait a moment.” Muffled sounds came out of the phone for a minute or so. “It so happens that we have obligations ourselves that week. A meeting with another branch of our sacred organization.”

“When would you be back?” the Gamer asked.

“Friday night.”

“Hmm,” John looked at his calendar. “Would you mind if I arrived ahead of time? We could hold the meeting on Saturday.”

“How refreshingly reasonable of you.”

“How oddly aggreeable of you.”

“Saturday,” William responded harshly. “Will the Order need to accommodate you?”

‘Will you give me Lorelei’s room?’ John wanted to ask, but he had almost gotten through this conversation without major quips. “No, we have mundane property in the area.”

“Right, Reagan’s house. Good.”


“That is that then. We expect you at noon, Saturday, the 19th of January.”

“We’ll be there.”


“Good,” John echoed.




“Soo… can I speak to Lorelei again?” John asked, only to be greeted by a click. “Dick,” he cussed while slamming the phone back into its base.

“How about I cave his skull in the next time we meet him, my king?” Metra asked, while jerking him off.

“There’s… fuck…” Now that there was nothing else to concentrate on, the pleasure hit a lot more intensely. “…several problems with that… starting with your current power.”

“I could still take that lord-father of a bitch.”

“Insulting him and Moira in one breath… God, I love you.” He let out a long groan. “I’m cumming,” he warned. Her hand only accelerated after the announcement and she partly made her way out of the leg space. When he started cumming, his seed splattered all over her face and chest. Only the final few drops, she milked with her lips around the tip of his dick. With each bit she tasted, she moaned.

Before they could pick up the conversation again, the phone on the table rang. When John read the name on the display of the base, he hastily moved. “Hello, John Newman here,” he greeted happily.

“Kaija of the administrative Valkyrie division,” the response was swift. “After much deliberation, the Ragnarok-prevention council has decided to let you meet Fenrir. Would tomorrow evening work for you?”

That was fast, especially after the long time he had spent waiting. Regardless, he could cram it in. “Just tell me where I should be.”

“Come to Bodø Airport, we’ll take you from there.”

“Fantastic, I will be there.”

“Good. Anything else I may help you with?”

“No, that would be it.”

“Until tomorrow then.” The phone was hung up and John calmly put it down again.

“As quick about her business as she was the last time we talked,” John mumbled and smiled at Metra. “Seems like you might get your powers back soon.”

“So, I can definitely beat up that William guy.” She grinned. The excitement was displayed with more than just her face, her entire body quivered. “What flight are we taking?”

“I’ll check with Lydia if we can borrow one of her machines. It’s quicker if we start from Berlin,” the Gamer said and opened the Harem Comms to reach the queen quickly. “Also, you shouldn’t go there with violence in your heart.”

“To be fair, you promised that, I’m in the clear,” Metra pointed out.

Laughing, John could only say, “Touché,” while he wrote back and forth with Lydia. “She’s saying she’ll need some convincing,” the Gamer kept Metra up to date, who had gone back to give him a particularly excited blowjob. Dick deep in her throat, she made big eyes up to him. “Good thing we already had a little session with Lee agreed on.”

A session he was very much looking forward to.


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