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The circle of visitors shrunk considerably over the course of the day. The first people had started to leave around two in the afternoon. Because the party had started so early, several of the attendees had opted to dedicate the early part of the day to it and then move on to meet with friends and families. Particularly the older or less close acquaintances of John and the harem had opted for that route.

For that reason, as the day progressed, the setting got more and more familiar. The proper behaviour one put up when around strangers or basic acquaintances broke down more and more. The first round of dances was prim and proper. The second, about two hours later, already involved John groping his harem a whole lot. The third was almost more of an erotic display than an actual dance.

By the time the afternoon rolled into the evening, the party primarily consisted of the harem and a few guests that were still around. By that point, they left the ballroom and the base floor entirely and went upstairs to the apartment. They didn’t need all that space and the third shift maids could then entirely concentrate on cleaning up and going home. John allowed them to take whatever they wanted from the remains and maybe party it up themselves in one of the discussion rooms. Maximillian went a step further and invited two of them, the demon Amelia among them, to join them later.

“And you think you can just invite people into my apartment?” John complained as they made their way up the stairs. The metal steps clacked under the many feet.

“I just assumed maids could treat your door like it was unlocked at all times,” the gravity mage replied, a slime girl under each arm. The same slime girl, technically speaking.

Magnus let out an amused grunt. His parents had left already but his girlfriend was still right there with him. “For good reasons.”

“You two can act like I’m weird for loving maids, but we all know they’re the supreme aesthetic.” Without hesitation, John slapped the ass right in front of him. That butt, so round even the skirt she wore was forced to reveal its bounciness, belonged to none other than Momo. She let out a surprised yelp.

“Don’t make me kick you!” the sassy support warned.

“You wouldn’t.” John smirked, extra daring thanks to the mild intoxication the course of the day had imbued him with. Before Momo could say or do anything to contradict him, he dove headfirst between her thighs. His head was facing the wrong way for any lewd endeavours, although she did still gasp when she was suddenly lifted up.

“Let me down!” she demanded, ultimately proving that she would kick him by drumming against his chest with her heels.

“Nope,” John refused, grabbing her thighs for stabilization and because they were doubly pleasing when around his neck and under his fingers.

“I’m heavy!” she berated John, even as she took hold of his head.

“No, you’re not.”

“I’m literally made out of metal!”

“And I’m literally superhuman.” Arriving on the upper floor, they continued on with Momo just quietly, almost appreciatively, accepting her fate.

“Let me guess, you only have your ceiling that absurdly high to carry girls on your shoulders?” Wendy remarked, and John just knowingly smiled at her. Behind the fast-food goddess were Alice, Janet (the chicken), Ahanu, Chemilia and Ted. All of them made their way to the apartment.

They had to make some impromptu changes to the room so they all had a seat. As big as the Harem Couch was, in its regular shape, it was meant to ‘only’ hold about 20 people. If the couch was too big, that inhibited natural cuddle occurrences, after all.

Their problem was quite easily fixed thanks to the fully magical nature of the Couch. Clicking a button made it stretch all the way to the wall and then it grew a whole new corner. That blocked access to the bedroom, but they wouldn’t need to go there for a couple more hours anyway. Plus, if they needed to for some reason, the Harem Couch would just get out of the way.

The table situation was a little more difficult to alleviate, but Gnome worked things out by creating stone and consequently shaping it. Maximized in every regard, they started to populate the couch while Aclysia and Beatrice went ahead and fetched some more drinks for continuous consumption.

“How are you doing that?” Maximillian asked, while the Harem Couch bent its backrest into a semi-circle.

John sat down, Metra on one side, Eliana on the other, and gestured to the Lover’s Will mark on both of them. To show Eliana’s, he had to pull up her shirt, but the pretty little psycho didn’t mind whatsoever. “You need one of these,” he told them. Fundamentally, the Harem Couch was meant to be easily changed via settings. The one that made it automatically reshape itself in response to intent was coupled to Lover’s Will. It only made sense, given that the piece of furniture was a Harem Gamer Perk and that Class was entirely based on John’s harem life.

“Anyone here a tattoo artist?” Maximilian joked, still sitting comfortably, and with both of Laralia’s bodies on his sides, on the Couch. Even if it didn’t react to thoughts, it was a perfectly good couch.

“As if It’s that simple,” Momo rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, as if I would put in such a big oversight,” Gaia agreed, crossing her legs, perfect in their balance between slenderness and thickness, while the Couch formed into a throne around her. Given that it still remained a couch in its parts and that Gaia’s chosen form was rather short, that meant the end result looked basically like an armchair. The supreme deity flicked her long, green hair so that it cascaded, in all of its stormy curls, over her chest and the black dress she always seemed to wear. One of the four strands that made up the skirt was tucked between her legs, covering her crotch but leaving most of her absolutely flawless bubble butt to be seen. Shifting patterns of rainbow-coloured energy moved over her dress continuously. “Only one who gets special privileges is me.”

The sudden arrival of the supreme deity left about half of the room baffled. John, among most of his harem, recovered from the surprise within a second. Other people in the room, especially those who hadn’t seen the supreme deity before, stared open-eyed.

“Aclysia, be a dear and bring me a drink,” Gaia instructed the weaponized maid when she placed a crate of beer on the table. “A Moscow Mule, to be exact.”

“Affirmative,” Aclysia said and bowed deeply, before moving to the kitchen to fulfil the order.

“She’s such a good girl,” Gaia hummed.

John couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “You literally hold the key to the possibility of us having children. Anyone would be nice to you in that circumstance.”

“Hey, ungrateful brat, you keep not picking that Perk when it shows up. Life,” she gestured at herself, “hands you lemonade and you piss in the glass.”

“Greatest of all spirits, I…” Ahanu started, sliding off the couch to kneel before Gaia. Before he hit the ground, satiating John’s curiosity what kind of kneeling was customary in the Hidden Tradition, the supreme deity snapped her fingers and Ahanu was back in his seat.

“’I am greatly honoured to be in your presence, and’ so on and so on,” Gaia waved off. “I get those speeches every time I show up. Just calm down, it’s not that big of a deal. I’m all around you at all times.”

“Conceited as fucking always,” Eliana cussed her way into the conversation. “The fat ass here wants everyone to worship her, but when people actually do it, she gives them sass for it. An absolute shithead, that’s what the ruler of reality is. No wonder everything is so fucked up!”

“Watch your mouth before I make it disappear.”

“Oh yeah? You’re gonna delete my cumguzzling entrance? How about you get fucked, you total cunt?”

John put an arm around Eliana’s throat and put her in a chokehold. That silenced her in a way she enjoyed. Because the shouting matches between Eliana and Gaia always lasted forever, he decided to just end it that way. “We haven’t seen you in a while,” he remarked instead. Sarcastically, he added, “Were you busy?” He already knew that Gaia could create as many bodies and be as omniscient as she wanted to be, so that was an impossible proposition.

“Honestly just didn’t feel like answering all of the questions in that nerd brain of yours,” Gaia responded, just as Aclysia returned with her drink. “You’re fantastic. The impregnation Perk is definitely in the Breeder Class.”

“I am eternally grateful to live in your world, supreme deity.” Aclysia bowed all the way to her hips.

“As you should be, even if I do fairly little to run it.” Looking deep into her glass, Gaia mumbled, “Not that doing nothing when you have the capacity to change everything is ever easy.”

“I have just as many questions as always,” the Gamer remarked.

“Sure, but I decided I’ll just not answer any of them,” responded the supreme deity and leaned back. “I am already more involved with you than I perhaps should be, overseeing the development of your Innate Ability and giving you Quests. Stepping even further out of my principles by also giving you information would imbalance things too much. Figure it out yourself.”

“So, it depends on your fickle moods?” the Gamer asked.

“Reality depends on my very stable mood, thank you very much.” Gaia’s response was as swift and sassy as always. “Or maybe it doesn’t. Maybe I’m just a custodian. You’ll never know.”

“Probably not,” John agreed. “Anyway, you’re just here to have a good time then?”

“Zone decided she’d have some kind of massive fap festival and Feri wants to sleep until next year, so yes, I’m bored,” Gaia responded and emptied her Moscow Mule. “Seriously, I love everything this maid touches. Seconds!”

“At once.” Aclysia hurried over to take the glass and prepare a new one.

The evening, once the others had recovered from the shock, continued merrily. John attempted, several times, to coax just a crumb of intel from Gaia, but each time he got some kind of lie that was either obvious or so unlikely that he couldn’t verify that it was the truth. Eventually, he just stopped trying. If she didn’t want to, then there was no way to make her talk. Better to just maintain the kind of relationship he wanted: her blasting him with her sass whenever she wanted and with the potential of some mind-blowing sex at some point.

It had only been once before, but the precedent was set, so John could hope. There was also, in theory, the booty call option in his Achievement Store, but he wasn’t convinced he would ever use it. It cost quite a bit of GP and he liked it more when Gaia came to him, all horny and ready, rather than the other way around.

Others in the room, Ahanu primarily, tried to talk to her as well. Whenever things got too venerating, she berated the person in question. Gaia seemed happiest when she was just talked to. Predictably, the alcohol had no effect on her, while it loosened everyone else up to the point that they spoke to the ruler of creation with a carefree tongue.

“And fuck you for making Hellfire a thing,” Chemilia said, scratching the hand-shaped burn mark on her throat. “I liked my leg!”

Gaia shrugged. “You’re a regular human, I’m sure you will figure out how to fix it.”

Immediately John, and his entire harem, perked up. “There’s a way to fix it?” the Gamer wanted to know.

Opening her arms to shrug, Gaia refused, yet again, to give a definitive answer. John fell back into the couch and sighed. There was factually no need for him to regain his eyesight. Of all the people in the room, he had gotten away with the least amount of permanent harm, at least after they all had gotten their fixes.

Chemilia and Ted both had scar tissue on their skin, which was far less pleasant than having to fiddle in some contact lenses in the morning. Without the support they received from outside tools, John would have been the worst off (it was easier to move in a wheelchair than to be blind). As it was, he could cope more effectively.

Other than that little incident hitting on his mood, it was a splendidly merry evening.



It be funny if word got out or John bragged to the Golden Rose about Gaia being at his Christmas party.