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Snow crunched under John’s feet as he walked away from the Palace. Strictly speaking, there was no need for him to actually head out. He could have just gone to one of the many unoccupied rooms in the Palace and wasted half an hour with mobile games, reading a book, or swimming in one of the indoor pools they had. Coming from the cold outside into the warm arms of his harem, however, felt more up his alley.

There was a soft wind, breaking on John’s jacket, caused by several air elementals that flew around the place in whimsical frolic. Many of the smaller ones would never have seen snow before and played with it by gathering several of the falling thick flakes and making a group effort to form a small ball.

One such small ball landed on top of Velka’s head. The Magryph had followed John, if only because she wanted to see more of the odd cold flaky stuff that had suddenly appeared all around. Now her attention was swiftly redirected from playing with the snow to chasing after those that would tease her.

John looked after the Magryph, as she flew after the dispersing, giggling air spirits. ‘I hope she won’t do anything stupid,’ he thought. This was Velka’s first encounter with thick snow. Even to John, walking through it was a hassle. He ploughed through the ankle-high snow, leaving a trail behind him. To the dog-sized bird-cat, running would be a much more exhausting and heat-sapping effort. Flying was similarly hindered by the cold air and the steady snowfall. If Velka overexerted herself and got snowed in somewhere, that would be the end of her. To John, losing body heat was mostly an unpleasant feeling. It would take days for him to die of hypothermia on its own.

Just to be sure, the Gamer reduced the amount of snowfall from ‘constant’ to ‘sparse’. There was enough of the stuff anyway. Optimally, Velka would be able to find shelter between the trees or somewhere else the frozen water hadn’t fallen. It was highly probable that, if she managed to exhaust herself to a dangerous degree, a fire spirit would find her as long as the Magryph didn’t get snowed in.

‘I’m probably worrying too much anyway. Velka is a smart girl.’ John steered his thoughts in another direction as he crossed the bridge over to the Guild Hall proper. ‘Where should I go? It shouldn’t be too far; I don’t want to be out longer than I need… let’s just head to the next bridge over.’

At a quick pace, he could make that 2 ½ kilometre walk in roughly twenty-five minutes. Past the bridge, the snow wasn’t an issue either. Only a thin layer covered the stone, to be soon gobbled up by one of the three-slime units that formed a ‘wall’ progressing steadily over the pavement. It was an automatic procedure and, like all automatic procedures, it had a couple of bugs or oversights. Apparently, the slimes only cleaned the walkways, fully ignoring any Buildings directly attached to them. The result was that the bridges remained covered by snow. John finagled with some Guild Hall settings to try and fix that.

When he was content with his adjustments, he put his hands back into his pockets. Being a superhuman had an odd interaction with the cold. His body retained the heat much, much better than a mundane person could have ever hoped to and Gamer’s Body let him regain that heat instantly. Despite that, the feeling of cold on his skin was the same. While that made the sensation harmless, it was still profoundly unpleasant. For the same reason, John still avoided putting his hand on active stoves or pouring hot tea down his throat.

He reached Newman Shire. A group of teenagers, somewhere between 12 and 14 years old, were busy building a snowman. Only when the snowman waved at John did he realize that he was looking at some kind of snow elemental. It evidently didn’t mind the treatment.

“Why’re you waving at that guy?” one of the teenagers asked.

“He’s the ruler of this place,” the snowman explained, a series of pebbles serving as his mouth.

“That’s supposed to be the great John Newman?” one of the teenagers asked and gave the Gamer a doubtful glance. “Mom said he looked really impressive.”

“Yeah, dad said that he’s so strong he made the entire country! Can’t be that thin guy.”

John stopped, unwilling to let such doubts on his ability pass his pride entirely unrefuted. His steady companion, the Mandala Sphere, warped into the shape of his double as he kept walking. That alone made the kids stare with their mouths open. When Jack then compacted two handfuls of snow into a ball and launched it at over 400 kilometres per hour, they had their breath knocked out of them.

Purely metaphorical, of course. There was no way John would have aimed with even half his Strength at a bunch of brats that didn’t know any better and whose supernatural abilities were probably limited to conjuring a small fire. The snowball just sailed through the air and eventually hit a treetop, making the plant shake the white from its leaves.

Remarkably, they were green. Unless John tapped a button, it would take several days for the trees to automatically go into ‘autumn’ and then ‘winter’ mode.

Jack transformed back into the Mandala Sphere and followed the original body. The kids shouted after John and demanded that he’d do it again. Ignoring them, he walked onwards. Under other circumstances, he might have obliged them. John took no particular liking to kids or teenagers. In his experience, they were snotty, bratty and cruel – which he knew was majorly informed by his own time as a youngling. That being said, he was trying to at least be neutral towards them. Pragmatically, it didn’t look good if the leader of a nation shoved away kids on camera. Looked worse if they hugged and sniffed them, but for entirely different reasons. Personally, John was hoping to have some kids on his own in the next two years.

‘It’ll be a lot different if they’re mine, but I might as well get used to the antics,’ he thought and kept walking in the direction of his goal. ‘Two years though… wonder why that number popped into my head first. I’ll be twenty-one then. Well, with time-dilation calculated, I’ll probably be twenty-two then. If that’s when I impregnate Eliza… Eliana, I’ll have my first child when I’m about twenty-three. Unless her superfast metabolism also makes her gestate in a couple of days.’ He jumped over three cleaning slimes that covered the path in front of him. They were moving at half his speed, a considerable annoyance even if he hadn’t been aiming to cover the distance in a set time. ‘Either way, that’s a more reasonable age to have kids than nineteen… God, I’m young.’

Realizing that there was only about half his current life difference between himself and the teenagers he left behind felt odd. Although, it had to be said, there were also several traumatic events and puberty between them. That and his Wisdom changed things considerably beyond years spent in the mortal coil.

‘Could just impregnate them all today…’ a suggestion rose in his mind. He was swift to disagree with himself. ‘Terrible idea on multiple levels. To start with, Eliana definitely isn’t stable enough yet. Knocking them all up at once would also take several of them out of the battlefield and Fusion still needs that security… well, granted, I can’t even impregnate the elementals or the AS yet… No, John, we aren’t doing it. There’s things that need to be done and safety that needs to be achieved before you can raise a family on a clear conscience.’ He sighed. ‘I’ll have to hear a lot of this the day after tomorrow anyway… oh God, how will I explain Eliza’s name change to my parents? They’ll go along with it, but they will be confused.’

He was out of the Newman Shire now, about halfway through his path. Right of him, the Fusion Administration stood in all of its glory. John very much liked the Building he worked in every day. It had that semi-modern, Enlightenment-era style that was visually pleasing and practical. A simple combination of colours, large windows between plaster and bricks, and an inside with walls half covered in wooden panels and otherwise painted in satisfying blue.

There was a surprising amount of buzz around it, particularly the Guild Bank attached to the north-west of the Great Archive, the two together making up the Fusion Administration. After a moment, John realized why that was. Where could one better hide the presents than in their personal dimensional pocket? They were probably all residents of the district to the southwest.

The people there, those that looked in his direction anyway, recognized him. As was custom, he was left alone. Not only because he had asked for it all the way back when he had first become famous but also because they had better things to do. From the Commercial district, the smell of roasted chestnuts and cinnamon drifted.

John wondered how many people had expected a Christmas speech from him. There had been a debate in his cabinet if he should give one. Ultimately, he had agreed to not hold a speech. As far as he was concerned, Christmas should be a mainly familial event. Making a speech as head of government would only serve to introduce a political element into the day. Some people (most people going by his current approval) would want to watch the speech and consequently to talk about it, others would not. There would be friction on the basis of that. The only way to avoid that and still make the speech was to make it as inoffensive as possible, which meant to make it as hollow as possible, which begged the question of why to give it in the first place. Similarly, if so few people would watch it that nobody would talk about it, why bother?

John also saw the pro-case, to make a speech for a unified vision and give the festival some national hope. Between the two narratives, he could have gone either way. The anti-side had just given the better arguments, in his opinion.

It helped that a political event was planned for New Years, being the admission of the Lake Alliance to the Federation. That definitely made the case for this year, but John was probably going to stick to the principles outlined. Keep Christmas for the family and New Years for the nation. There was something innately unifying about counting down to 0 with one’s entire country anyway.

Well, counting down with one’s entire time zone.

John passed by the festivities, just happy to see the people enjoy themselves. Everyone had a lot of fun with the snow, which he personally sympathized with. Getting a proper white Christmas in this corner of the globe was rare, but more than that the people cherished the break from the sweltering heat the First Lady imposed on them. The Guild Hall was not a place for anyone but summer children.

Suddenly, a window appeared in front of John.


‘Why thank you, supreme deity of the world,’ John sent a grateful prayer up to the heavens – or wherever Gaia currently felt like being located. The experience boost would come in quite handy for the final grinding session he had planned for the end of this year. As for the Skill Evolution, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Something perverted, doubtlessly, given the Skill that was evolving.


The choice was obvious to John immediately.

The Godhand easily overpowered the self-pleasuring decrease of Source of Satisfaction. Thing was that, for one, he had never needed nor desired to go back to masturbating. Between work and sixteen haremettes, when did he even have time to pleasure himself? Why would he do with his own hands what gorgeous babes would do for him with their mouths, cunts and assholes? All of that was putting aside the question whether he could stop once he started. At that level of pleasure increase, he may be stuck masturbating until he died of dehydration. Not worth the risk and not worth it in general, especially with what else was on offer.

Sexual Ascendancy was certainly interesting. Of the three, it offered the highest pleasure output increase, as well as some utility that could come in handy during negotiations. The number of women not sexually attracted to him was certainly miniscule.

However, Master Stud was the truly obvious choice. John had numerous ways to increase his blunt pleasure output in the future. If he even wanted that – his sexual supremacy was so absurd at this point that it took weeks to get ‘regular’ superhumans, like Lee, to get used to the full might of his ability. A second cock, however, was something he usually could only achieve by using Cumslut, which brought with it the drawbacks of spiking his Libido immensely and taking two of his elementals out of the equation. He rather enjoyed fucking Siena and Undine.

John pushed the button and whistled innocently as he walked back over the second bridge.

Revealing this ability would be a treat.


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