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“Enjoy it while you have it, ladies,” John said, with his hands stemmed into his hips. He was standing in the middle of the shower room, watching his harem clean themselves (and each other).

“Audible gasp!” Sylph declared, zapping over to him. “Are you leaving us? Should I enjoy you while you’re still here? Is this some weird excuse to fuck? I’m down!” She was already rubbing her pussy. “Like, really down! Push me down, John, and let’s fuck like rabbits!”

John took the pushing and the fucking part of that offer, driving Sylph against the wall and ploughing her from behind. “I mean the shower room,” he explained over the arcvolt elementals moans. “This entire thing is getting a redesign once we’re upgrading to the last Guild Hall Tier.”

“I fail to see the loss,” Nathalia responded, combing her hair with her fingers while the shower of water washed over her. “This room is drab. Boring. White tiles, metal showerheads, space and a glass wall. Not worthy of a space in which I keep grooming myself.”

“Yeah, I was thinking something grand with normal showers and rain simulations, perhaps a small hot spring, a sauna… you know we’ll have an absolutely absurd amount of space once the upgrade is… oh fuck…” He tried his best to keep the conversation up, but Sylph’s pussy was just too good. Only after cumming inside her and switching things to her sucking him off could he continue. “Once the upgrade is done.”

“How much is an absurd amount of space?” Scarlett wanted to know.

“I estimate… several floors of about 250’000 square metres. That’s about three times the size of Buckingham Palace, for reference.”

“The Palace will upgrade to 500 by 500 metres?” Rave asked.

“Well, granted, that’s a rough estimation of the star fort,” John elaborated further. “The actual Palace will be about half as wide, so more like 250 times 250, or 62’500 square metres per floor.”

“That’s just a quarter,” Sylph remarked between licks.

“Yes, that is how multiplying sides that are half as long works.” The Gamer put a hand on her head. “Want to do more math or suck my dick?”

“One is boring, the other fills my mouth with delicious cum, so that seems like a trick question.” Sylph grinned and went back to blowing him with her greedy little mouth.

“Who fucking cares how enormous your bitching house is?!” Eliana shouted. “Are you trying to attract some gold-digging whores to breed? YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT BE!”

The obvious counter to that, being that John already had a big enough house and status to attract that kind of woman, was not the one that would have calmed Eliana down in the slightest. “No babies before ours, I swear,” he promised her instead.

That crashed her crazy outcry into a series of similarly crazy giggles. It would have probably collapsed it into some demands to be filled up right that second, had John not already been occupied with Sylph. Her blowjob transitioned into a facefucking, after John put the water on. The need to clean himself was greatly diminished by the two maids that swiftly moved up to him to do their usual.

About thirty minutes later, they all were back in the living room, freshened up and naked. John checked the clock. “Alright, we have about twenty minutes before we need to head down, so let’s get dressed.”

It was the first day of Christmas, the 25th of December, and today they would have their friends over. Because their combined circle of close acquaintances, plus their significant others, was way too large to fit into their living room, they were holding the party down on the base floor of the Palace.

While the first floor was separated into smaller segments such as the personal apartments of the haremettes or rooms for specific purposes such as the indoor pool, the base floor was cut into four evenly sized quarters. The northwest and southeast quarters were claimed by evenly sized guest rooms. Northeast was one giant hall, which John simply titled the ballroom. Southwest was an assortment of differently sized chambers, filled with ebon wood furniture, ventilation and alcohol.

The last one of these four area types had seen the most use so far, getting one of the various rooms occupied whenever John wanted to have a gathering in relative privacy within his own home. That the other two had gone basically unused so far wasn’t all that surprising. After all, how often did John want to host a ball in his home when the topics were usually about some matter of state? That he could afford to have such an enormous, mostly unused room in his house only spoke to his absurd wealth.

Between the ballroom, the discussion chambers and the guestrooms, the first floor would have more than enough space for all of the guests. They could hang out together in the open areas, have private talks in the withdrawn parts, or could occupy one of the guestrooms to have really private ‘talks’. There were very few guests John thought would have that desire, but he himself would doubtlessly run into the issue at least once during the day and his haremettes were more than likely to go satisfy each other once during the day.

Because it was a get-together with friends, everyone, himself included, decided to go for casual clothes. John put on a black shirt and dark cotton pants, a combination not quite as lax as the slouchy stuff he wore (if anything) in his home – for presentation purposes. Rave put on a crop top with thin shoulder straps and yoga pants, leaving her flat midriff bare and the upper edge of the Lover’s Will Mark visible. Aclysia wore a simple blouse and a pleated skirt, both black with red decorations, matching the colour of her horns and the gem between her exposed collarbones. Beatrice mimicked the outfit and the colour coordination, meaning that her clothes were primarily white with blue decorations.

Nathalia refused to wear clothes and only grew out her scales in the usual, barely decent manner. Eliana decided to go with a plain, purple t-shirt, leather pants, and her usual thigh-high boots. Gnome wanted to show off the new colour of her elemental clothes. The summer dress that she could manifest at will had changed from the gold of autumn leaves to the white and blue of winter snow. The aesthetic of melded leaves remained; their outlines were where the blue was at its most intense.

Salamander put on an absolutely scandalous tight leather corset that transformed her enormous breasts into a cleavage people wanted to fall into. She wore nothing under it, and the gap between it and the leather pants was twice as wide as it needed to be for her tail to have the space it needed. Modest by comparison, Undine played into her goth aesthetic by using her human form in combination with a dark grey top, covered in black decorations, and a long skirt. Sylph wore a white t-shirt and hotpants, both fitting for a sportsy type girl. Although, as an elemental, she had no use for working out, she did have the athletic appearance to fit. Siena’s top was a midnight blue shirt with two buttons open and a cut-out at the back for her tail. It fit both the colour of her blueish grey skin and the darkness of her long hair. For her legwear, the midnight elemental chose a pencil skirt.

Momo decided to roughly follow the colour coordination of the other two Artificial Spirits and wore a white blouse together with a black skirt. The former was partly hidden under the poncho she put on top of that, though. Lydia went with her usual clothes, a shirt with the two upper buttons open, orderly tugged away into her dark green pants. She tried to not take Strimata with her, but like usual, the semi-sentient weapon kept appearing around her.

Nia and Lee went in a partner look, something the young Fateweaver had suggested. They didn’t have the naturally similar (or opposite) features to pull this off to the same level of synergy as other members of the harem, but they were individually attractive in their matching frilly white blouses and blue jeans. Which one of the two wore it better was hard to tell with certainty. Obviously, Lee had the advantage of a nicer ass under the denim, but Nia was a good bit taller and slender legs in tight jeans did have a special appeal.

The last two, Metra and Scarlett, went in their usual clothes. The First of Wrath wore a tiny crop top and hotpants, both barely qualifying as something more than bra and panties, both of a grey colour, and both with semi-transparent areas that practically teased complete nudity. At the very least, nipples and pussy were completely hidden. The Lover’s Will mark, however, was completely in the open. Scarlett had her black suit pants and red top. Had she put on the jacket as well, she would have been decisively overdressed, compared to the rest of them.

They were, looked at in their entirety, an odd bunch. That was fine with John, though.

They moved downstairs just in time to greet the first guests, Maximillian, Hawpler, and the gemini elemental Laralia, with both of her bodies. The royal and the water spirit had not yet made a contract, but the Water Island allowed her to come to the gathering anyway. Next to arrive was the Magus family, Nina included. Then came Ted and Chemilia. Corith, their personal assistant and member of Ted’s own ‘harem’ (which was really more Chemilia’s harem of female side pieces she liked to share with her submissive husband), soon followed. There was Horace, the representative of the Meltpot state in the House of Exceptionals. He wasn’t a close friend of John’s but the Gamer respected him enough to give him the option to come. Worlina and Cindy somehow managed to arrive at the exact same time. The two reporters had agreed not to publish anything they heard tonight. It still wasn’t exactly secure to invite them, but they were friends of the harem (of Rave more so than John) and so they were invited.

Wendy and Alice rung on the door, bringing the chicken Janet with them. Seeing the redhead with a chicken under her arm would have been odd, had John not been used to such sights. Ahanu arrived on his own, telling the Gamer that Elu was with her own great-great-grandchildren today. To John’s surprise, even Dramar showed up, even if he insisted on participating under his Mister Dra persona. Lastly, Marie joined them.

At least as far as the people John knew were concerned.

Rave had invited a few likeable people she had met during her philanthropic work projects, the elementals had told some of the friends they had made to join them, Scarlett had invited a couple business people she could stand, and so on.

Between greeting old friends and acquaintances and new people he had only heard of, John was occupied for over an hour. Most of the conversations started with complaints over the weather. The snowfall was still going on and it made for an easy conversation starter. After the third time, that got exceedingly dull, but John managed to chew through the repetitions with smiles and jokes. Usually, he was freed from the awkwardness of meeting new people thanks to either Copernicus, Stirwin or Velka walking by and presenting themselves as particularly pat-able.

The Magryph was especially often around to offer herself as an adorable distraction. Not only were the two light spirits considerably less willing to agree to being pet, having considerably higher intellect than the, ultimately still animalist, bird cat, but Velka also knew she could get something out of it. For one, bribing everyone with just how cute she could be gave her free access to all of the food she couldn’t reach because she wasn’t allowed to jump on any of the tables in the poshly decorated ballroom (or any tables in general, for that matter). More importantly, Velka knew that all it took was someone to mention that she liked shiny objects for one of the many wealthy individuals to throw something her way. Most importantly, Velka had an eye for when John was getting tired of a particular individual and she knew that pleasing her owner would lead to the shiniest of objects.

Of course, she could have none of the silverware that lay around the fine porcelain plates, decorating the champagne-coloured tablecloths. The round tables were laid out in three layers, with a clearing to dance at the centre. Instruments stood at the ready for anyone who could play them to use, but for the moment music played from speakers that were expertly hidden within the decorative renaissance-style pillars that stood between the large mirrors that covered most of the walls. A smoker’s area was cornered off via glass in metal frames, a compromise between the clear air in- and the crisp air outside. The marble floor was polished, the ceiling and its decorations worthy of the residence of European aristocrats.

Helping that impression along were the numerous maids scattered about the room. They were quite diverse in their appearances, albeit not in their outfits. Headpieces served as a sign of rank, while the long, slit skirts and corset-esque tops over a white shirt closely reminded of the outfits of John’s personal maids. This was no happenstance, of course, as those were the maids from Aclysia’s school, getting some practical experience on the occasion. There was simply no way that Aclysia could have attended as both a host and service personnel. There were too many guests for that and John wouldn’t have wanted it anyway. Despite his best wishes, both her and Beatrice ended up in coordinating roles several times, but that was just how they worked.

‘Nice to see her doing well,’ John thought, watching the one and only demon among the maids move about with purpose and the proper level of grace. The afrit Amelia had been among the few the Golden Rose brought in the aftermath of the New Libraria situation. That she prospered was something he heard in Aclysia’s updates about her school, but hadn’t been able to confirm for himself yet.

He was distracted when he was approached by Magoi. “Through the greeting buzz, John?” the High Fateweaver asked, a glass of champagne in hand. Magoi was most unusually dressed, in the sense that he was pretty normally dressed. Seeing someone whose common appearance contained a raptor skull mask, a butler outfit and a top hat in a long-sleeved, wine red shirt and jeans was a bigger culture shock than the solar jaguar currently chasing a ‘cosmic chicken’ through the room. The Gamer probably had seen more of the scarred, hairless face in the last hour than he had in the entire rest of their relationship.

A total exaggeration, given the many times they had dinner together, but it still felt like it.

“Seems so,” John agreed, raising a hand and wiggling with his fingers in a beckoning fashion. Making eye contact with one of the maids was optional, they understood the demand either way and brought him a glass of champagne. “Given your experience, you held an event like this before, right?”

“What a nice way to say I’m old,” Magoi laughed and the two cheered before taking a sip each. “Yes, I’ve organized a festivity or two, although it was never in a private capacity.”

“Really?” Momo asked, chiming into the conversation. “You always struck me as the ‘done it all’ type.”

“Hello there, Momo, a.k.a. the one that always talks back, a.k.a. the returner,” Magoi greeted the fairy support.

“We said hello earlier,” the sassy white-haired woman responded drily. “Getting dementia already?”

“In my age, dementia is more than justified,” the High Fateweaver shook his head, “but no. I may be the ‘done it all’ type, but I haven’t actually done it all.” He emptied his champagne in one swoop. “Enough about me, though, I hear you will become our new chancellor?”

Momo’s thick eyebrows pulled together, putting her forehead into irritated wrinkles. “Oy, John, I haven’t said yes to that yet,” she complained.

“I didn’t say you had said yes – yet,” John emphasized that particular word. “It’s just that I told Magoi, several months ago, that you would be my favourite for the position.”

“And with Aclysia recently stepping down from the position, you are naturally slotted to take it up,” Magoi finished up. “Unless you don’t feel like it…?”

“I mean…” Momo averted her gaze, “…I do like working…”

“…and maid uniforms,” John threw in there.

“…and maid uni- oy!”

“It’s part of the job description,” said the Gamer, with crossed arms. “Plus, you look adorable in one.”

“I… urgh,” Momo rolled her eyes, “you say that to all the girls.”

“Most of the girls, and when I say it, it’s always true.” Inching a little bit closer, the Gamer bowed towards her ear. With an unwilling sound, she turned her head away. Her feet didn’t move at all. “So, what’s your answer?” he pushed, gently caressing her lower back.

“…Fine! Whatever, fine! I’ll do it!” the unnecessarily flustered chancellor-to-be exclaimed.

“The job or the uniform?” John grinned.

“Ye-“ Momo started her answer.

Then the entire room trembled softly, but noticeably.



Straight to jail! (I really wish you could comment with .gif's)


Tilgun arrived?