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“Urgh… now I have to clean that up,” Momo complained when she was awake enough to realize the puddle of juices she had created. Without further words, she reached into her inventory and retrieved a towel.

“Not going to demand that I help you?” John asked, back in his armchair with Siena in his lap. Shortly after Rave had retreated to the couch to take her post-coitus nap, the shadow spirit had entered the room. Claiming the unoccupied dick for herself, she had sat down on top of John’s groin with a caring, dominant attitude.

An attitude which persisted.

Siena’s tail wrapped around his neck, while her bountiful behind oscillated on his cock with slow and deliberate movements. The many writhing, tiny protrusions that covered the folds of her monster girl pussy moved in massaging unison.  “You’re not going anywhere, John, until you’re satisfied,” she love-threatened him.

“Not like you would ever clean up your own cum anyway,” Momo added, while wiping off the table.

“Not if I can avoid it,” John agreed, feeling an instinctual aversion to his own sexual fluids. ‘Wonder where that comes from. In my experience, women aren’t particularly averse to sucking a dick that was inside their vagina, but if I cum inside someone I’m definitely not sticking my tongue in there. Perhaps the disgust was useful in the past? Those that were less eager to engage with their own cum wouldn’t diminish their own breeding chances by accidentally removing it too early? Maybe something about STDs? Boy, am I happy that I don’t have to deal with those.’

“You’re thinking about useless things, my saviour,” Siena reprimanded him with her exceedingly sensuous voice.

“Aren’t you in an appreciative mood today?” John hummed and gently caressed her body. For now, he did nothing but explore the smoothness of her greyish blue skin. The tail around his neck was a bit more than he preferred, but he was fine with her keeping the lead. Being the bottom was agreeable when the top was this focused-on pampering.

“I woke up today among many I loved and realized that a little bit of… gratitude…” she breathed delightful sinfulness into that word, “…was in order for our dear John.”

“From trying to stab him to ‘our dear John’ and ‘my saviour’, what a journey,” Momo hummed her neutral observation. She knew she couldn’t exactly throw stones on that topic.

“A lot of people deserve to be stabbed,” Siena dismissed and stretched backwards. With her slender fingers in his hair and reaching his ear as best she could, she whispered, “Spread your seed inside me, in three… two…” Her inhuman pussy turned from merely unusual to hellishly fantastic. All of the tiny tendrils caressed him at a high frequency, invoking a sensation between vibration, pussy, a blowjob, and something else entirely. John was ready to cum almost immediately, but the countdown was sadistically delayed. “Oooooneeeeee,” Siena stretched the word out. Between the challenge and the wish to please her, the Gamer put up with having to submit for a little bit. “Cum.”

If there was one thing that made edging worth it, it was the raw intensity of the bliss washing over someone when the orgasm finally came. Siena giggled and moaned, while he filled her up with wave after wave of thick seed. Her firm, smooth ass kept softly rotating, her folds massaged the length of him with pressuring pulses, wringing each drop out of him.

“Such a good man,” Siena purred, rising from his cock and plunging right back down after turning around. “Kiss me, my saviour.”

John obliged eagerly, tasting her lips. Like the air of a deep night, she tasted, mixed with sweetness and a hint of spice. Her smooth tongue wrapped around his, extending to unusual but not unpleasant lengths. When she decided she had enough, Siena pushed him into the backrest and smooshed her tits in his face. Since she was so eager to pamper him, John just enjoyed the softness of her sizable chest.

Done with the cleaning, Momo made a retching sound. “Your romancing makes me sick. What’s up with that saviour stuff anyway?”

“An acknowledgement that I changed for the better because of him,” Siena responded, pressing John’s head deeper into her cleavage and thus blocking any chance he had to verbally participate in the conversation. “Even if he needs to be more daring.” Feeling challenged, John squeezed her bubble butt with both hands. “Such a simple, good man,” Siena laughed, sinfully.

The pampering treatment continued until John had cum inside Siena two more times, at which point she got up for good and walked to the showers, cum running down the inside of her thigh. Both John and Momo were staring at her ass until it left their view.

Just as John considered taking a shower himself, he had gotten pretty sweaty over the past hour, the other haremettes started pouring into the room. Checking the clock, he realized that it was getting close to lunch time. Aclysia looked at John and his unoccupied dick. With a sour expression, she let the other girls claim that opportunity while she marched towards the kitchen.

In her stead, Nia was quick to teleport over and start licking his manhood with perverted fervour. After a couple of seconds, she was joined by Undine and Gnome, all three worshipping his dick in their individual, shy or direct, ways. Elsewhere in the room, Nathalia grabbed the Mandala Sphere demandingly, and started riding Jack as soon as he had fully morphed. Beatrice grabbed a couple more towels and started cleaning the room properly. As much as Momo tried, she was not quite as used or as meticulous when it came to cleaning as the perfectionist maid.

‘Can my life get any better?’ the Gamer wondered. ‘Loving nymphomaniacs all around me, getting off on sucking my dick. All of them women I adore with all my heart. They take care of me, I take care of them, what greater thing can there be in life?’

“I miss the Harem Couch,” Eliana whined, wrapping her arms around John’s neck. Because it was just a regular seat, she had to sit down on the armrest. “This fucking sucks!”

“We can’t be spoiled all the time,” John said and gave the pretty little psycho a kiss.

“Rich coming from you right now,” Lee remarked, sitting down on the other armrest.

“To be fair, I didn’t ask for this, you five just decided to pile on me.” Arms wrapping around both of the smaller women, John pulled them as close as he could without interrupting the activity between his legs. “How are you faring, Lee?” he asked.

“So, so,” she admitted. With a sour expression, she continued, “Dad was totally right. By the end of this I’ll be ready to sleep for a whole day and rest my magical circuits.”

“He does have a lot of experience.”

“Still sucks when he is right!”

John just laughed and kissed the rebellious genius on the forehead. In the background, Scarlett was shaking Rave. “Yo, Jane, stop being in a cock coma. Beatrice needs to clean and I need somewhere to sit.”

“But cock comas are fuuuuuuun,” Rave responded in a sleepy tone.

“I don’t give a fuck, get up.” Shaking her continuously, the technomancer eventually got Rave to stand up and move to the shower room. Momo was right behind her. The two had to scrub themselves off after the earlier experience.

Given what that experience had been, particularly the anal component of it, John would have usually followed them before he got his dick worked on. That Master Stud allowed him to just dismiss the dick he put in that less hygienic entrance made things a bit easier. It was a bit annoying that he could only take advantage of this when having sex doggy style, due to the second cock appearing above his real one, but that was, given his personal tastes in the female physique, not that much of a problem.

“Everything going well with you too, Eliana?” John asked.

The question ended the mad giggling alongside which the white-haired woman had nuzzled against him. “It’s all fucking right,” she told him. “Typical day of my usele-…“ She stopped herself when John gave her a warning glare. After sorting her words out, she continued, “…dumbfuck existence. Bit of existential dread here, some depressive episode there, thinking about what kind of shithead ever thought it was okay to give me a brain when I can just be a cumbucket and be about as useful…”

“Eliana,” John interrupted her with a warning growl, “you’re not just someone I have sex with.”

“That’s all I fucking do with my life though.”

“Did you not just spend the whole morning training to defend what we built?” John asked. “What about your art? People love your paintings.”

“Get out of here with your fucking facts, you cuntwaffling cock-providing asshole!” cussed the squirming, embarrassed crazy girl. A big smirk dominated her face, corrupted slightly by discomfort. It was an unusual mix of emotions. For regular people, it was an unusual mix of emotions. For Eliana, it was a weekly occurrence. “And fuck my breeding hole!”

“Maybe I will,” John hummed and placed a hand on her round butt. ‘God… she would be such a weird mother, but I just can’t wait to make her one. We would manage, we’ve always managed. I do have to wait though…’

“His cock is occupied,” Nia interrupted his thoughts.

“Fuck you, you creepy blonde bimbo bitch!”



“You can be very scary, small Eliana. If I tell you no firmly, you back down though.”


“Can you not scream so much next to my ear?” John requested.

The mood swing was immediate, and in a sickly sweet, submissive tone, Eliana said, “Yes, Master. Sorry, Master.” As a reward for her quick calming, John gave a soft tap on her butt. Because she had been fighting, she at least wore her usual outfit: a leather bra and thong, both secured to metal rings, with a black robe on top and a pair of thigh-high boots with numerous belts covering their length. Originally, she had picked that outfit (minus the boots, she used to go barefoot) because it had been hard to get her to wear anything at all. Nowadays she was used to clothes enough to wear them when she wandered through the mundane, but still preferred to keep it minimalistic.

“You are such an adorable, sexy thing.” John kissed a way down from her ear to her lower neck.

“Ehe… ehehehe… mwaha… ehehehahahaeheeeee.” The gleeful giggles of the insane girl reverberated in the room. Tending to her wasn’t the only thing John did. His hands were wandering steadily between all five of the girls around him. Giving all of them the same amount of attention as he received was absolutely impossible, but he could at least try. He also had to keep participating in the conversations that were had in the living room.

The specific members of his harem, his endless sexual stamina, and his Charisma made it a lot easier to maintain this particular social dynamic than it would have been for any regular man. What work he did have to put in, he did happily. It wasn’t always easy, having to consider the emotional state of sixteen other people at all times did get exhausting sometimes. What he got in return, the support of and a shared future with those same sixteen women, was more than worth it.

When Aclysia and Beatrice put the first plates on the dinner table, John found an opening for himself to finally check out the third Perk of the Metracana Master Class.


As obvious as the choice was, considering John’s current priorities, it still hurt him. Understanding of Wrath was just incredible, as all Stat scaling increases were, and John was surprised to see something like it show up before the sixth level in the Class.

New Metracanas was not quite as good, due to the investment required to make it work. As of right now, John had no plans to add a fourth to his cadre of white-haired maids. His harem was large enough and he expected it to grow further without artificially adding new women to his close circle of associates. Lorelei came to mind – at least John was pretty certain that he and the seer had a mutual interest in each other.

Resonance of Wrath was exactly what he had been hoping for, however, so there was no way he could properly consider the other two. The guaranteed seamless integration of even semi-suitable materials meant that, by all data points Medelnick had shared with John, pieces of Fenrir would definitely serve to restore Metra to her full might. Changes in Attributes would be largely neutral, at least so he assumed. Adjustments to her physical form had John slightly worried though.

‘Gaia wouldn’t turn my gorgeous muscular tomboy into a werewolf, right?’ John thought and looked over at Metra. The First of Wrath had recovered from her earlier cuddle-embarrassment, but still avoided direct eye contact with John. It was as if she didn’t want to admit that he had found a shy side to her. When it became apparent that John tried to get her attention, however, she got over herself.

“What’s the Perk?” she asked, only to get it sent across the room. The window was consequently bumped from one haremette to the other, each of them reading it, some being happy to just take the mental image of another one to hasten the process along.

Around that time, Rave, Momo and Siena returned from the shower. They had taken a long time, for obvious reasons. Their cheeks were flushed from more than the warmth of the water they had been under.

“I see no problem with this.” Rave sounded confused as to why John was even hesitating. “Mat could rock being a wolf girl. More cute ears around, everyone wins.”

“What if she turns into a two-metre-tall human-wolf hybrid covered in fur though?” John hummed and let out a long sigh. “Not to sound thankless, but a condition for being in my harem is that I find you attractive.”

Siena looked demonstrably around the room. “I thought it was an either-or condition. You need to be either snarky or entertaining to bully.”

“And where would you fall in that category?” Momo asked.

“Clearly, I am the exception.” Siena laughed behind raised hand. A whip by her tail on Momo’s butt silenced any potential retort.

“Let’s be real,” Metra leaned back in her spot on the couch, crossing her hands between her head, “even if I did turn into some hairy monstrosity, you’d get a Perk to fix that shit down the line. I can live with being unfuckable for some months or years – not with being this fucking weak forever.” Staring at the ceiling, the First of Wrath muttered. “I’m a weapon.”

“You’re so-“ John started, but Metra cut him off.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m more than just a weapon, but look at it this way. You’re more than a man, but if your dick only functioned half the time you wanted it to, you’d not be too happy about that, right?”

“That’s fair enough,” John conceded. After a brief moment of hesitation, he finally pressed the Resonance of Wrath button and was done with it.

“The food is ready,” Aclysia called them.


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